Rock around the Clock at the Big, Long Scottish Sword

A fine, forty-degree morning to Q what Frisco had told me was Carpex’s newest Tuesday AO, called Big, Long Scottish Sword. Apparently, site tradition holds that only one Site Q may preside at a time, today being the Thane of Pickles, and you have to imagine the flag. No FNGs, so let’s get to work. Warm up Backwards walk, high knee walk, and karaoke walk to the roundabout parking lot. [Read More]

Lowe's vs Sweetwaters

16 PAX, one FNG, disclaimer given privately, perfect weather and we are off. Mosey to a very unsafe place to warm up (sorry Shutty) SSH, Sir Fazios, Good Mornings, Seal Claps and Mountain Climbers Head to newly opened Lowe’s Grocery stopping at each light pole for increasing merkins starting from 1 and getting to 10 Christen the parking lot with a 4-man double pickle Indigenous People Run (IPR). During each lap, one of the 4 will remain in place doing an exercise, until all 4 have taken their turn. [Read More]

Records are meant to be broken

As YHC has not attending a workout at Claymore more than a handful of times, he along with One Direction forgot its a 5:45 start. That being said a few warm up laps around parking lot killed the extra time. Beginning at 5:45, I a call for FNGS was made with no reply. With no flag in site.. we mozy’d pickle as then a site-q arrived with a flag. Stopped for pledge and then continued to other parking lot for warmups [Read More]

Ragnarockin' Over the Wall

Greetings, Carpex! YHC just completed my 2021 Q Challenge in Raleigh (Q 21 different AOs) and I am spreading my wings. I’ve posted in Carpex a few times in the past (Danger Zone, Carpex Dads, Werewolf, and most recently Rush Hour). You might’ve noticed a few of us Raleigh guys dropping in to get points for a challenge we have going on this month. It was one of our Raleigh (ahem, Garner) brothers, Bouchér, who recently posted Rush Hour and opened my eyes to the evening workouts in Carpex. [Read More]

Good teams set standards and goals, GREAT TEAMS are accountable for results

Beaker gave Ice Man the disclaimer, he was named at a Bible study, but this is his first post. Pledge then warmup: SSH, Imperial Walker, windmills, stretches. Accountability partner up. Mosey to Sweetwater and back with stops in route to do the following, P1 number reps first exercise while P2 continues second exercise, flapjac number X. Burpees/Low plank hold - 5 reps 4x Star jumps/Low Squat hold - 20 reps 4x [Read More]

El KryptoFell (Meadow)

Sometimes it’s just important to get a BB together to celebrate the fact that the most miles and greatest elevation covered at ANY AO on Monday, the First Day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty one was at Winterfell. Thirteen studs crushed >3,5 miles and >250 ft of gain. They are all recruit-ready for BRR 2021. Enjoyed it fellas. Not much talking up that little incline this morning. [Read More]

2 Years & Counting

15 HIM joined YHC in my 2nd Anniversary of F3 Starting with disclaimer and pledge We plant, grow and serve these groups to Warm Up with Mozy to parking lot. good mornings side straddle hops Sir Fazio Arm Circles / reverse Imperial Walkers Thang 1: Mozy to small field for 7’s group 1: wolverines + star jumps group 2: Mountain climbers + squats Thang 2: Mozy to track - Catch me if you can [Read More]

It Gets Harder as it Gets Easier

As I’ve been saying for a while now, I think I got spoiled by the seemingly extended warm weather we had this year. Cause now you can really notice the cold thats here now. This was certainly the case this past Tuesday as YHC ventured out to Q Field of Dreams. Which was the last of the different Tues/Thurs workouts I had planned to Q this year! 19 Pax in total made it out to the site, though the runners were already long gone by the time the bootcamp began. [Read More]

1 new AO; 8 new PAX

This is what I love about our growing region. Today I went to Winterfell for the first time (which by the way is a great AO. Well done Rooney) and met 8 new PAX. Carpex is a big beautiful world, if you’re not traveling around to different sites and meeting these new guys you’re missing out. YHC, One Direction, Cosmo, Houdini, Nope, Scapula and My Little Pony for the EC Army PT Test. [Read More]

VQ 5 Years Later

47 degrees in September…yes please! 21 pax left their warm cozy beds to suffer a bit in the gloom (even 1 high schooler! William “Braveheart” Wallace Marriott IV). So here is how this Beatdown was birthed…YHC VQ’d at FOD back in May of 2015. This past month I’ve been back to FOD a couple times and was excited to see the path around the baseball fields was FINALLY finished! We used to run the mess out of that loop and it got me thinking back to the early days of FOD…which got me to look up my VQ backblast…which got me to copy it for this morning and not have to think of something new! [Read More]