Hells Bells - Vegas Style

PAX: Yeti, Crimson, Earhart, Hotty Totty, The Joker, Disco Duck, Intimidator, Billy, Snooze, Triple Lindy, Frisco, Quiver, Meat Loaf, Monkey Nutt QIC: Monkey Nut The thang: After warming up with a little run and some IST’s, Windmill we got to the fun. While flipping cards, each one represented a different exercise. Hearts were squats, diamonds where diamond merkins, spades were KB swings and clubs were curls. Jokers were wild (literally), each one someone took us somewhere different and different amount of running. [Read More]

Start spreading the news

Sixteen go-getters decided that the prospect of a 60-minute Bartman Q was somehow more attractive than the spectre of 90 minutes of Banjo, and I don’t blame them. So as not to disappoint, we gathered up, gave what was judged to be a minimally viable disclaimer, and headed to the community center parking lot, with some fortunate restraint shown by ToC’s BFT-wielding CheddarBo. We warmed up. SSH, GM, you know, the popular favorites. [Read More]

Like the first day of school

Like the first day of school, YHC set out clothes, made sure the flag was ready and playlist was primed for the soft launch of HOT FOR THE TEACHER. During my first Q (Hell’s Bells) in October 2018, I created a kick-ass playlist that included everybody’s favorite “Hot for The Teacher” by Van Halen. At one point @discoduck leaned over and said “ This would make a great name for an AO” When we scouted the new Thursday site and first decided on a starting point in the Publix parking lot, HFT was not one of the choices. [Read More]

The Sub

19 HIM gather in the gloom for another Claymore, limited run, beatdown care of Ninjago. How many regions have a 12-year old Q on a regular basis I ponder? Welcome to FNG Thriller (Earhart’s 2.1), who received the disclaimer from his brother. After a quick lap around the upper parking lot pickle, we circle-up for Warm Up Good Mornings Sir Fazio Imperial Walkers Hillbillies Side Straddle Hops 10 Burpees OYO thanks to Honey Do being tardy [Read More]


Here we are! My first ever Limited Run Q! I’d been to Claymore once before (and Tortoises about 3 times), but limited run always makes me nervous… nevertheless here we are. 6 for EC down to Lake Pine and back via the Greenway. FNG Check / Disclaimer / LET’S GO Warm up: GM / IW / SSH / HB / SFAC / rSFAC / OC / CP / Merkins / MC / PJ / Calf Stretch [Read More]

Metal Health

12 HIMs rocked, rocked ‘til we nearly dropped on a steamy Monday morning at Hells Bells. Warm up A quick mosey around the parking lot as Quiet Riot’s “Cum on feel the noize” started our morning of Hair Metal glory. SSHs Sir Fazios – front and back Michael Phelps Good Mornings Ernie Davis Heisman’s The Thang Mosey to the shelter. YHC had a dozen cards with a kettlebell exercise on each one – the PAX took turns selecting the respective exercises. [Read More]

1st F those Mother F......s

When: 06/04/2019 QIC: Pet Sounds Pickles, Coxswain, Frisco, Pierogi, Earhart, THe joker, Press On, Honey Do, sputnik, Pet Sounds Warm up - Mozy around the upper pickle over the the lower lot, High Skip, low Skip, right shuffle, left shuffle back to flag for 30ICSSH, Cotton Pickers, 40OMD Merkins, Hill Billy, 10 OMD Merkins, hip stretch Thang 1 With Bricks the remainder of beatdown Mozy down the greenway to bridge, bear crawl the bridge, squat hold for 6, [Read More]

Like a Bat out of Hell

This YHC celebrates a 1 year anniversary with a Bells Q right where it all started. Enough about that! My playlist was off this morning not knowing the entire Meatloaf family would make up for a 1/3 of the morning PAX. Once the Meat wagon arrived we began on-time as always. Disclaimer, Pledge and of we went about 6 feet away. Morning Warm-ups included KB Hamstring Stretch, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio counter and clock with some seal claps. [Read More]

It's A Celebration

BIG. DAY. IN. CARPEX! 37 HIMs of all ages, including one FNG gathered at Apex’s finest Friday AO. YHC and WWW have the Q for what was anticipated to be a large, raucous crowd BEGGING for a beatdown. F3’s mission is recited, disclaimer is exclaimed, and allegiance is pledged. Mosey to the big circle for… Warm Up Good mornings, SSHs, Calf Stretches, A few sets of merkins, plank jacks and Steve Earles. [Read More]

How you planned may not always be how it happens.

Date: 5/20/19 PAX: EarharT, Intimidator, Monkey Nut, Quiver, Shut-in, WWW I had a planned routine going to the workout but during the initial mosey, I had a random synapse firing in my brain when I took notice of the inclined walkway to the amphitheater. I’m going to change it up and do 11’s. The reason for 11s is we do not do enough of it at HB so I wanted it to be the star thang. [Read More]