Just another day at Gran Torino

A lovely, lovely day at Gran Torino. Perfect weather, and an awesome pax! What do I have planned for today? Nothing special. A very simple, yet effective high tempo workout. Just another day at the finiest Hihgh-Tempo bootcamp AO in Northwest Cary. We started with a quick and abbreviated F3 Briefing. No FNG’s today so let’s go! Pledge of Allegiance Follow me for a brief jog and warmup: SSH x 20 20 Regular Merkins OMD Imp Walker x 20 20 Wide grip Merkins OMD 15’ish Good mornings Honestly, the mumblechatter got out of hand here, no clue what the count was 20 Diamond Merkins OMD Follow me to the pullup bars for The Thnag The Thang! [Read More]

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." - C.S. Lewis

It was cold, the fart sack temptation was real, and every day we are faced with decisions that will impact our end changes, but also change the story of those around us. Maybe we speed up and block the car from merging in because they didn’t wait their turn (zipper merge is scientifically proven to be more effective…another discussion for another time), we walk the cart back into the store, or when we ask somehow their day is going we actually stop and listen because we want to know and we didn’t just ask because it is what you are supposed to do in the break room at work. [Read More]

Just a little stroll between light poles

Date: 3/4/19 AO: Wolverine QIC: WWW Mosey 2X around the pickle to get the blood flowing. Circle up for warm-up. GM, hamstring stretches, calf stretches with merkins in between, Sir Fazio. Mosey to the stop light on Davis Drive to being our thang. Thang 1: At every light pole for 10 light poles, 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats. Hi-Liter asked me after light pole #4 if I thought about the workout. [Read More]

Bottom Feeding Frenzy

Pre-Blast 7 Bottom Feeders for 1.31 miles of bear crawls, burpees, and crabwalks at the limited run, Claymore. All of Frisco’s four personalities were present. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to the top of the short hill, turn back to the lot. High knees across the lot. Backwards run high knees across the lot. Side shuffle left across the lot. Side shuffle right across the lot. Karaoke left across the lot. [Read More]

Clowning Around the Track in the Gloom

Date: 2/28/2019 QIC: WWW AO: Flying-Circus PAX: Badlands, Beaker, Biner, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Goose, Kilmer, Lawn Dart, Nature Boy, Silverback, Sky Blue, Trike, WWW, Warm-up: GM (You can’t have a great day without a good morning), hamstring stretches, calf stretches with some CFMs x5 for each leg, Sir Fazios. We mosey top the track for some clowning around. Thang 1: 4 pain stations strategically stationed around the track (backward run btw stations) [Read More]

Happy Burp-day!

Rolling down the road to Tortoises I get a message alert, “Where is everybody? Is Tortoises closed today?” I got to thinking, should’ve I pre-blasted my birthday celebration at Tortoises? I didn’t want to make people choose between a birthday celebration or the soft launch of Lion’s Den. I wanted to ensure the soft launch was a success for Red Ryder and Sour Mash, but did I underestimate the draw that the Lion’s Den would have? [Read More]

Rocks Partner

Or rather Partner Rocks - but had to come some title and a corresponding pic. Beautiful crisp morning and we are 20 strong. Disclaimer given Warm Up Mozy through some cars to alternative parking lot SSH x 15 Hillbillies x 10 GM x 7 Merkins IC x 10 Thang 1 Partner up with and grab 1 good size rock. We stopped 4 times, with one partner doing rock work and the other an exercise, all in cadence and then swap rock [Read More]

"I was in the pool!"

13 pax braved the weather on a rainy February morning for high tempo boot camp/rucking. Actually, it wasn’t as bad as it sounds. The temperature was high 40’s and the water in our socks felt quite refreshing. The workout began with a thoughtful discussion about Tic Tacs and shrinkage. Of course, any discussion about shrinkage elicited the obligatory George Constanza reference. By 6:15, we had approximately 3.25 miles on our GPS watches. [Read More]

Ascending BLIMPS...not a theme

As the pax gathered, I was still driving to the AO, I’m assuming there was pleasant conversation had by all. I popped out of my chariot and announced 1 minute, turned out closer to 15 seconds. We are off on a warm up run to the fire station. Warmups are a disaster, a car came, my cadence was apparently terrible, whatever, we did SSH/Merkins/Hill Billys/Good Mornings…on to the thang: Ascending light pole B. [Read More]

You Had To Be There

At approximately 05:29, 11 PAX were patiently waiting for one more. One more, who had jumped at the opportunity to pick up a last minute Q due to the previous Q’s illness. This one more, who will remain un-named (rhymes with Noshowisco), allegedly had a sick 2.0 and would not make it. When Ezekiel asked if anyone wanted to pick up a last minute Q, Yogi and YHC spoke up simultaneously. [Read More]