No theme, just disillusionment

It would have been easy - though maybe a bit trite - to come up with some March Madness themed workout given the championship game was the night before. But YHC was just ready to get the juices flowing and work out some aggression because: YHC was tired from having stayed up and watched a basketball game Officials and BOG overseers of the university that the winners of said basketball game represented willfully, arrogantly, and unremorsefully initiated and perpetrated the longest and most egregious case of academic fraud in the history of sports in order to keep players eligible, maintain their cash cow of a revenue stream and ultimately win championships so said officials and BOG overseers can bloviate to their country club, academia, faux academia, and law firm colleagues how “their” basketball team is better’n your’n, all while NCAA and ACC officials nodded in agreement as aforementioned officials, BOG overseers, hired mercenaries, PR firms and pompous academics obfuscated, hid behind obtuse laws, delayed, denied, countered, covered up, and persecuted in order to keep the truth from being exposed. [Read More]


Within days after turning 49 last year, I started hearing questions like, “Are you still 49?”, and “Shouldn’t you be 50 by now?” Contrary to McCants’ accusations, I have not been 49 for 3 years. Well, 49 no longer. 24 PAX showed up at SnS today to join in the 50th birthday Q celebration. It went something like this: Warm up Fellowship jog to lower parking lot 50 Merkins (because 50) 50 Hillbilies, IC 10 Good Mornings, IC 20 Mountain Climbers, IC Thang 1 [Read More]

March. Its Madness, Beast Unleashed

It has been a tough two days for YHC with Kentucky’s loss to Carolina. We played carelessly, without the abandon needed to close, giving away unnecessary FGs, missing critical layups, dunks, and free throws. YHC has seen the replays. Yes there were some bad calls (some really bad). John Higgins [] best be glad he lives in Omaha. But we lost by 2 points, 2 that were missed earlier in the game multiple times. [Read More]

Picture Day

It was Picture Day at Phoenix. Jenn, the FUMC chairwoman for the health ministry at FUMC, agreed to come out and take some pictures for an article she wants to write on F3. It turns out Jenn is also Burt’s spin class instructor. More on that later. With that backdrop, here’s what happeed: Warm-up After a circumnavigation of the parking lot consisting of runs, side shuffles, and backward runs, we circled up for [Read More]

The Circuit is the Thang

A cool, clear morning greeted 18 PAX for a basic run and beatdown workout. No FNGs and everyone there on time, so off we go to the back parking lot. Circle up in the parking lot for: Warm Up 10 Good Mornings 20 Side Straddle Hops 10 Cotton Pickers 10 Windmills 10 Sir Fazio Arm Circles 10 Hillbillies The Thang Count-a-rama before the thang, telling them to remember their number for later. [Read More]

up, Up, UP!!!

A cold, wet day scared away most of the PAX but 10 hearty souls joined me for an early morning beatdown. As one of the tenants say, rain or shine, cold or hot, you will post to a workout. I briefly thought about shelter work today but, nah, we will warm-up on the running and workout I had planned (mostly). Run over to the curb and start with some quick feet to get the blood going then head-off into the gloom (watch out for Lake Ma Bell Nature Boy! [Read More]