Off Campus Work

A muggy Friday at the original Cary (before CarPex) AO. It was 77 with nearly 100% humidity. Site Q Large planted the flag and the men began to gather. Welcome Big Bird (my boy), Puck and Viking from 20 somethings from the ITB and as well as Kotter Billy. Great to have Billy back. Loom is also back in the rotation, too…which is awesome. 22 Pax. I decided to showcase a little different location this am…but heading off campus away from the dark trails of North Cary Park. [Read More]


5 Pax: Asystole, Banjo, Disco Duck, Flip Flop, Yogi BIG SOMETHING Over the train tracks and past Bond Brothers to the first shady area for warm-up: Disco Duck’s favorite SSH, good pm, windmill, mtn climber, 10 merkins oyo, asst leg and arm stretches. Enough listening to Yogi complain about the mosquitos. Mosey over to east side park for half Cindy: 10 rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats. [Read More]

Tortoises Comes To A-Team

The plan this morning was to bring a Tortoises style workout to A-team. Limited running, unlimited pain. So we moseyed to the first parking lot at the front of the park and stayed there for the entire workout. Warm Up Little Man Jumping Jacks x 15 Jukebox x 15 (created by and named for my 2.0) Imperial Walker x 15 Cotton Pickers x 15 Thang 1 Partner up for Dora 1-2-3, merkins x 100, prisoner squats x 200, LBCs x 300, one partner runs the pickle while the other does the exercises. [Read More]

Celebration in the Peak of Good Living

Earhart, sooner, SUEY, Swag, monkey nut, disco duck, Parker, Snots, Lulu, ascot, stove pipe, nature boy, Franklin, goose, blueprint, road rash, blackout, open out, Wilbur, banjo, hotspot, water wings, Crimson, sky blue Babyface, a.k.a., Colin Snyder, led a compelling sermon centered around Jesus his first miracle, John 2:1 to 11, turning water into wine at a wedding reception. YHC cannot find the podcast so you men will need to stretch your imaginations, extend some faith beyond your sensibilities, and trust me on this one. [Read More]

I went to the Discomfort Zone

Two HIM posted at Rush Hour today and made each other stronger, physically and spiritually. Here’s what we did. Mosey to the parking deck Little Man Jumping Jacks x 15 Jukebox x 15 Good Afternoon Calf stretches Pigeon stretches Thang We stretched the legs becuase there was going to be some running. We sprinted from one end of the parking deck to the other. Not quite AYG, but faster than a jog. [Read More]


I drive into Tortoises because Freebird, my running partner is in West Virginia and Ohio this week on a much-needed vacation. By driving in I was able to post a shovel flag for the morning event. I had not planned to Q this morning but saw Disco Duck sign-up last minute so I offered to co-Q. 6 PAX gather in the gloom including Crimson, who drove in by himself. Who knew he had a car? [Read More]

Step by Step

Life is a series of steps. For the first 25 years or so, you are basically pushed down a series of steps. Elementary school, little league baseball, driver’s license, first job, then usually college or in my case, the military. In the Army, every step of your life is controlled almost 24 x 7. My three years in the 82nd Airborne Division were challenging and fun but when I got out, the day I got out, the minute I signed my last form, I was lost. [Read More]

Over Hill and Dale in Downtown Cary

So a few weeks ago I was complaining giving constructive criticism about an Indian Run we were in the middle of when Term Paper said, “Guess what, VQ week is right around the corner and you can plan an even better workout.” Dazed and confused, YHC finds himself in the gloom, in front of FUMC, Q’ing the Bradford’s Ordinary. A huge THANK YOU for the yoga mats that appeared! At long last, my wail of anguish has been answered and I have a place to lay my weary countenance! [Read More]


It’s hard to write the backblast for my VQ without getting somewhat reflective and sentimental, but I’ll save that for the NMS at the bottom of the post. First, here’s what went down in the Peak City gloom this morning at Tortoises. Earhart and Freebird came cruising in from their usual EC run. Various mumble chatter until go time. No FNG’s, so off we go on a little jog around the front pickle (see what I did there? [Read More]

Day Dreaming

YHC is glad to be part of VQ week! Thanks to all the PAX that participated in FOD today. I now have a better appreciation for how much the Q has to juggle, not the least of which is catching one’s breathe while talking and exercising.

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