Memorial Day Tribute

On a day set aside to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice 57 HIMs made a statement of gratitude, respect and admiration for the fallen by way of sweat, tears and even a little blood. First things First: 10 brave HIMs participated in an EC Murph at 0600. Pierogi, Hermes, Oofta, Ollie, Banjo, Old Maid, Squatter, Captain Kirk, Joe Smith, Tecumseh, WWW, Sky Blue and Michelob. Excellent work gentlemen! [Read More]

Run. Reflect. Get after it. Run some more.

With YHC prepping for a weekend away, and a late open Q at DZ (given some shifting Q’s), I jumped at the chance to Q at Northern Cary’s premiere AO on a Friday. Oh, what’s that Pet Sounds, you want to co-Q? Cool. Oh wait, it’s 0544… no Pet… nevermind. Never-the-less, 12 patriots showed up and these boys were looking fast AF in their red shirts. With that, we’re off and headed towards the Veteran’s Memorial (about 1 mile away). [Read More]

Callahanniversary IV

Four years ago I found myself clinging to the fence surrounding Goose Poop Island at Pullen Park quietly vomiting into the pond. The 58 minutes leading up to that point had been brutal. Double 11’s with Dips, Dirkens, L/R Step-ups, and Box jumps. A bevy of sprints. Bear crawls for two miles. Partner carries. Pull-ups. It all culminated at the Island, where all the other PAX were doing Mary and I was doing my best to not die. [Read More]

Do Your Best!

YHC was serving as Senior Patrol Leader today. As with F3, Scouts is a volunteer organization. Specifically, Boy Scouts is led by youth, giving them their first taste at organization, service, leadership, and sometimes humility. Today was a lesson in all four for YHC. It felt like herding cats to get the group to start moving, not unlike any Scouting activity. Trouble was finding four volunteers to serve as Patrol Leaders. [Read More]

You never forget your first time

…that’s kind of true, but when in doubt just reference the backblast. On May 10th, 2017 a dude named Dice showed up to SNS on the invite of his buddy Jamie. It was weird because all the guys were calling him “Repeato,” never the less, on a brisk (to me at the time) 54 degree morning I logged my first Carpex beatdown at the hands of a one “Earhart.” Hello Kitty was born and I’ve mildly gravitated to F3 activities… [Read More]

Imperial Death March, DZ style

15 stormtroopers marched on Danger Zone this morning, destroying the rebel alliance…otherwise known as our shoulders. In concelebration of May the Fourth, YHC spun up a beatdown complete with Star Wars flavored fun. Under a bright moon and the glow of light sabers, we welcomed an FNG, Pete, and dutifully recited the disclaimer. And then the fun began… Of course, the first warmup move of any respectable May the Fourth workout has to be…Imperial Walkers. [Read More]

Let's Glow Climb Some Hills

22 brightly clad HIM gathered. Very light drizzle. No FNGs but disclaimer still given and we are off. Warm Up Parking lot lap SSH x 15 IW x 10 GM x 10 Burtjacks x 10 The Thangs Mozy down the trail to field loop. Partners run in opp direction, 20, 15, 10, 5 partner clap merkins when you meet up 3 sets of 12 IC each chest, legs, core exercise [Read More]

Tabata Tango

To celebrate the 420 holiday, I decided to forget it was 420 and not incorporate it into my Q. Darnit, missed opportunity. Instead, I laid out an ambitious plan to traverse the DZ soccer fields in a modified 4-corners, tabata style. But alas, the Town of Cary department of parks and recreation had other plans when they launched the sprinkler system to aptly moisten the pitch. You can imagine my dismay when I showed up nice and early for setup, fully equipped with cones and headlamp (more on that later). [Read More]

Change is good

With our boy @callahan on the DL, we needed to ensure #ec-insomnia soldiered on. So, with a few quick keystrokes Tuesday night, YHC devised a new route I don’t think we’ve taken before; all the hills of the south side of Castalia. PAX of 9 for the run, 2 for the stationary effort, and off we go. Bye Large, Shawn D. Clair, and Denali…the rest of us settled in for a nice low-mid 8s pace, regrouping as needed (8:24, 8:16, 8:35, 8:24 mile splits). [Read More]

After the rain, the Turks come out

Long time participant, second time Q, first time back-blaster (yeah, I know). Twas the night before Wolverine and all through the house, not a creature was stirring but the roof might have come off from that ridiculous Summer storm in Spring. YHC had a plan at 4pm that involved the soccer field Mother Nature to YHC: Ha ha ha ha ha…. 9:15 Sunday night (wind whipping, lightning everywhere…) YHC to M: I’m headed to bed, gotta Q in the morning. [Read More]