Be The Light

Opening: YHC started at 5:30am with the standard F3 welcome - F3 Mission, Disclaimer, F3 Credo, and Pledge of Allegiance. No FNGs were present. There was an expected level of mumblechatter for VQ week. Coney showed up in his Y Guides vest - well played Running Bear! Warm-up: Moseyed north to the 1st middle school parking lot to the left and circled up for: 30 Side Straddle Hops IC 10 Good Mornings IC 15 Daisy Pickers IC 20 Imperial Walkers IC 10 Standard Merkins OMD Calf Stretches L/R with 10 count en espanol courtesy of Buenos Dias and delayed 10 count from Kickback who was apparently engaged in some mumblechatter. [Read More]

Odyssey Prep

Honestly, I had no plan when I started out yesterday morning other than to provide a solid beat down. After a quick pledge we were off to the lower parking lot. Why? Because I seem to always start there. Warm up Circle up for: Good Mornings Burpees to calm the mumble chatter SSH Sir Fazio Arm Circles Seal claps Some more burpees Mountain climbers During the warm up, Callahan commented that he had completed many burpees this week. [Read More]

Where's Frisco?

0510 I pull in to parking lot for my Hell’s Bells VQ and the only other PAX is Ryder about to warmup with some pullups. Where’s my Co-Q Frisco? Nowhere in sight. PAX start arriving and Honeycomb brought an FNG, Jake. First exercise was the pledge, and then a quick warm up mosey doing a figure 8 in parking lot. Cue Crimson’s first “This is supposed to be low running” complaint of the morning (only two more to go). [Read More]

Parking Lot Tour

20 PAX gather in the gloomy and humid morning for a flashback Q for YHC. I have many fond memories of posting and Qing in this great site and was excited to bring some new faces some of my old-school, vanilla beatdown. Disclaimer and pledge done, we head around the parking lot and down the dark path to the street where we oval-up for: Warm Up Good Mornings Sir Fazio [Read More]

Birthday Beatdown!

Good morning Pax and welcome to my birthday Q! I was too excited to sleep last night and woke up a good 1.5 hours early for the start of Phoenix. No FNG’s today so quickly through the disclaimer and pledge. Mosey around parking lot and circled up for warmup. SSH, a very slow good mornings, seal claps, and calf stretches. That’s enough of that as I needed all the time I can get for the beatdown. [Read More]

3.9 miles + a boat load of stuff in between ... The things you come up with to fill 1.5 hrs

Date: 8/31/19 PAX: Cataracts, EarharT, Kermit, Lookout, Peeping Tom, Sub, Trike, WWW YHC got the honor to Co-Q with Peeping Tom (True HIM). PT approached me via Slack. We were supposed to Q The Green Mile a few weeks back but I had to take an anniversary weekend trip to beach. So, when PT asked, I didn’t hesitate to accept. Here is a learning point: we did coordinate with each other but we weren’t specific on what we were doing. [Read More]

What are these Bells for anyway?

YHC did something a bit unusual and decided to Q a Kettle bell workout today. This one required some prep work and I hit the ground at the newest of locations for Hells Bells and was greeted with 24 brave souls. My ride for the day (or really for most days) Nature Boy was a bit delingquent today so Earhart was really sweatting whether or not we would make it. We did - three minutes to spare - no problem. [Read More]

The Stone Circle

We gather in the gloomy, very humid, full moon rising edition of Hot for Teacher. Good, reasonably sized group gathers around the flag for an Earhart beatdown. We head up across the street (safety first) and down to the upper parking lot in front of the F45 facility, we circle-up for: Warm Up Good Mornings Sir Fazio Windmill Steve Earls Side Straddle Hops The Thang Done with warm-ups, we head to start of the very large and inviting Publix parking lot for a round of four corners with: [Read More]

The Stone Circle

We gather in the gloomy, very humid, full moon rising edition of Hot for Teacher. Good, reasonably sized group gathers around the flag for an Earhart beatdown. We head up across the street (safety first) and down to the upper parking lot in front of the F45 facility, we circle-up for: Warm Up Good Mornings Sir Fazio Windmill Steve Earls Side Straddle Hops The Thang Done with warm-ups, we head to start of the very large and inviting Publix parking lot for a round of four corners with: [Read More]


A few months ago when the idea for Green Mile was born, I knew I’d want to lead a workout there, but I also knew that 90 minutes was a long time and I might need some help. I reached out to Red Ryder, and he was happy to jump in and give me a push. Warm-Up Pledge allegiance to the flag, then take a lap around the pickle and circle up for side straddle hops, Good Mornings, Moroccan nightclubs and Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]