
The idea for this Q started a few weeks ago when Sooey preblasted something about not wanting to drink alone at Off the Rails the next morning. My degenerate brain took that to mean that he was planning to bring alcohol of some sort the following morning. Turns out Sooey just didn’t want to post alone on a cold morning, but the seed of a beer-themed workout started to grow. Then last week at Off the Rails, Sooey mentioned that story to Disco Duck who was equally enthusiastic about some sort of beer-themed workout. [Read More]

2 Years & Counting

15 HIM joined YHC in my 2nd Anniversary of F3 Starting with disclaimer and pledge We plant, grow and serve these groups to Warm Up with Mozy to parking lot. good mornings side straddle hops Sir Fazio Arm Circles / reverse Imperial Walkers Thang 1: Mozy to small field for 7’s group 1: wolverines + star jumps group 2: Mountain climbers + squats Thang 2: Mozy to track - Catch me if you can [Read More]

Sevens Three Ways

Site Q Sooey had promised 57 degrees this morning, and he was off by about 13 degrees, so 13 vets and 1 FNG had to deal with an Angry Duck Warm-Up Mosey to the Christmas tree in beautiful downtown Apex and circle up for a few warm-up exercises, including Good Mornings from Crimson. The Thang Mosey around the corner to the T-intersection next to the Methodist church and split into three groups. [Read More]

It Gets Harder as it Gets Easier

As I’ve been saying for a while now, I think I got spoiled by the seemingly extended warm weather we had this year. Cause now you can really notice the cold thats here now. This was certainly the case this past Tuesday as YHC ventured out to Q Field of Dreams. Which was the last of the different Tues/Thurs workouts I had planned to Q this year! 19 Pax in total made it out to the site, though the runners were already long gone by the time the bootcamp began. [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 4 #5 Tin2Iron Tire is the Pacer

Date: 12/17/2020 PAX: Ausfahrt, Disco Duck, Hello Kitty, Intimidator, Pet Sounds, Ramsay, Reentry, Roasters, WWW I arrived at the AO early to get prepped. Coffee started and equipment out. As it gets closer to time, I noticed two runners making their way to the AO (Hello Kitty and Ramsay). They wanted their mileage. Hello Kitty mentions that Pet Sounds was supposed to run in as well. 0530 on the clock and no Pet Sounds. [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 3 #4 Tortoises Block Party

Date: 12/16/2020 (Happy Birthday) PAX: Disco Duck, Mr. Safety, Reentry, Roasters, WWW #4 of 8 Q’s on the docket. I got the to the AO early enough to get coffee brewing. It was cold but glorious for some body conditioning. 0530 and I’m ready to get this party started. YHC directs the PAX to the cinder block holding area to select the best one for them. Oh yeah, there is no difference. [Read More]

Playing The Classic Hits

Back to Tortoise, where it all started. At the church formerly known as Sovereign Grace, YHC runs the 1.8 miles in early to get some pull-ups. Very soon, PAX started to arrive and gather ‘round the flag. It’s a cold, sleevy morning in the POGL. Even Ma Bell has the pythons covered for this 27 degree workout. First exercise, Pledge of Allegiance. Warm Up Lap around the parking lot, circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, a single Good Morning led by Crimson, Grundle stretch and calf stretch. [Read More]

Always On Time

13 men and 1 dog showed up to a flagless Claymore, but pledge allegiance to an imaginary flag and got to work. Warm-Up Mosey to the left side of the lot and circle up for various warm-up exercises, including imperial walkers (because we’re in Cary) and excluding hillbillies (because we’re not in Apex). Explain Wildcard, every time Crimson says “Wildcard!” we do five burpees. The Thang Mosey over to the tennis courts, count off 1s and 2s. [Read More]

Dora the Ninja

Last minute change in Q due to schedule adjustments, so I had to think up a workout pretty quickly for this post. I’ve been wanting to take advantage of the Elevate obstacle course at Ragnarok and this was the perfect time to do so…but how to make it really hard without crushing the PAX’s legs right before the Odyssey CSAUP?? Here’s how we did it: Ragnarok 22 Oct 2020 2000 - Welcome, Disclaimer, Pledge [Read More]

Lap the Fountain

The evening had a certain feel to it. The kind that would put you in the mood for a good workout! Mainly because it was a Tuesday night, and all know by now that thats Rush Hour time! 7 pax in total were there to get some sweat on (Captain Kirk would end up joining us for COT). So after the Pledge of Allegiance we were off and running. Disco Duck and WWW did some Bruiser walking. [Read More]