Shakespeare asked "What's in a name?" The answer: Pain.

So my timing is getting a bit better. Some of the PAX finished on time, others were just a few seconds behind. And I even had Snots giving me updates throughout the entire workout. Warm Up Good Morning, Windmill, Arm Circles, Steve Earle Thang 1 So no one noticed the secret behind the exercises I picked. Let’s see if you can spot it now. Mile Run - We started out on a 1 mile run with a few stops along the way. [Read More]

The Force is strong with this one...

Props to @Hello Kitty for the idea. I’m realizing that the older I get, the more I miss being a kid. The fantasy of Episode 4, way back in ‘77, is lost on Millennials. My office mate, all of 25 years old, None of them. Of course She also texts with all her fingers versus my hunt and peck, so…. So, long ago, at an AO far, far away, Hello Kitty hatched a plan to have Star Wars themed Qs on Internation Star Wars Day (May the fourth be with you…May the fourth be with us all). [Read More]

Traveling Band

YHC woke up excited to Q his first kettle bell workout. Hopped in the car, pulled out of the neighborhood and glanced at the clock. 5:30. @#$% that’s the starting time for Hell’s Bells, I’m already late. Panic shoots through me. Then I wake up, for real this time. Grab the phone and see it’s still four-something. Everything’s gonna be all right. Warm-Up Every man grabs a kettle bell (a “travelling” kettle bell) and we mosey down to the circle for side straddle hops, hillbillies, Sir Fazios and cotton pickers. [Read More]

4 x 4's

YHC arrived a few minutes early, excited to Q in the gloomiest gloom in Carpex on a Friday morning. I looked around and didn’t see a guy in a hockey mask with a machete, but I did see an FNG named Daniel, so he got the F3 disclaimer. As we got closer to 0545 I saw lots of PAX but no site Q’s. Finally Oofta rolled up, but without the flag. [Read More]

Lady Luck

I don’t always leave my Qs to the whims and fancy of Fate, but when I do, I prefer dice. Here’s what we did: The Warm-Up (Beaker’s Beginnings) Jog to the end of the lot for SSH, good mornings, SFACs, Franklins, IWs Jog back to the shelter The Thang (Beaker’s Beatdown) PAX assemble in a circle each with a kettle bell (A kettle bell, I think you mean kettle bellS - Kubota). [Read More]

You never forget your first time

…that’s kind of true, but when in doubt just reference the backblast. On May 10th, 2017 a dude named Dice showed up to SNS on the invite of his buddy Jamie. It was weird because all the guys were calling him “Repeato,” never the less, on a brisk (to me at the time) 54 degree morning I logged my first Carpex beatdown at the hands of a one “Earhart.” Hello Kitty was born and I’ve mildly gravitated to F3 activities… [Read More]

AND Back in the Saddle

Whew, it’s been a while! YHC did have one random Hells Bells Q during my extended stay on the IR but today’s Q definitely puts me back in the saddle. There was a great crowd of 17 pax to welcome YHC back in and a nice cool breeze ta boot. Back in January listening to the F3 podcast it was suggested that all of our workouts start with the disclaimer. Everytime. [Read More]

Back in Black

Knowing that today was going to be hot one 13 HIMS showed up early to Tortoises to get their workout in the most palatable part of the day. Having not Q’d in a few weeks I felt like some back work was in order. But then again YHC always feels like some back work is in order. But is wasn’t all work, we danced a little bit to some AC/DC. With that said… here we go. [Read More]

Welcome To Wakanda

10 PAX showed up on 4/25 in the beautiful plains and hills of Wakanda (i.e. the SVG parking lot) for some fun. No FNGS. Mosey to the coupon shed for a Warm of Cotton Pickers, Fazio Arm Thingees, Reverse Fazio Arm Thingees, Merkins, and Imperial Walkers. The PAX grabbed the coupon blocks and moseyed over to start the first Thang, assisted by Brown Bag, who arrived late, so 10 enhancement burpess all around. [Read More]

Bounty Hunters 4/26/18 The '90's

19 PAX came out to hear the greatest tunes of the ‘90’s but, alas, YHC did not realize the charge only lasts a day. So only the birds accompanied us in our endeavors. Off for a quick lap around the lacrosse field to circle up in the skate park for warm-ups. Warm-up Side Straddle Hop, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Merkins Fellowship run to the Apex Town Parking Lot. [Read More]