Limited Running

The Hi-Literversary Week and the Disco Duck Birthday Week overlapped, giving two brothers an opportunity to co-Q Phoenix, the greatest Saturday AO in all of Carpex. Because some of the PAX were running in the Break the Silence 5K later in the morning, we decided today’s workout would be limited running. Disco takes the first half, Hi-Liter takes the second. Warm-Up Mosey down to the Parking Lot of Pain and circle up for side straddle hops x 10, imperial walkers x 10, Sir Fazio forward x 10, Sir Fazio backward x 10 and warm up burpees x 7. [Read More]

Keep Pushing

I don’t know what’s going on with the weather this week. It’s spring, but it’s snowing. The weatherman says it’s one temperature, the thermometer in my car says it’s another temperature, and while I’m standing there waiting for the clock to tick 5:45 it feels colder than either of them. One FNG, disclaimer is given, let’s get the blood moving and warm these boys up. Warm-Up Mosey over to the end of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, Sir Fazios both ways, plank jacks and merkins (morning, Ma Bell! [Read More]

Dora 2-2-2

First day of Spring and the weatherman is calling for snow, I arrive a few minutes early to check the parking lot and make sure it’s safe, it’s wet but 37 degrees, so we’re all set. Warm-Up Mosey down to the bottom of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, Sir Fazios and burpees. The Thang Everybody grab a cinder block and partner up for Dora 2-2-2, 200 curls, 200 overhead presses, 200 squats while your partner carries his coupon to the light pole and back. [Read More]

Breaking the Rules

At 05:28, YHC and the site-Qs were standing there wondering if the running of Tobacco Road yesterday was going to cause an extremely low turnout for Apex’s Premier Kettlebell workout (on Mondays at 5:30). When the clock ticks 5:29, what do we see but the Ma Bell chariot coming in hot, with Goose as the co-pilot. One minute later, off we go. Warm Up Mosey to the end of the drive, so anyone going past can question our sanity. [Read More]

Q Sub

March 2, 2018


‘Twas a Q absence at When Wet, Slippery But a Q-sub was no prob for YHC A crushing beatdown was had Whilst Jigglypuff became a dad (*again) And then the pax went and drank some coffee.


Welcome to the world, Gus Passarotti! See you at F3 Dads. We will forgive your pops the penalty burpees. This time.

The first one's free.

An early morning HIDA alert from YHC, Disco Duck, Water Wings and Snots for meeting in the FMJ Gloom a little early to knock out 100 Burpees. Why? Why not, I guess. Being that we’re team players… we saved a few for our F3 Brothers. The PAX arrive, it’s a 10-count to start, great to see Grease Monke…wait… where’s he going? Half, did he arrive safe and sound? OK, a 9-count for a H-E-L-L-O K-I-T-T-Y Q at the premier FREE Tuesday morning bootcamp in the 27523 zip code (more on the FREE part later). [Read More]

Rock Your Body with Bells

YHC is just ITCHING to get back in the gloom! So it was going to be Hell’s Bells today no matter what. Looked at the Qalendar to see who was Q’ing and…it was blank. [yoink!] Now it’s Shut-In! Gloomiest of glooms loomed amoong oous this mooorning in Carpex. 0510 YHC departs the house. Wants to get a little early stretch going, start up the music etc. 0520 All the gates are locked. [Read More]

Another Rainy Day in Hell's Bells

When: February 26th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: WWW, Wilbur, Capone, Sour Mash, Monkey Nut, YHC Earhart For what feels like the 5th Monday in a row, it is raining for HBs. YHC plan for the workout was curtailed as we cannot use the Bells in the wet. So, thanks to a well-lit and roomy shelter right next door, the Q will be in there. We drag the bell’s into the shelter and distribute them around the different benches (or is it pain stations). [Read More]

Hell's Bell's in the Field

When: February 27th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Franklin, PBX, Beaker, Bogo, Sooey, Moped, Pivot, Chum, Airbag, Sabin, Skyblue, Goose, High-liter, Biner (RS), Bartman (RS), Katniss (RS) YHC Earhart I head to an old stomping ground for my next Q, this time bringing with me an assortment of kettlebells for a Hell’s Bell’s beatdown at FOD! I also notice that Rolling Stone is here with me so all kinds of weight pain are going around this fine morning. [Read More]

The Nautilus - Writ Large

When YHC’s alarm roused YHC from YHC’s dream about a land where Burpees are always in perfect form and L-R counts as 2 lunges, YHC said to YHC, “YHC, it’s a great day for YHC to have the Q at YHC’s favorite AO at a USA Baseball Complex directly adjacent to a toll Interstate that YHC spends several of YHC’s pretty pennies on. But, what should YHC bring to the party today? [Read More]