Is this Kryptonite

QIC: Staubach Once again, I had a master workout plan that would have taken at least 1.5 hours to complete. After having made this mistake more than once, I was able to adjust the schedule and get the PAX back to camp in time for some high intensity exercises before MARY and COT. As we were heading out of the parking lot…there was already some grumbling about the fact we would be running. [Read More]

Day 1: The Frisco "Week of Terror(ible) Qs" Kicks Off

So when Red Ryder begged me to Q the Lion’s Den Q I agreed (since I technically owe him a favor for helping me build a gazebo for my M). Then I noticed that there was a free spot open every day of the week. It wasn’t my anniversary and I wasn’t sure I could do it (still am not), but for some reason I found myself filling my name into those open slots. [Read More]

Breathtaker Camo Koozie Q

YHC bid on and won Breathtaker, a 20lb weight vest that is auctioned off for charity each Friday in South Wake, which comes with a 5 post minimum for the week. Not having earned my camo koozie yet, breathtaker made it’s 3rd appearance of the week so far. 32 were witness to what it looks like to Q with an extra 20lbs, in fact Theismann and Pivot both had their own vests as well! [Read More]

Staring straight down 44

YHC has but few rules to live by. Love the Lord. Love your neighbor. Q on your birthday and your F3 anniversary. Maybe I’ve skipped a few between the second and third one on the list, but it was relevant on Saturday 8/10/2019 at Phoenix. A crowd of Q-shoppers gathered along with one FNG (brought out by Blind Date, whom I’d not met before), and we issued a brief disclaimer and Mission, and headed off to the Community Center. [Read More]

We all remember our first time...

First off, let me just say how great its been dragging my sorry, out-of-shape 6 out of bed most mornings to go hang out and sweat with a bunch of crazy guys like those reading this right now. The last 3-4 months have been amazing, not only physically, but mentally, emotionally and even dare I say spiritually? (That’s weird) Seriously, thank you all for your leadership every day when I post, not just from the QIC, but also the guys that stick out their hand for a high five when they’re running by or say, “Good work! [Read More]

We Smelled It, But Didn't See It

YHC has missed the 9/11 Stair Climb the last couple of years due to injury, and I’m determined to be there this year, so when the Rush Hour Q was available, I grabbed it, knowing we’d be headed to the parking deck. Warm-Up Mosey over to the bottom of the parking deck and circle up for cherry pickers, imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats and Good Afternoons. While two reluctant volunteers retrieve a couple of pain sticks the rest of the pax do LBCs. [Read More]

Last Day before Hell’s Bells moves to a church parking lot

Opening – There was no FNGs this morning so ran through the pledge, grabbed our bells and off to the circle. Warm-up – SSH, daisy pickers, windmills, calf stretch, and Abe Vigodas. The Thang – circle up for 10 reps each side of overhead single arm squats, followed by 10 reps each side of plank rows, followed by 15 reps pullover to sit-up. Mosey to circle and back. Circled back up for Australian pushups, half-kneeling halos, and T-pushups. [Read More]

Emphasizing the Mary

DATE: 8/2/2019 19 HIMs gathering for an Adjacent VQ at Slippery When Wet / Ritter Park **Warm Up **• Mosey to a nearby parking lot • 15 SSH • 5 Good Morning • 10 OYO Burpees **Thang **• Pair up • Group 1 – Run around the building, bear crawling second half of upper level • Group 2 – 100 LBCs, 200 Merkins, 300 Squats (team totals) • Mosey back to the park [Read More]

Eyes Up

I’m gonna be honest with you. Many Saturdays I take the opportunity to get a little extra sleep. This was a good workout week, which also means that the body is feeling a little sore by the time today rolled around. But, the opportunity to Q Phoenix was too much to pass up. So I managed to unfold myself from the fartsack and make it to Bond Park in plenty of time to get some stretching in. [Read More]

Crossover AO Beta 2

8 PAX came out to Jack Smith park this morning. 4 were from Carpex, and 4 were from South Wake. Our mission: to explore the area for workout feasibility with an overall goal to establish a “Crossover AO” where PAX from both South Wake and Carpex can post on a weekly reoccurring basis and the Q from each region rotates weekly. Due to the nature of this expedition there was no main QIC today. [Read More]