The first one's free.

An early morning HIDA alert from YHC, Disco Duck, Water Wings and Snots for meeting in the FMJ Gloom a little early to knock out 100 Burpees. Why? Why not, I guess. Being that we’re team players… we saved a few for our F3 Brothers. The PAX arrive, it’s a 10-count to start, great to see Grease Monke…wait… where’s he going? Half, did he arrive safe and sound? OK, a 9-count for a H-E-L-L-O K-I-T-T-Y Q at the premier FREE Tuesday morning bootcamp in the 27523 zip code (more on the FREE part later). [Read More]

Virgin Wolverines Hunting Sloths on a Track in South Merka

The path to Q’dom had to start somewhere, for Tubeless it started at Wolverine. 12 brave PAX showed up to attack the time change, put a hurting on Monday, and celebrate YHC’s VQ. Things were off to a great start as Jiggly Puff made his return to the gloom after having his 2.2 Gus. All PAX were stoked to see him. Welcome back Jiggly Puff! Speaking of PAX, YHC was stoked to see 12 PAX post for the Tubeless VQ. [Read More]

BOMBS Away at the Flying Circus

It’s Spring Break, so YHC decided to go a bit down range this week. I had never ventured out to the Carpex-Churham DMZ to visit Flying Circus, so I figured why not make my first post a Q (and there looked to be plenty of fun features to use at FC). Eight PAX initially gathered in the parking lot, many questioning our life choices with temperatures dropping back in the 20s. [Read More]

March Madness

Apparently it’s March already. February, you always cheat me out of 2-3 days. So time to get those NCAA pools going. But before that starts, let’s celebrate in the rainy gloom at Hunter Street Park. PERFECT weather. Warm Up JigglyPuff posts the flag, and we start with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mosey to a suitable parking lot for some warm up. Along the way we get in some butt-kickers, high knees, and side shuffles. [Read More]

Burpees around the world with bear crawls in between!

Woke up not expecting 46° after all the previous warm weather. Although, it was a beautiful morning to work the body, mind, and spirit. YHC/QIC did not write down what the workout regimen was going to be but he did have an idea that he contemplated over several days leading up to his Q… the goal was to put the HIMs to the test and to keep everyone as a group (so to speak). [Read More]

Lonely Hour

It was a beautiful evening in downtown Cary, alas YHC was the only one who showed up to enjoy it. Can a lonely duck push himself through a workout without his brothers to encourage and inspire him? Let’s find out. Warm-Up Burpees The Thang Running, merkins, squats, BTTW, star jumps, LBCs and burpees Mary Burpees COT Count-a-rama: 1 Name-a-rama: 0 RESPECTs, 1 meh, 0 HATEs Prayers / Praises: Continued prayers for YHC’s M [Read More]

Fifty-two pick-up

Sixteen HIM gathered in the A-Team gloom this morning to help YHC celebrate a 52nd lap around the sun. It was extra gloomy, but the temps were perfect. As anyone knows who has Q’d A-Team, it pays to have a plan A and a plan B, depending on what time CheddarBo rolls in to unlock the gate. 5:45 and no sign of him, so plan B is in effect. No FNGs, but YHC does a quick facsimile of the disclaimer anyway, and we’re off. [Read More]


YHC made a last minute decision to lead Phoenix as a way to be accountable to show up and not fart sack. It is always fun to lead such a strong group of PAX! Nice weather and great way to start the weekend. At 6:30 sharp we were off to the far parking lot near fields 6 and 7 for our warm up. Warm Up: SSH x 15 IC Imperial Walkers x 15 IC Arm circles x 10 IC Reverse arm circles x 10 IC Mountain Climbers x 10 IC Merkins x 20 OMD Thing 1: [Read More]

Bad Medicine

YHC doesn’t venture to this side of Carpex all that often, so it was a treat to visit SWW in the warm muggy gloom with 8 other PAX for a early morning randorama. In part because I don’t want this to be too #vanilla, and also because I just like it, we began our morning with the familiar tunes of Bon Jovi’s Slippery When Wet. How a Def Leppard song slipped in there I don’t know, but I’m not complaining. [Read More]

Scotts are invading

Both original plans were thrown out the window with news from Beaker that the Bridge to nowhere was not easily accessed, and the underpass was over a mile away. One day we will journey outside the friendly confines. Go Time 0530 Warm Up Short mozy to warm up SSH x25IC, Merkins x20-OMD, Imperial Walkers, (2)Offset Merkins x20-OMD,Good Morningx11IC, Thang One: Across the field Burpees 5,10,15,20 at 50, far end, back to 50 and back to start Plank Hold Thang Two: Around the Track Mary, at corners 25x Merican Hammers (LR=1) 25x Big Boy Sit Ups 25xShakeras (each side 25x LBC Thang Three: Mozy to Stairs for 3 rounds of Partner 1 run stairs + 25x Squats Partner 2 Merkins to failure 3x rounds of 5 pullups under stairway Thang Four: 4 Rounds of Soccer Field Sprints - All You Got - to mid field then mozy to other end Mary 10x Catalina Whine Makers Announcements [Read More]