Making Good Friday Even Better: Stations of the Cross

QIC: Crimson, Wonderbread, Flacco 42 HIM gathered in the gloom to commemorate the the final days of the greatest HIM of all time. Stations of the Cross is a Catholic tradition that marks each of 14 notable events the Christ endured on his final day on this Earth. From his condemnation by Pilate and the Sanhedrin to his final (well…not-so-final) resting place in the tomb. Below is the full text that was read and the accompanying exercises for the workout. [Read More]

Reflection Rock

Good morning. YHC was on the Q sheet, then Pickles asked for it for his anniversary, then Pickles had a tooth fall out or something, so I’m back baby. Fresh off a fulfilling, yet taxing, 30-minute block for #F3Pray24 and I was ready to lead the pax for a solid beatdown.Seeing 1 FNG, and taking time to mention Pray 24, a quick bow of the heads before we left the lot; pax were witnessed to a prayer + mission statement + disclaimer combo. [Read More]

Curbs and Hydrants

When: 03/28/2019 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Lite-brite, Chipper, Bluewater, Stabach, Largemouth, Denali, Sabre, Flaco and Pet Sounds Warm up - run to the Dude Solutions office parking lot, SSH x25, Hillbillies, wide arm Merkins OMD20, Tin Soldier 20IC, Good Morningx15, something else but you had to be there mozy through the parking lot to the start of the sidewalk on Regency Parkway Thang 1 - One and Only thing we did [Read More]


37 shakers and vesperers came in to the gloom on special day across F3 Nation, a day where we set aside some time during COT to talk about mental health. But first we have to squeeze 45 minutes of pain into 35 minutes. To help us out, and to illustrate a point, we’re taking one of the Rolling Stone coupons with us, a solid, sturdy log, large and heavy enough that it requires two PAX to carry it. [Read More]

Low Mileage but High Burn

No CARPEx PAX were surprised this morning when YHC made the announcement that today was going to be a low-mileage day. At least not those with access to (and the time to check) Slack. But nevertheless, after both a disclaimer and a reminder that F3 is about building better men and better leaders, there was an opportunity for the gazelles in the audience to make their way to A-team. Finding that none took the opportunity, “play” was hit on the ol’ bluetooth enabled noise box and we proceeded to enjoy some camaraderie while getting a bit of a sweat on. [Read More]

Rolling Stone goes for a stroll...well sort of...

Gentlemen. Was a great morning for a ruck. After the pledge and once the HIMs decided to do 10 burpees OYO, we left… Warm up Moseyed through the parking lot 10 good mornings 10 cotton pickers 10 squats 10 merkins Thang 1 Moseyed over to the hill Seven Start with 1 monkey humpers Double time up the hill 6 merkins double time down the hill 2, 5 - 3, 4 - etc… Thang 2 Moseyed through neighborhood and path to track in back of school At every turn, we performed a different exercise to 15 Curls - presses Triceps - rows Merkins Squats Walking with ruck overhead You get the idea… Just when you thought we were finished, we lunge walked the straightaway before the pavilion. [Read More]

Imperfect 10

YHC, some time back (before GT opened), posted at the site pre-opening, after running a 10k there from home, with plans to run home from there. Somewhere in the middle (okay, real close to the beginning), the tank was already empty. Q was calling some pretty high tempo stuff, and asked for pax to call an exercise upon arriving to the carpool dropoff spot. YHC was called upon, and called a 10-count to catch breath. [Read More]

Tobacco Road Aftermath

15 HIM gathered under starlit skies to welcome the new week. 5 of us were (are) recovering from either running or rucking the Tobacco Road Half Marathon, so YHC had a special recovery edition planned. The theme featured plenty of Broga to loosen us up, and a few traditional bootcamp moves to keep everything moving. Round up the PAX for the pledge (YHC was a little disoriented but eventually got redirected to the flag…) [Read More]

What a Day - remember when

QIC - Pet Sounds

PAX - Hanson, Sabre, Flacco

Date 3/18/2019

We Ran fast and far, Merkins+LBCs at the intersections and Burpees at the hydrants