PAX got educated about PRIDE AND EGO.

AO: HFT Date: 12/19/19 PAX: Bobby Boucher, Cataracts, Crimson, Flenderson, Frisco, Hamm, Henny Penny, Oxtail, QueeQueg, Slappy, Theismann, FNG Shake It, Short Circuit, Shut-In, Traffic Cone, Two Factor, Wahoo, Yahoo, WWW, We did have an FNG so we recited the F3 mission, core values and credo cited. Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory and 16 of us head off for the workout and 3 head in the other direction to get in a 5+ miler (Shut In, Slappy, Two Factor). [Read More]

And recover. ( thanks Shut-in)

We are four days in to the week and this is my third Q. I’m not sure how some of you Q for an entire week, my brain hurts from coming up with the workouts almost as much as my legs do from doing the workout. Anyways, always happy to wake up super early to lead the Pax. Here goes my third Q. No fng’s so said the pledge and mosey around the pickle. [Read More]

Race Ya!

23 of the finest pax in all of Carpex-sub-region-Apex-Wednesday-bootcamper-regulars gathered in the gloom this morning for a non preblasted beatdown by YHC. Pax pulled in with minutes to spare, EC runners caught their breath, and has 0530 hit we dished out the disclaimer, raised our hands to our hearts for our country, set our Stravas, and took off towards the school. A long lap around the Bus Carpool loop and to the church courtyard for warmup: [Read More]

Girly Man Monday

A few weeks ago I wore my “Where the Heck is Ausfahrt?” shirt when I posted. And HIM Ausfahrt was not there. This prompted some to speak with a German accent… which eventually led to Hans and Franz and “Pumping You Up”. What better theme for a workout than to play songs about girls and get pumped with kettle bells? With my Ausfahrt shirt on and music paused for the pledge we began. [Read More]

The Smell of Math in the Morning

18 posted (Banjo and Sub EC’d starting at 4:45) at the quietest F3 AO in all of Carpex. If it wasn’t for those noisy yoga ladies, we’d really have a nice time. But Sour Mash refuses to do his Site Q job and chase them away. . . Let’s Get Started Disclaimer - Modify as needed, we will not leave you behind, but we will reinvigorate your male leadership. Pledge of allegiance Let’s mosey! [Read More]

Bricks and Burpies

My name is Chicken Little and I began F3 on June 5th, 2019 with Banjo as the Q at Lion’s Den. I feel that I was hooked almost immediately, after several other PAX that I’m friends with told me that I needed to come to F3. I was like, “yeah right, who begins to work out at 5:30 anyway?!” And then I remembered that I was fat… and realized that what I WAS doing was not working. [Read More]

Brought my weinke to a church parking lot

Opening- Working on a short notice from Banjo that he couldn’t Q this morning, YHC quickly threw my name on the Q-sheet. No FNG’s this morning. No sense in wasting any time so recited the Pledge and let’s get working. Warm-up- After a slow mosey around the pickle we circled up for a Crimson favorite of extremely slow Good Mornings, SSH, Sir Fazio, calf stretch, and windmill. The Thang #1- First we counted off into two groups. [Read More]

See Ya!

AO: Tortoises PAX: ASHBURY, CRIMSON, EZEKIEL, FLENDERSON, FRISCO, HALF BACK, HELLO KITTY, HOTTY TODDY, INTIMIDATOR, LOOKOUT, MEATLOAF, ROASTERS, SEGA, SHUT-IN, SUPERCELL, TRAFFIC CONE, TRIPLE LINDY Today brought something that I thought was years away, my VQ. In June I connected with Liverpool at a neighborhood party and asked what he had been up to, he replied I’ll pick you up at 5am Monday and you’ll see this thing called F3. After almost tossing merlot with a Hello Kitty Q at A-Team I survived and kept coming back for more pain. [Read More]

Iron Pax Week #2 - Meatloaf's Massacre

Today at Davis Drive Track - 5 HIMs showed up - 4 to complete the Iron Pax Week 2 Challenge and 1 to do some stuff with a ruck and support the other 4 HIDAs in the BeatDown aka Massacre aka Why?!?! Thang 1: $@#$%@#$#@!#&*%$$%@#$%@#$@#%@##@#$!#$@#%^&#$%@#$!@#$#^#%^#$%@#$%@#(%*#$^*#)(*%#(*$%)@)#(%*$@_(*#$(*%@)(#%*)(%$(%(^*#$(@#(@*#$)(^***#@(#%*@(#$(!)(!*@($*!)@$)(*%(@#$(*@#)$(*!@(#*!*!**#$ Thang 2: See Above Thang 3: See Thang 2 Thang 4: WTF. Why is there a Thang 4? - See Thang 3 Mary: We all laid on the ground and recovered. [Read More]

DLR's Choice!

YHC got on the signup sheet for this site months ago, right when it went live! Who knew I’d get busy at work and home, and let the fitness slide a bit (a LOT). So, with a Q on the horizon, I JUMPed back on the bandwagon last week to try to get my DROP DEAD LEGS back in shape. With all the BRR prep out there, I thought it would be nice to NOT run too far today and to get in some flexibility where we could. [Read More]