Tribute to our Respect Week Qs

Small but strong group of 8 gathered to pay tribute to this week’s respect Qs and listen to some old music. No FNGs and we start with a quick jog around some random section of the park. Warm Up Chinese Downhill in memory of Gibson Merkins x 23 Burtjacks x 15 The Thang 4 corners Sour Mash wolverines x10 Yogi WW2s x 20 Goose SSH x 30 Kilmer – reverse lunges x 40 and 5 burpees in the middle [Read More]


Pulling into the Senior Center (an apt place to start for RESPECT Week, as so many pointed out - hardy har har), I could tell there was 24K magic in the air. Someone brought a Wal-Mark special fishing rod, an obvious nod to YHC’s fishing prowess. Some PAX were already sweating from Insomnia; some were sweating the impending beatdown they were about to receive; some took the easy way out and Vespered their way out of a beatdown; some rucked because, you know, running sucks and walking’s not enough. [Read More]

The 1%

In past wars, the war effort was a national effort. The entire country got behind both world wars and in Vietnam, the draft touched families across this land in all economic groups. For the war or against the war, the war effort was front and center at family dinner tables coast to coast. That was then. For my time in the military, the 80’s, who knew that was relative “peace time” for the American military. [Read More]

Themopylae: “With it or on it...”

Spartan’s VQ. (Disclaimer: This BB was authored solely by Spartan, posted by Texas Ranger who was set to be co-Q but Spartan didn’t need me!) 12 PAX showed up for an adventure to overcome 5 grueling days full of upper body and ab related trials. Good mumble chatter and an upbeat mood as all gathered for brief warmups, and with no FNGs this morning, the PAX proceeded directly to the Hot Gates with their shields (coupons) in tow for three rounds each of: [Read More]


When: 10/31/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Kermit, Disco Duck , and Pet Sounds (YHC) With the sauce hitting the head a few days earlier while watching the Irish put a hurting on the Wolfpack, YHC raised his hand to grab any Q available… Little did one realize it was Halloween evening… Kids took over Cary as we passed dozens of youngsters dressed for Halloween candy success. Go Time 1745 [Read More]

Burpee 100

Banjo, Biner, Bogo, Disco Duck, Goose, Hi-Liter, Ma Bell, Parker, PBX, Pickles, Snots, Water Wings 12 PAX, no FNG’s, 3 headlamps, 4 assorted neon shirts, we’re off. Indian Run to Davis Drive M.S. Warm-up SSH, Imperial Walker. Sir Fazio arm circles. Mountain climbers. Plank Jack’s. Merkins. Calf stretch. Low plank hold. Pigeon stretch. Recover Mosey to track Burpee 100 Timer set at 1 minute repeat. Run 100 yards AMRAP burpees till time, keep a talley [Read More]

3 Hills

The inspiration for the workout today at Phoenix came from reflecting on the hill of Calvary on which Christ persevered and shed His blood for us on the cross. We took on three hills at Phoenix, and I asked the PAX to think of Him and His sacrifice as they persevered this morning. It was a great time. Warmup: One FNG in attendance invited by Malpractice, so gave the disclaimer and then we were off for a little jog through Bond Park to another parking lot. [Read More]

Take me to the other side

Twenty HIM showed up on a cold morning for YHC’s second Dante’s Peak Q. For my first Q we stayed on the main side of the park and did burpees. Lots and lots of burpees. More than once I was reminded that there was more to the park than the baskeball court. Today I decided we should stretch our legs and make our way over to the other side. Warm-Up [Read More]

The Dirty Dozen

Six HIM showed up for the Kitty-less #meowmile. Well, five showed up to run, one accidentally showed up early and joined us just to be friendly. And at the turn-around Kitty made a cameo to say Hello When we returned our numbers had doubled to an even Dirty Dozen. Perfect for partnering up. Warm-Up Hustle around the back of the church and circle up in the tire shop parking lot for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, merkins, plank jacks and Sir Fazio arm twirlies. [Read More]

Rocky Mountain Way

Four HIM enjoyed another beautiful day in downtown Cary, perfect conditions for a Disco Duck beatdown. Warm-Up One time around the parking lot then circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, burpees, good afternoons and Sir Fazio arm circles (both ways). The Thang Hustle over to the rock pile on Academy Street and grab a rock. Twenty reps of tricep extensions, overhead press, curls for the gurls, rock rows and rock squats. [Read More]