Shuttyversary Day 3: Gettin' After It

YHC and a crew of 7 hit up a little EC Phoenix run to kick the morning off. A 1 mile down / 1 mile back run. Upon return to Phoenix there was a new face amongst the crowd. Apparently 1 HIM-in-training saw YHC’s call to action on Facebook to join some men in the outdoors and the cold for a 0630 workout! Welcome FNG Butterscotch! Disclaimer was applied and we lapped the parking lot and ran out to the intersection for our #ShutInStandard Warmup. [Read More]

Shuttyversary Day 2: Ice Age

YHC actually had a pretty good one planned for today but due to horrible weather conditions, ice everywhere, locked gates, and lack of Pax we had to…adjust. It all worked out in the end though. Great small group to get after it this morning. TCLAPS for Hermes making the special trip to support his F3 Daddy as father and son continue on the quest to knock out a 6 pack to start off the year. [Read More]

Back to Back 03 Jan 2018

15 degrees could not keep 13 HIMS from donning their tights for another weight intensive Tortoise workout. After much tutelage by Hermes YHC was prepared and eager to Q my first. With a limited knowledge of the Lexicon and the Exicon the morning ensued with a pledge of allegiance to the United States of America. Warm-up 40 high knee walking pace 40 high knee with a twist walking pace 40 Imperial Walkers 10 Johnny Roscoes 50 Arm Circles coordinated with one foot circling out in front (left foot) 50 Arm Circles coordinated with one foot circling out in front (right foot) [Read More]

Down Range at Dante’s

@mabellcarpex has encouraged all of us to get out of our comfort AO. So being the compliant guy that I am….after much consternation I took Beaker’s Q and hit the trail to the far reaches of Western Wake County….which is Dante’s Peak. Temperature in the high teens. No wind. Clear Q was hungover or perhaps even a little drunk from last evening. 6 dudes. One shovel flag. Warm Up Mosey down to the cul-de-sac SSH, Burt Jacks, Mountain climbers, GM’s, Fazio Arm Circles, Cotton Pickers. [Read More]

Coupon Crushing Turtle Power

Limited running but lots of muscle flexing, cinder block crushing, turtle power. It was like Tortoise heaven this morning for three regular PAX and one FNG, now known as “Artful.” Warm-up: 20 x SSH; 20 x plank jacks; 20 x mountain climbers; 20 merkins Thang 1: Each man grabbed a cinder block to one end of the parking lot. We divided into two groups with each group responsible for 80 erkins on the block, 100 curls, and 120 rock rows. [Read More]

After Christmas Recovery

A group of 13 HIMs arrived at FOD for some after Christmas recovery. Crimson and YHC decided that by signing up to Q the day after Christmas was the best way to ensure we’d be up early. We had expected 8 HIMs at most but we’re presently surprised by a strong showing! At 5:45 plus a few seconds (we gave a few seconds to allow Grinch to join us) we were off towards the top parking lot for: [Read More]

Q Swap

QIC: Boyardee, Yanni BB Author: Yanni If you roll up to any F3 AO, whether it be in your region, a neighboring region, or in another state, you can be assured that you will be greeted with the same open arms and fist bumps. The men of Dante’s Peak welcomed YHC and Boyardee with great enthusiasm and smiling faces. YHC and @mabellcarpex met a week earlier at The Earl in Pittsboro and like all F3 encounters, hit it off immediately and hatched a plan. [Read More]

The Apex Town Hall and Community Center Blues

Winter returned Thursday morning, but it was not enough to keep eight stallions in the fartsack. Warm-Up Mosey over to the town hall parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, plank jacks, hillbillies and Sir Fazio. The Thang Mosey the long way over to the alley behind the community center and line up for BTTW Indian run. Everyone assumes the BTTW position, the man on the end gets to his feet and runs to the other end, assumes the BTTW position and yells GO to let the next man know it’s his turn to run. [Read More]

Christmas Train!

When the request hit groupme for a Q for Dante’s Peak YHC jumped at the opportunity to lead Carpex’s finest HIMs not realizing that it was the morning after the big Christmas bash. Never fear, I knew I’d have a strong group of HIMs and I wasn’t disappointed this morning. I was a bit worried at 5:37 when we only had YHC, Crimson (because you know he rode with me), and Disco Duck in the parking lot but we had a strong crowd roll in from there. [Read More]

Do, or do not. There is no Try.

Backstory: Several weeks (months?) ago, the M and I were sitting at home on our usual Wednesday night date night when the ad for “The Last Jedi” came on TV. A few clicks of the iPhone and I had tickets for opening night, 12/14. Asked her if she wanted to go, “Not really”. So, 3 tickets for me and the 2.0s. And then a week or two later, the announcement comes out about F3 Carpex Christmas Party. [Read More]