Fired up for some Turkey!

Wednesday morning’s are always a high energy affair with Insomnia runners coming in and the Vesper and SNS crowd ready to kill it. Add to that the pre-holiday excitement, temps near freezing and anticipation of Kitty’s upcoming Thanksgiving extravaganza, New Year’s Eve in Times Square had nothing on the 34 gathered at the Senior Center this morning! At the crack of 5:45, the Vesper’s headed out to explore new trails and the SNS crowd got after it. [Read More]

Breaking news, Franklin Q sets the mileage record at Gran Torino

Rumor went out early on slack that YHC was going to break a mileage record at an AO, a sentence few people would ever expect to see in writing. Some showed up this morning to see if it was true, others showed up expecting it to be a record low mileage, but oh no- YHC meant serious business. He was going to attack the 3.8 mile GT distance record. 0530 - one burpee OYO, circle up for count off (18) GM and IW - and then we were off. [Read More]


YHC arrived a few minutes early to see what condition the conditions were in. Hopes for spending at least part of the beatdown in the amphitheater were dashed, it was lit up but there were workers preparing it for an upcoming event. Not sure how much that mattered because the greenway around Symphony Lake was covered in water. Hermes says that can happen after five days of continuous rain. Looks like we’re gonna get wet. [Read More]

Despite the forecast, a beautiful day and a disc golf hole?

It was supposed to be another rainy afternoon in paradise but despite all indications was dry as the Pax circled up. YHC was very excited to be back at the premier afternoon workout in Carpex after nearly a year away from this particular AO. 24 plus hours into nasty weather and lots of rain, I was quite concerned as to whether or not I would be posting alone. However, in typical F3 fashion 8 brave souls and YHC showed up and at 1745 we were off. [Read More]

Rocks, Rocks and more Rocks

Was enjoying chatting up the group when suddenly it was time to go - one burpee OYO i called and then follow me. FIrst Moore came up to me and was very concerned about where we were headed as his FNG had not yet arrived. Dont worry i assured him as we rounded the corner to the back of the parking lot as i had every intention of staying in the exact same parking lot for our warm up. [Read More]

The Highs, the Lows, and the Long Haul

The Highs, the Lows and the Long Haul There are a lot of things that YHC cannot get his head wrapped around. One being how one woman would stay connected to me for 33 years…..I say it, but yet I can’t believe it. Monday’s workout was themed around the stages of our marriage. The Highs…..The 82nd Airborne days were coming to a close. I received a letter in the mail, snail mail that is, that said I was “cleared to come on board”. [Read More]

Service Before Self

10 November 2018 – the day before Veterans Day and YHC was ready to lead a bootcamp for the ages to pay honor and tribute to our Nation’s warriors who have worn the uniform to defend freedom at home and abroad. I knew I needed stronger men than myself to lead this epic beatdown, and so I literally called in the Troops. Here’s how it went down, keeping in mind that the pax were well equipped with weight vests and ruck sacks, and 2 men at all times carried a log c/o of our brother Bartman (who was out Rucking his ass off at a tough… what a beast). [Read More]

The 2018 Odyssey: It’s a Journey, Not a Race

In CARPEX, we have a saying “if there’s no Back Blast then either it was a Riptide Q or it didn’t happen”. But the Odyssey did happen (I have the t-shirt to prove it) and so it must to go down into the annals of CARPEX so that someday future generations will read about it and ask themselves “What the #*@(#* were those morons thinking?!?!!” So what the #*@(#* were we thinking? [Read More]

Water Wings Week Part Tres

11/7/18 We had a blast doing pull-ups, monkey humpers, rock your bodies, fast feet, curb hops and Australian mountain climbers. Most complained, but all delighted in the punishment.