Grundle-Dusting Comes to Cary (the Baby It's Cold Outside edition)

YHC made his virgin voyage to Whoville this morning. First time ever, and I have the Q. What could go wrong? First of all, I apparently park at the other end of the parking lot from where the flag is typically planted. Not that anyone would know, since the pin drop is in the middle of the school building. Once we figure this out, and the clock strikes 0530, there is a disclaimer given and the pledge is pledged. [Read More]

The Push

Goal: To Push Everybody Monday of Carpex Respect Week I had never Q’d a running workout, so this was a test for me. All of my other Q’s were at Tortoises or Hells Bells or Tin2Iron - all low to no running AOs. Not known as a runner, this would be a challenge to me. So I put together a few pearls on a string to get more than a mile in. [Read More]

Merkin Fest

School was back in session on Thursday, and 13 lucky pax made it out to gloom for the beatdown! With about 15 minutes till the start a few pax came in from their EC run, and 1 pax came in hot with a few seconds to spare. So with that the disclaimer was given, the pledge was recited and we were off running a lap around the parking lot! Warm Up: [Read More]

Kettle What???

The Carpex challenge tour continues as YHC takes the Q at the premiere (only) Carpex Kettlebell workout! Admittedly, YHC is not typically a KB guy, but as previously stated, Carpex challenge. I have a friend that posts some KB workouts on the book of face so I was going to steal one of her workouts, until I tried to do the first set of exercises and realized my bell was too heavy and I would die if I attempted that. [Read More]

Invigoration at WWW!

I’m feeling compelled to write more about this perfect word - INVIGORATE! As a VQ this morning, I humbly admit that I (jumped at the chance, but) did not come in completely and fully prepared to lead the HIM at WWW, but when it came time to provide the disclaimer to our FNG (Decal), invigorate was the important word that I remembered and emphasized. Merriam Webster provides this simple, yet profound (IMO) definition to the term; “to give life and energy to. [Read More]

Blue Ridge Relay 2020 Recap

Well, someone suggested it and it sounded like a great idea, so here’s YHC’s recap of his first Blue Ridge Relay. I’m a little long winded at times, so if anyone else decides to read this, sorry in advance. Heading out: Due to lack of child care, YHC was in charge of the 2.0 on Thursday when everyone was set to leave, meaning I was in the PM van. No big deal, since I was van 2 anyway and did not need to get up early. [Read More]

Heaven is a Halfpipe

This backblast is a little late coming as it is from my birthday Q on 8/20, but as you get older you tend to forget things. Any way, as most are aware it’s BRR season and another HIM suggested those of us running the BRR should be sure to take all the open Q slots for BRR inspired workouts. Well, one of my typical training routes goes right through HFT and from the light at Olive Chapel and Kelly Road to Kelly at Beaver Creek Commons appeared to be the perfect “halfpipe” if you will. [Read More]

Hills not Circles

Saw the Q-sheet was open and wanted to do a BRR-style Q with the added bonus of trolling the FMJ PAX on Slack for predictably “running in circles” at the track. Much respect to those guys I wouldn’t be able to keep up. The POGL has some awesome hills and a little bit of elevation checking on topographical maps pointed to my two favorites. Hinton St and W Moore St (aka Cemetery Hill). [Read More]


10 PAX gather in the gloom for an Eahart KB beatdown. As I pull up a group of HIM were running in after some EC/BRR training. Personally, I will be glad once BRR is done and we can get back to F3. Anywho, Mosey around the parking lot and to the front of the church for: Warm Up Control freak Good Mornings Imperial Walkers Side Straddle Hops Sir Fazio/Seal Claps [Read More]

It Was All Cauliflower's Idea

Picasso is credited with saying, “good artists borrow, great artists steal”. Whether Picasso coined that phrase is under debate, but I believe the sentiment to be true. I got this idea from Cauliflower at Rush Hour and expanded on it a bit. Started with the pledge and mosey. Warm Up Good Mornings Elevator Merkins Imperial Walkers Runner’s Stretch Sir Fazio Forward Seal Claps Sir Fazio Reverse Only Thang All PAX grabbed a bell and a cinder block. [Read More]