High and Tight

Lots of EC going on at Tortoises this morning, three PAX for a fellowship lap around beautiful downtown Apex, multiple other PAX for all or part of EC pull-ups. No Theismann to keep track of the total count, but Rooney was there and he brought Def Leppard with him. PAX were warned that today’s workout would be no running, and any running would be met with bonus burpees. Warm-Up Brisk walk to the flag for the Pledge, then brisk walk to the front of the church and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, standard merkins (on my down), hold it, mountain climbers, hold it, standard merkins (on my down), hold it, plank jacks, hold it, standard merkins (on my down AND on my up) and hill billies. [Read More]

And Now for Something....

When: August 16th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Biner, PBX, Liverpool, Goose, Hotty Toddy, Geek Squad, Slice, Franklin, Sooey, Crimson, Red Ryder, Ma Bell, Solder, Disco Duck, The Joker, Nature Boy, Camel, Badlands, Doogie, Swag, YHC: Earhart After a quick warm up run with some of the regulars, YHC was ready to lead a group of HIM for a rare appearance at Flying Circus. Start with Pledge of Allegiance, then a quick jaunt around the parking lot, mixing in karaoke, high knees, butt kickers, and other random running stuff until we circle back at the beginning for: [Read More]

The BEST Stretch

Pre-Blast 23 HIM converged at FMJ for some work. 9 for IR Bruisers. Burbeez are the BEST stretch. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Mixed run around the school, paint the lines. Circle up for: 50 Burbeez. Run to Hill #1, discover the Pain Stix. The Thang****s 7s on the hill - Worst Burbee Evers at the top (a Burbee with a Pain Stick Military Press) and Pain Stick V-Ups at the bottom. [Read More]

Hello Deer

YHC showed up to Apex Nature Park early for some EC pull-ups. A little too early, because the gate at the Hell’s Bell entrance to the park was not yet opened. So I parked in the other lot and made my way across the park, kettle bell in hand. As I approached the pull-up bars I noticed three deer, looked like a doe and a couple of fawns. We stared at each other for a moment, then they ran off. [Read More]

Here we go again

After an already fun-filled week (BroGa, evening yog, #ruckTheMaynard), a stroke of good fortune allowed YHC to Q at Slippery When Wet on his birthday. 13 hearty PAX turned out to help me get started on my 44th trip around the sun. Plenty of #InvisibleShirts in the mix for the EC runners, and a fair bit of gloom to start us off. With the 1975 playlist in full swing, we did an awkward pickle run and circled up for. [Read More]

BRR Prep

Pre-Blast 19 for BRR prep at #ao-sat-phoenix and the Feline 15K. 3.75+ miles of hillz, Wolverines, and burbeez. The runners just ran. @Jigglypuff was there. EC run of 2.5 too for a few. @Texas Ranger, et al. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag 1 (or so) mile warmup run around to the east entrance of the park and down the hill to the Jersey Mike’s parking lot at the bottom of the hill. [Read More]

McCants Tribute

YHC told the PAX last night that today’s workout would be a tribute to our brother McCants, who is down in Wilmington recovering from a fall this weekend. Some thought that meant a Murph, but no, it just meant we were all going to give it 110%. Warm-Up Mosey over to the front of the school and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers and cotton pickers. The Thang [Read More]

Burpees and Running and Burpees and Hills and Burpees and Running and...

It was a “cool” 78 degrees and 85% humidity this morning at 5:30 a.m….no FNGs, lets do this. Fast-paced Mosey to the top parking lot for a warm up Warm Up 15 Side straddle hops 15 Imperial Walkers 7 Good mornings 15 Plank jacks 15 Merkins 10 Burpees OYO (a taste of today’s theme) Mosey to the track Thang 1 The Mucho Burpee Mile (thanks Disco for the inspiration!) 10 Burpees and a lap around the track x 4 (start each lap together) [Read More]

#mccantsweek - Day 6 - BLAZE OF GLORY

If you don’t have Bon Jovi playing right this minute. Stop reading. Queue it up. Crank it up. Crack one. I woke up this morning and I raised my weary head. I’m a devil on the run. Thrown out of school for bringing a six pack and two guns. Well they tell me I’m wanted, yeah, I’m a wanted. And when I’m shot down, I’ll be shot down in a MF blaze of glory. [Read More]

Leave your Bricks behind

Go Time 0545 Jog to end of lot - circle up 20x IC SSH 20x IC Imperial Walkers 20x Plank Jacks 20x OMD Merkins 15x IC Peter Parkers 15x OMD merkins Mozy out (backward Run, Kariokie etc) Stop along the way for Irkins on the fence BTTW walk across the bridge (crowd favorite) The Thang Uno: Pair up (p1 w rock / p2 around pond to pullup bars 5x) Flip AMRAP Rock curls/Rows/Press/Extension/Man Makers 5 trips to pullup bars Head out - Mozy to parking lot Crawl Bear the bridge for good measure The Thang Duo: Grab brick - Circle Up Plank with one hand on upright brick 10x OMD Merkins (brick in other hand) + 10x OMD Merkins 15x brick reverse fly (left arm up/right arm up) 15x brick front raise (left arm up/right arm up) LBC w brick WWII w brick Announcements [Read More]