
Pre-Blast 11+1 for bridge work at FWD Wonder bread appeared out of nowhere The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run to the circle, weave the balls, 1 lap each backwards run, karaoke in and out. Circle up for: GM, WM, runner’s stretch, Achilles stretch, plank hold (10 sec around the circle). The Thang Run to the bridge. Stop twice along the way to plank hold (10 sec around the circle). [Read More]

Millennial Mayhem

‘Twas a lovely morning on the border of Cary and Apex, where Miss Laura Duncan once cooked some chard on a stone. 18 men gathered to pay tribute to the Millennial generation with a goal of 2000-count exercises: 1000 reps and 1000 meters of running. Dodging the expected deluge of rain, we had a fine time in the cool, soggy gloom…one might even say “moist.” YHC had found the Millennial workout on the Exicon and thought it would be a great way to challenge the PAX to a well-rounded beatdown. [Read More]

What Do You Get When You Cross A Frog With A Duck?

Kermit and YHC had been talking for a while about co-Q’ing Phoenix, and when the day finally arrived it was rainy and warm, perfect weather for a frog and a duck. The old duck took the first half, the young frog took the second. Warm-Up Start off with the Pledge at the Flag, then mosey down to the lower lot, with some butt kickers along the way, then circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, good mornings, copperhead merkins and copperhead squats. [Read More]

Super Supermen and Pull-Ups from down under, just another typical morning at Bradford's Ordinary.

YHC woke up early on this Thursday morning, fine tuning the v-beatdown and concerned that there was not enough goodness on the agenda. The perfect weather and Burt’s bag o tanks (which appeared to be a schmedium on YHC) put my mind at ease. Warm Up - Flacco took us through the Pledge, then on the scenic mosey to the bank where we indulged in Good Mornings, Side Straddle Hops, Standard Merkins, along with a lovely Runner’s Stretch. [Read More]

Three...is the magic number

Surprise! The PAX thought they were getting 2 weeks in a row of the mighty mighty Sabre, but since he saved my arse last week when I was sick, the least I could do is return the favor. Sabre is down and out, so YHC jumped in, relishing the opportunity to escape germ-infested Montgomery Manor! Such a glorious morning, with many celestial wonderments lighting the sky, and a few imaginary moving objects to be discussed from Riptide’s trip last night. [Read More]

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

As we all search for the meaning of life and our purpose and all that serious stuff, sometimes, it’s nice to just have a little fun. Ferris knows this for sure…so let’s have some fun on our day off. We start the day with the pledge and a quick warm up jog to the neighborhood clubhouse parking lot for the warm-up. Let’s start the day by saying Good Morning to Ferris and then meet some of our other favorites. [Read More]

A new Dora, was it 24 or 22?

Great morning a Wolverine – excellent group of high impact men! All familiar faces - no FNG to to brief…. The Warm-up: Start with the pledge, mosey around the pickle to basketball court & circle up Good mornings, windmills (tough to count for some reason!), SSH, calf stretches with merkins, air chair with chinooks The Thang! Mosey south along the running trail to the big parking lot. Fast feet, bear crawl, curb dips, crab back…. [Read More]

MJ Stands with The Commish

Pre-Blast 31 HIM (not including MJ) at Phoenix for The Commish’s co-VQ with YHC. This also marked a 6-Pack for Mr. Silver! Such a strong start…it’s no wonder MJ Stood with The Commish. The Warmup (Hi-Liter) Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Mixed Run to the Community Center into extended Paint the Lines. Circle up for 25 each: SSH, Mt. Climbers, Hillbillies, Plankjacks, Imperial Walkers, St. Merkins, SSH. The Thang 1 (Hi-Liter) [Read More]

Plan B. Think anyone noticed?

YHC signed up to Q arguably the toughest of CARPEx AO’s last week and immediately set to thinking about what to bring to the PAX. Pullups? Not at this sprawling hey pull-up-bar lacking site. Celebration Merkins? Ditto no… although the big shelter has plenty, there’s just not that much room? Compass Merkins? There’s a thought. But one of my fave’s are the baseball fields, providing an nice setting for low-mileage beatdowns. [Read More]

Gloomiest Cinder Blocks!

(CMU’s - Apparently) 19 Met at the Gloomiest AO in all Cary this morning (1/7/19) for a workout, and they were not disappointed. Snots, Ollie and YHC met at 0445 for some extra credit intervals and worked different paces over at the Davis Drive Middle School track. The intervals are always tough, yet rewarding and today was no different. As the pax were arriving in to parking lot, whoa, wait, who’s that? [Read More]