Fat. Man. Relays*

When you are 5'9" and 145lbs. in high school, with most of that mass residing between your calves and waist, you have sprinter potential. Unlike some Carpexers, I prefer my running to max out at about 400yds. If I have to pace myself, it’s not really my bag, baby. The discus throwers, shot-putters et al. liked to make fun of us skinny fast dudes because of all the running we had to do while they drank beer and threw heavy stuff. [Read More]

Tributes, Domination, and Baby Bjorn Rock Carriers

So this week, YHC drives past at least two other closer AOs, down Kelly Road to Thomas Brooks park, the site of Field of Dreams. A very expansive site it is, with lots of options to travel. Therefore, we ignore all that extra space and stay within 200 yards of the flag at all times. It seems FOD is trying to take on an SNS feel, with lots of running opportunities that are either EC before the workout, or are done in place of the workout. [Read More]

Just be ready!

Back in 2016, I decided to go to the gym the week after Christmas. Be committed and show up BEFORE all those people that start in January. I was on a mission to be less chubby and more healthy. Spin class two days a week. That was the answer! But Lifetime didn’t offer a morning class on Fridays at the Apex gym. Crimson had been pressuring nagging encouraging me to try his new workout group F3. [Read More]

Mid-20⁰ Chill In The Gloom. Could I Bring The Heat?

AO: Tortoises Date; 1/22/20 PAX: Ashbury, Bubba, Ezekiel, Intimidator, Meatloaf, Rooney, Sega, WWW, Yogi A pre-blast from my boy Ezekiel letting the potential HIMs know that even with the weather forecast of mid to low-20s, I will bring the heat. That is a big challenge statement. I arrived at the AO and the temp did not disappoint, it was a balmy 26⁰. The day prior before a Disco Duck Q, I had visions in my REM sleep of sugarplum fairies dancing and magically waving their wands filling my head full of routines and exercises. [Read More]

South Of The Border

YHC started posting at Flying Circus when I first joined F3 in March of ’19, since moving the Durm’ I have not been back to post with Carpex but on a couple of occasions. My new year’s resolution is therefore to post and Q some of the Carpex AOs in WCary. Warm-up: 5 GM Cadence, 10 Windmills Cadence, 15 Side SHUFFLE Hops (Side Straddle Hops just sounds weird), 20 Mtn. Climbers [Read More]

Intimidator Birthday Surprise Sans Intimidator

I found out the week earlier that Intimidator had just turned 59, but hadn’t told anyone. Never one to let a birthday go uncelebrated I planned a great Q for intimidator, yet he didn’t show. Oh well. Thang 1: 7’s Did 7’s on the hill next to the strip mall with diamond merkins at the top and jump squats at the bottom Thang 2: Intimidator Man-Makers Since we all want to be like intimidator when we hit 59 we did catch me if you can with man makers. [Read More]

Figure 8 and some healthy competition

Who doesn’t love to get pushed by their brothers? 16 HIM pushed and pulled each other along at GT. Warm-up: Mosey to the greenway parking lot for some cadence-counted Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Calf stretches, Merkins, and Side Straddle Hops. Thang 1: Burpee-intervals, with the winner of each interval earning the chance to rest and pick up the six. But mostly we saw Beaker’s back. Then a group run to the figure-eight flagpole. [Read More]

Miles and Merkins

Preamble Last time I signed up to Q Gran Torino, there were some shenanigans. I felt bad about pulling the wool over the PAX’ eyes with that masterful switcheroo in our annual Ninja Q Swap. So when I saw the opening on the Q sheet right after New Year’s I jumped on it to make amends. The pre-blast was apparently just ominous enough that a couple of PAX decided to ruck instead. [Read More]

Tour de Mills Park

7 PAX ventured out to the big tent at Flying Circus to tour Mills park. Warmup - Exploring Mosey around including stairs, bear crawl up stairs and painting the lines 20 smurf planks 5 good mornings 5 Abe Vigodas 10 ea Fazio arm circles forward and reverse Thang 1 - Staircase and Park Run up 1 flight then head to the park for 10 lunges 10 pull ups 10 dips 10 LBCs Repeato by adding 1 flight to the stair climb until all 4 flights are completed Thang 2 - Thigh burn and rocks (at the large hill) [Read More]

Triple Crown

When Hola Gato put up a Q spot for the finest AO in NW Cary on a Thursday YHC immediately had flashbacks to the fun we had about a year ago when I took the lead. After a quick discussion with my shield lock about scheduling, it was decided we go for the Triple Crown and bring back the (mini) cooper. After greeting my shield lock at HFT, YHC made the trek to NW Cary arriving at 5:37. [Read More]