Hills not Circles

Saw the Q-sheet was open and wanted to do a BRR-style Q with the added bonus of trolling the FMJ PAX on Slack for predictably “running in circles” at the track. Much respect to those guys I wouldn’t be able to keep up. The POGL has some awesome hills and a little bit of elevation checking on topographical maps pointed to my two favorites. Hinton St and W Moore St (aka Cemetery Hill). [Read More]

Four Corner Burnout

It twas a great morning in the downtown part of Apex as (lucky number) 13 pax, including an FNG, showed up for a beatdown! YHC made sure to get there a few minutes ahead of schedule to make sure Google maps was still all it was cracked up to be.. as well as my memory.. So after the disclaimer was given and the pledge was recited, we were off! Warm up: [Read More]