We Don't Need no Stinkin' Themes

Apparently some of you have come to expect a certain amount of panache in my Qs. No costume? No theme? The masses were disappointed and grumbling. Disclaimer provided, no flag ☹️, so off we head at 5:45 on the nose (about 14 seconds before Trike could get out of his car) pearls in a string warmups with 5 penalty burpees. Head across Green Level and turn right towards the lake, and look what we found. [Read More]

Yeah, Let's not do that again

As YHC walked around the pax, he noticed a few new faces. Welcome F3 Mozart and his relocation to Carpex from F3 Greensboro. Kotters to 5 Hole. Good to meet CRO and Perry. No FNG’s, Sky Blue led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Start your Stravas, we’re off. Mosey to the bottom of the hill intersection for various warm up exercises including Nature Boy led good mornings, in absolutely perfect cadence! [Read More]

Fuzzy Math

After traveling throughout the greater Cary/Apex metropolitan region for much of July, it was good to get back to some home turf and get 10 more minutes of sleep. Apparently Hi-Liter got 10 more minutes of sleep as well. One year ago, Parker dragged me out before daybreak to FOD and I haven’t looked back. So it was time to bring the original Bogo shoes out of retirement for the 1-year Bogoversary. [Read More]

Heavens to Murgatroyd

Pre-Blast In Welch, Murgatroyd means: a clearing in the forest on the way to the moore. So, there’s that. An even dozen HIM showed one another what it means to be in F3: no man left behind, no man where we find him. So proud of the guys who stayed with their brothers throughout this tough workout. The men refused to leave anyone alone. Just awesome. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. [Read More]

We came, we exercised, we relocated rocks, we wrote our backblast

It was good to Q at ol’ FOD this morning - had been a while. A strong crowd of 28 gathered - including Kilmer in a Cabriolet (back in my day - only sorority girls drove those)….. hmmm. Oh well - follow me - YHC said softly and started running up the parking lot through the dark path and up the road to the mailbox. Once there, we circled up for GM x18, IW x 14, HB x 12, SF Arm Circles - 10 each way, 10 seal claps and 10 overhead claps. [Read More]

Right Arm Up. (I mean left leg out.)

Hey, who brought this 40lb sand bag? Oh, that’s right. I did. Pick it up and let’s go. Ran from the flag, up the hill, to the parking lot near the Green Hope entrance. Warm Up Good Morning, Windmill, Cotton Picker, Arm Circles, Seal Clap, OH Clap, Seal Clap again because Nature Boy was making a funny face, SSH, Bobby Hurley Thang 1 We grabbed the 40lb sandbag and headed back to the top of the hill. [Read More]

Field of Crab Soccer

YHC sets out for Q 2-of-10, and it’s to FOD we go. Upon arrival, take a solo trip to the field to drop off some stuff. Pax arrive, we’ve got a visitor from New York, Green Card, and he brought an FNG, ta boot. Disclaimers delivered and YHC properly heckled by Franklin and we’re off. Warmup: Over to the other lot for high knees and a butt-kickers lap Good morning, SSH, Mnt Climbers, Merkins, Sir Fazio (both ways), 10 burpees for Disco Thang 1: [Read More]