
Eleven HIMs gathered in the fairly well lit, narrow parking lot of Annie Jones Park expecting a limited-run boot camp workout. This is, in fact, what was to be delivered to said PAX. First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance. In a well-disguised foreshadowing of things to come, a high knee/karaoke mosey to the lot next to the tennis courts for… Warm Up SSHs, Good Mornings, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, Plank Jacks & Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]

Virgin No More

Woke up early for my VQ at 4. Anxious to get started I guess. Decided it was too early to get up, and slept until my alarm went off. What’s that I hear? Rain? Great, need to modify already. I planned on doing step ups on the bleachers but did not want to risk the safety of the PAX so had to come up with an alternate. More on that later. [Read More]

What Do You Get When You Cross A Frog With A Duck?

Kermit and YHC had been talking for a while about co-Q’ing Phoenix, and when the day finally arrived it was rainy and warm, perfect weather for a frog and a duck. The old duck took the first half, the young frog took the second. Warm-Up Start off with the Pledge at the Flag, then mosey down to the lower lot, with some butt kickers along the way, then circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, good mornings, copperhead merkins and copperhead squats. [Read More]

What the Ruck! A great change of pace, literally! Time is of the essence.

Date: February 15, 2019 QIC: WWW AO: Rolling Stone PAX: Angry Elf, Bartman, Cataracts, Disco Duck, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Hot Cakes, WWW Rucking is, in my opinion, the best workout for fellowship without losing your breath. Oxygen is essential when working out, so when I do the normal boot camp workout I speak very little because I need my brain to concentrate on one thing … breathing. As you are rucking at a decent pace (walking), you can talk and not gasp for air. [Read More]

Get Off My Lawn

Disclaimer, this is NOT a GT backblast. This was the first Q that I signed up for in 2019 because 2/14 has always been a notable day for me in F3. More in the NMS. YHC cruised in post-recon with a minute to spare. Scooped up the PAX after determining that the mustachioed Puck was NOT an FNG, and headed out with the most non-compliant of disclaimers: “My name is Jigglypuff, and I’ve been doing this ish for 2 years. [Read More]

Getting FAT w/ Red Baron aka Eagle One

With Eagle One in town, you know him as F3 Red Baron (but truth be told he will always be Dad), I had to ask the QIC’s for this day if YHC could steal a spot. Tclaps to Red Ryder for stepping aside. Brother, I owe you one. So, with Red Baron sitting shot-gun to Wolverine we went. Pax huddled up, with an FNG on-hand and a stellar disclaimer, we were off. [Read More]

Bruising Phoenix

QIC: WWW PAX: Ezekiel, WWW Thank goodness for the bruiser option. During the FMJ workout with GTL as the Q, we did some hill work which is always an awesome workout. However, because of my knee issue, I was trying to be too careful and somehow on the way down the hill trying not to slip, I felt a sharp pain in the knee. So I modified to bear crawl up the hill and crawl bear down the hill. [Read More]

Ruck Takeover

Friday, February 1, 2019 - Cary, NC. Those attending what was purported to be a high-tempo bootcamp workout at Gran Torino were shocked and amazed to arrive and discover the site had been taken over by shady characters wearing “military-style” backpacks. Assault backpacks, even. With carrying handles and other menacing features. They did their best to shrug it off and proceed with their running around, while the ruckers got after it. [Read More]

Changing of the Guard

It was a beautiful morning at Tortoises (the premier limited-run, maximum fun workout on Wednesdays in Apex). Two Friendly New Guys (FNGs) joined the PAX in the gloom this morning: Sega (who was being punished for forgetting to do his homework) and Matador (who was being punished for being friends with Frisco). For Your Humble Correspondent (YHC) (i.e., me, Frisco the Legend), the day started with Extra Credit Pullups (ECP) with Spartan and recently named (i. [Read More]

Running?! We don't need no stinkin' running!

I had so many witty things to say about Frisco and my competitive, can’t let things lie, defensive, out-to-prove-something nature that led me to Q Claymore. It’s inconvenient, unfamiliar, and starts at 0545. BUT, DANG-IT, I CAN Q WITHOUT RUNNING! However, we discussed “being known” beyond the superficial this morning, so I will try to live up to that. Here’s the snapshot of me circa 10pm on 05Feb2019: I am thoroughly exhausted after having worked 24 hours in the last 48 - after late nights in the lab on Saturday and Sunday; hoping I can make results by force of will and struggling to be a positive mentor/manager under the incredible stress of just needing s**t to work; coming home to an equally exhausted wife who has one child in bed early for punching his sister in the face, the second child in bed early with vomiting, and the third child (the punched sister) still up an hour and a half past bedtime clamoring for back rubs and screaming that she is having spooky, spooky, spooky, spooky, spooky, SPOOKY dreams (False - you’re not asleep) (UPDATE: M is now sleeping in her bed). [Read More]