3 years now...

So 3 years ago I showed up to Rush Hour, it was stupid hot, I had no gloves, but a man who I would later learn was named “Old Maid” walked to the parking lot welcomed me, and led me over to the gathering point to introduced me to the rest of the men gathered. We waiting for the “Q” named “Riptide” who arrived right on time grabbed a small kid’s tricycle and said follow me. [Read More]

Do You Know Any Good Veterinarians?

It’s a beautiful morning at Downtown Train in beautiful downtown Holly Springs! Warm-Up Mosey over to the library and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios forward, cherry pickers, Sir Fazios backwards, copperhead merkins, calf stretches and copperhead squats. The Thang Mosey over to the rock pile and grab a rock that doesn’t have a copperhead under it, circle up for presses, tricep extensions, rows, squats and curls. Take a lap around the library and grab your rock for rock yo bodies and squat thrusts. [Read More]

Five Alive

No better way to kick off National Buttermilk Biscuit Day than in the gloom with my brothers. Warm-Up Mosey to the front of the school and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, daisy pickers, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats and control freak Good Mornings. The Thang Mosey to the bottom of the hill next to the parking deck for Five Alive. Five rounds of 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 dry docks, 25 LBCs with a quick trip up and down the hill. [Read More]

White Prius

60 degrees with wind chill of 45, perfect weather for a beatdown. Warm-Up Mosey to the front of the church and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, daisy pickers, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats and burpees (Smithers was two seconds late, the flag touched the ground, Hi-Liter made fun of my car). The Thang Quick mosey to the parking lot for three corners. Mosey to the top corner for 10 monkey humpers, mosey back to the starting corner for 10 dry docks, mosey to the far corner for 10 monkey humpers, mosey back to the starting corner for 10 dry docks, for five-ish rounds. [Read More]

Will You Call My Name

2 1/2 years ago Pickles approached me with an idea to start a second limited run AO in Carpex. I was months behind on my membership dues but Pickles promised that he could “fix it” with the Leadership if I became a co-Site Q and started paying him directly in unmarked $10s and $20s (privilege of him being the Dues Collector, I guess). At first, I was worried. I was fairly new to F3 and unlike Mama’s Boy people actually liked me after their first post with me. [Read More]

This Sucked But We Saved Some Kittens

14 pax gathered at the den of the lion with no FNGs and we are off (2 runners joined us for COT) Brief mosey followed by basic warm up of SSH, Hillbillies and Sir Fazios (to get shoulders loosened up for merkins). 1, no make it 3 penalty burpees for the late arrival of Tramp Stamp. 1-18 David Goggins style merkins meandering through the myriad of parking areas ending up on Town Side Drive. [Read More]


Warm-Up Mosey up to the front of the school and circle up for imperial walkers, arm circles, daisy pickers, copperhead merkins and copperhead squats. The Thang Mosey around the school to the bus parking lot and count off 1s and 2s. One group BTTW while the other does 20 merkins, repeato with peoples chair and squats, then a lap around the buses. Repeato with 15 and 10 counts. Mosey over to the back parking lot for island sprints, with 10 monkey humpers and 10 dry docks every time you return to the first island. [Read More]


Three awesome studs in tanktops and ten plain old regular dudes in sleeves showed up at Olive Chapel Elementary despite the chilly conditions. Warm-Up No flag so mosey down to the park and circle up for the Pledge and a few other execises, including ten burpees to remind our sleevy brothers what day it is. The Thang Head over to the shelter for five rounds of 10 irkins, 10 dips, 10 step-ups and a lap around the pickle. [Read More]

No Mehs

Warm-Up Mosey over to the bank and circle up for warm-up. Hard to recall all of them but I’m pretty sure we did 4 burpess and 20 arm circles. The Thang Mosey safely across Chatham Street and make our way down Academy Street doing five monkey humpers at the odd light poles and ten merkins at the even light poles. Sevens at the Art Center, V-ups at the bottom of the stairs, bear crawl up the stairs, LBCs at the top, mosey down via the ramps on the sides. [Read More]

Star Wars, Star Trek, Starbucks, Starburst

Warm-Up Mosey around the school to the bus lot and circle up for imperial walkers, arm circles, mountain climbers, good mornings and burpees (only because it was chilly, the pax had been on their good behavior so far). The Thang Mosey over to the basketball court and circle up for Birthday Surprise. Schroeder did this at our Bruisers workout this weekend and I liked it so much I stolt it. One man selects an exercise, then the man to his left calls that exercise with the number of reps matching the day of his birthdate. [Read More]