Fellowship Pain Sticks

Last week at Rush Hour the fountains were frozen, this week we were all wearing short sleeves. Warm-Up Mosey around the parking lot a couple of times then circle up. We often go around the horn during Mary, but why not the warm-up? So we went around the horn doing side straddle hops, imperial walkers, cotton pickers and calf stretches. The Thang Mosey back behind the parking deck and grab a pain stick. [Read More]

The Darby Project

Date: 01/10/18 QIC: Darby [South Wake] Site: Tortoises PAX: Yogi, Ascot, Theisman, M4L, Banjo, Crimson, Pickles, CK, AirHeart, Dog Pound, Sooey, Disco Duck, WWW, Draper, Spartan, R2D2, Ugga, Cherry Garcia, DeadBolt, Darby For our Wednesday version of the CarPex/Southwake Q-swap, we “limited” our running to Shuttle Sprints and Agility work. We started on cones and ladder drills, moving into shuttle sprints. In between each group of 5 shuttles, we did merkins, flutterkicks, WWIIs, Burpees, mountain climbers, and something Theisman called. [Read More]

QSwap @ Flirting With Disaster – or – Slide Rules Goes to Carpex!

Background: For those who don’t know, Carpex is world region locally renowned for their Mumble Chatter. Also, the last time I Q’d in #SouthWake, the neighborhood FB / community running pages lit up with complaints about that “infernal loud counting” by F3 (aka YHC). Seems like a match made in heaven. Let’s make some NOISE boys! Background Pt 2: YHC arrived a little early to find PetSounds standing in the parking lot…in dockers and an argyle sweater. [Read More]

Shuttyversary Day 3: Gettin' After It

YHC and a crew of 7 hit up a little EC Phoenix run to kick the morning off. A 1 mile down / 1 mile back run. Upon return to Phoenix there was a new face amongst the crowd. Apparently 1 HIM-in-training saw YHC’s call to action on Facebook to join some men in the outdoors and the cold for a 0630 workout! Welcome FNG Butterscotch! Disclaimer was applied and we lapped the parking lot and ran out to the intersection for our #ShutInStandard Warmup. [Read More]

Pure 12s

This morning kicked off YHC’s 3 year anniversary Q3. 11 pax, 1.1 inches of snow, and 22 eyes rolled by Ms at 0500. So yeah…On 1/5/2015 at A-Team a young buck took to the gloom. The workout was tough, one guy talked A LOT, one had great hair, one had a doorag, and one had a dog with 3 legs. There were 14 pax in total (Nabisco never BB’d all the names) and 2 FNGs (RIP fng Speedo, you came like 3 times never to be seen again…). [Read More]

Back to Back 03 Jan 2018

15 degrees could not keep 13 HIMS from donning their tights for another weight intensive Tortoise workout. After much tutelage by Hermes YHC was prepared and eager to Q my first. With a limited knowledge of the Lexicon and the Exicon the morning ensued with a pledge of allegiance to the United States of America. Warm-up 40 high knee walking pace 40 high knee with a twist walking pace 40 Imperial Walkers 10 Johnny Roscoes 50 Arm Circles coordinated with one foot circling out in front (left foot) 50 Arm Circles coordinated with one foot circling out in front (right foot) [Read More]

Best Work Out of the Year (so far)

YHC pulled into the parking lot at Apex Community Park bracing for the cold, but as soon as I got out of the car my heart was warmed by the sight of so many of my brothers, smiling and excited to get after it despite the bitter temperature. Warm-Up Mosey over to the gravel parking lot at the top of The Hill and circle up for Side straddle hops x 20 [Read More]

Frozen Fountains

Low numbers this morning in Carpex, so YHC was hoping some of those fartsackers would show up this evening. I was not disappointed as we had two vets making their Rush Hour debuts. Warm-Up Mosey over to the first level of the parking deck and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, plank jacks and mountain climbers. And since YHC forgot to bring the flag we did some reward burpees (burpees are not a penalty, burpees are a reward). [Read More]

2017 in Review

Pre-BB We absolutely blew up GroupMe on its last official day in action when YHC asked the PAX to share what, in each HIM’s opinion, was the biggest event of 2017. Hilarity ensued. PAX eschewed work and risked loss of employment to contribute. It was all worth it, guys…IT WAS ALL WORTH IT! BB ‘Twas the last workout of the year and all through Bond Park, 20 warriors went a-running through the cold and the dark. [Read More]

It Ain't Easy Being Green Flash

My car said it was 28 degrees, the sign at the bank said it was 25 degrees, whatever it was it was cold enough that YHC had to break out his fancy new ninja mask to keep his face warm. Despite the weather, 18 polar bears showed up looking to get stronger. Warm-Up Mosey over to the back of the parking lot near the circle with the big rocks and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, Sir Fazio’s (both ways) and plank jacks. [Read More]