To Taper or Not?

What is this thing that is called the BRR taper? 13 men showed up at Thomas Brooks park, the site of Field of Dreams, to find out. Four were doing some EC pull-ups before the bell rang at 0545. No site Qs, no flag, let’s go. Warm Up Mosey lap, circle up. SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, Runners stretch, Calf stretch, Pigeon stretch, and CF Merkins The Thang Pick a non-traveling rock. [Read More]

5 poles, 5 laps, no gloves

13 PAX joined for a whirlwind Andy Hill workout in the moist air. Mumble was low, sweat was high. Warm Up Good morning Squats Imperial walker Daisy picker Thang 1 5 poles Jump squat Monkey Humpers V ups Hillbilly Star jump 5 laps Backward run Lunge walk Shuffle Right Broad jump Shuffle Left Thang 2 2 steps backward - then 5 squats 1 step forward - then 5 LBC Mary [Read More]

Rockin' Double Trouble

12 PAX joined in a balance, coordination & stupidity Q led by YHC. Today’s entire workout was carrying our traveling rocks in combination with exercises which were a blending of two exercises. Sounds fun, doesn’t it? It was. EVERYONE thoroughly enjoyed it!! Warm Up - Top Lot Grab 2 traveling rocks - run while punching Good morning with leg lift SSH / Smurf SSH in cadence Plank Jack / Knee ups in cadence Fazio Squat in cadence Seal clap hillbilly in cadence Lunge with arm raise in cadence Thang 1 - soccer field [Read More]

7s that didn't even count

I’m really disturbed by this Garmin outage. So apparently, Garmin has been the victim of a ransomware attack. My workout is not showing up on my Garmin Connect app, and isn’t on Strava either. So did it happen? A bunch of dudes gathered round the flag at Mills Park school, known as AO Flying Circus. No FNGs, did the pledge and took off running. Disclaimer was given during the run. Arrived at the oppo side of the building and circled up for… [Read More]

High Tempo Euphoria

18 came to workout, a day after a much needed slap on the old wrist from the Nant’an, so with that a heightened sense to get the Pax working out, but also spread ’em out a touch, YHC designed a high tempo beatdown with that in mind. High tempo warm-ups and lightening quick Good Mornings. Y’all need to chill about these Good Mornings. Hell, we can’t even count and do seal claps properly anymore. [Read More]

Field of Drunk rocks

YHC’s Q tour continues. Ain’t gonna lie… I have a love/hate relationship with the Q sheet. Love the fact that I can snag some quality spots last minute. Wouldn’t mind it being a little more difficult. Get out there and grab a spot. You will love it. The PAX may love it. I may not love it but that’s ok. Warm up During the EC (see NMS for more on that) I noticed that the rock pile near the flag is a bit low on small-sized rocks. [Read More]

BLIMPS with a Twist

As we gathered this lovely humid morning in the FOD parking lot, a fresh face sauntered up and introduced himself as an FNG. Apparently @dirtybomb EH’d him, but declined to post himself. A little small talk, a slightly abridged disclaimer and we were off for a mosey, paint the lines and a quick warm up with side straddle hops, merkins, good mornings, and sir fazio’s. At the bottom of the hill I explained our blimp routine… [Read More]


YHC and Largemouth for 5.2 miles at a conversational 7:30 pace. Don’t worry everybody, we figured it all out. Franklin, Badlands & Sooey for a crowd control 5 mile run of their own. 8 socially-distant PAX set out for a traveling warm-up **Warm-UP **Moseying from the flag to the baseball field parking lot we stopped along the way for Good Mornings, Windmill, Steve Earles, SSH, and Mnt. Climbers. **Thang One [Read More]

Day 3 of Q Week: Whoville

Day 3 of 5 for my anniversary Q needed to match the previous two days groaning from the PAX, however we wanted to ensure that PAX were following WH guidelines to stay away from each other. Therefore, we adopted the “40 Minutes of Hell” Nolan Richardson. Named after the famed basketball coach from University of Arkansas. Warm up: Good Mornings Windmills CAC ME: The Nolan Richardson is a very simple routine, however it is necessary to split into partners (NO TOUCHING! [Read More]

Q Week Day 4: FC

Day 4 of 5 of my Q week was set to be the most challenging (to not fartsack that is), the PAX seemed to be in good spirits considering everything going on in the world. YHC enjoyed seeing a good crowd out there this morning! Warm-up: To start getting our hearts bumping, we took a run around the peanut, with alternating movements including: Karaoke Ass-Kickers High Knees High Skip WU also circled up for GMs, Windmills and Burpees (foreshadowing the future) [Read More]