It's Just a Little Rain

YHC is an admitted podcast addict. Sometimes the family gets a little tired of listening to ANOTHER podcast in the car. So I ran across a series of four podcasts done last year, hosted by Hollywood and featuring OBT and Dredd. They talked a lot about how F3 got it’s start and the 3 Fs. In one of the conversations Hollywood mentioned doing the Cooper, and of course I looked it up on the Exicon. [Read More]

Memorial Day Tribute

On a day set aside to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice 57 HIMs made a statement of gratitude, respect and admiration for the fallen by way of sweat, tears and even a little blood. First things First: 10 brave HIMs participated in an EC Murph at 0600. Pierogi, Hermes, Oofta, Ollie, Banjo, Old Maid, Squatter, Captain Kirk, Joe Smith, Tecumseh, WWW, Sky Blue and Michelob. Excellent work gentlemen! [Read More]

Trail to Eagle

[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“134”] Eagle Scout[/caption] YHC wanted to exemplify the Scout Motto and arrived a full 15 minutes early for Phoenix. Sadly, that’s about where “Being Prepared” ended for this end-of-the-Scout-week Q. Nevertheless, after a full week away from home, I was excited to share some of Scoutings, and in particular, the Eagle Ranks, more important numerical milestones. Warm-Up - 21s 6:30 and peeps are still rolling in. Well, it’s time to go so mosey while the stragglers get their s*! [Read More]

Dante's Peak Walkabout

Perfect weather greeted a group of 19 PAX this fine morning at Dante’s Peak, Carpex’s premier Friday AO. YHC was continuing with Scout Week, this time focusing on the Webelos Walkabout Adventure. The Webelos Walkabout is a 3 mile hike in nature. We encountered snakes, star (jumps), spider (man/peter parker), big beautiful rocks, and brotherhood this morning! In full discloser, there was a lot of mumble chatter on slack about how much distance we would cover this fine morning. [Read More]

Laying some Pipe with a Build-A-Bear VQ

30 Pax convened in the gloom, roughly 15 more than I expected. And they brought props! No, I did not tag everyone, and my apologies. Despite capturing the names immediately after COT, I have lost my notes. No FNG’s this day, let’s get started! Quick count-a-rama and we’re off to the Bocci parking lot at Kildaire and Lochmere for a warm-up! Warm-up: SSH Good Morning Dragon Pose Stretch, 10-count, swap 10-count 4-count calf-stretch Merkin’s - 10 each side Sir Fazio Arm Circles for good measure Thang 1: Mosey to the bottom of the parking lot, split the pax into two roughly equal parts [Read More]

Tank tops and merit badges

I was the Scout Master for Thursday’s Scout Week themed workout. As we do, we started out with the pledge of allegiance. Then we mosey to the bank for some: SSH IC Good Mornings IC Sir Fiazo Arm Circles , forward and reverse IC Merkins, on my down, holding for a 10 count after each set of 5 Warm-up complete, we run over to the pocket park behind Page-Walker where we start working on our first merit badge, Animal Science! [Read More]

Do Your Best!

YHC was serving as Senior Patrol Leader today. As with F3, Scouts is a volunteer organization. Specifically, Boy Scouts is led by youth, giving them their first taste at organization, service, leadership, and sometimes humility. Today was a lesson in all four for YHC. It felt like herding cats to get the group to start moving, not unlike any Scouting activity. Trouble was finding four volunteers to serve as Patrol Leaders. [Read More]

Who Do We Appreciate?

Burt shows up with his big box speaker and plays the soothing sounds of the Rick Dees classic Disco Duck while we wait for all the PAX to arrive. The clocks strikes 05:30, play time is over, time to get to work. Warm-Up Mosey over to the Global Knowledge parking lot and take a lap, then circle up for side straddle hops, mountain climbers, standard merkins and plank jacks. The Thang [Read More]

You can do a lot with an extra 15 minutes

I was glad to finally have some “approved” extra time for my workout this morning. I had been struggling with finishing on-time all week, so if I couldn’t bring this one back home in time, I may need to seek help. But since 60 minutes just isn’t enough for some people we also had two groups of EC runners. At 5:45 YHC, Snots, Hi-Liter and Chipper for a 4 miler and at 6:05 Disco Duck, Texas Ranger, Yoga Mat, Liverpool and Air Supply for 2 miles. [Read More]

Slippery When Wet

YHC pulled into the parking lot of North Cary Park a little early this morning, and thought about how Danger Zone is the only AO in Carpex that never has an EC pre-run. As that thought entered my mind, I saw Pet Sounds heading out for a solo warm-up run. Warm-Up Mosey around the pickle and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, cotton pickers and side straddle hops. The Thang [Read More]