49 Feeling Fine

The scheduled Q, Sooey led with Disclaimer and Pledge. He then explained that YHC reached out 2 weeks back indicating a BDAY and requesting the Q. The gift was given. Follow me: mozy parking lot near baseball fields Warmup: 4 Good Mornings 9 Prisoner Squats 49 side straddle hops At the Baseball fields: 9 of Diamonds (9/18/27/36) consisting of merkins, lbcs, starjumps, homer to marge Partner up for suicides. Partner 1 balls to the wall. [Read More]

46 Degrees

46 degrees, the worst. Not cold, not hot, impossible to dress for. Yet twenty men showed up to Grace Sovereign Church this morning looking for a beatdown under these oppressive conditions. Warm-Up Mosey around the parking lot and circle up for hillbillies (because we’re in Apex), Sir Fazios forward, overhead seal claps, Sir Fazios backwards, copperhead squats and Good Mornings. The Thang Find the car with the GG’S GRAN vanity plate and grab two bricks from the trunk, and overhead carry across the street to hill for elevens, brick-yo-bodies at the bottom, squat thrusts at the top. [Read More]

Hotspot/Michelob 5-year F3-versary

25 HIM showed up at A-Team on the chilliest Monday morning in months to help Hotspot and YHC celebrate our 5-year F3-versary. Back in our day, A-Team was one of only 3 workouts per week in the Cary/Apex area, and there was no Carpex region as we were still part of F3 Raleigh. We’re very thankful to have been a part of the F3 growth in our area and also for the fellowship of all the Carpex PAX. [Read More]

Happy Gilmore or Water Boy which is it. Both movies definitely pleased the crowd.

PAX: Schilitz, Kermit, Whisper, Pikachu, Peeping Tom, Disco Duck, WWW, Vallencourt I had to give up my Q for Dazed and Confused because I could not post before my Q date so I audibled. I gave up my Q to a worthy Brother, Triple Lindy. So I did not have to look far to sign up for an empty Q slot. One of the best AOs in Cary, Rush Hour was wide the hell open. [Read More]

Morticia Addams, Wonder Bras, and Depends

A beautiful autumn morning, perfect for an F3 workout. YHC rolls in to Annie Jones Park to find Quikstop walking up and down the stairs holding a rucksack over his head. Frisco was supposed to join him for an EC run, but we didn’t see him. I wondered why the lot was so empty, and asked if Claymore starts at 05:30 or 05:45. Turns out it’s the latter, and I’m not the first Q to make that mistake recently. [Read More]

Wolverines at Wolverine

We are in the final two weeks before YHC moves out of Carpex and over to Raleigh and so I decided to Q as much as I could before I leave. Stop number 1 on the farewell tour was the darkest AO in all of Carpex and also an AO that YHC had only been to 2 previous times. My tiredness from just running the Tuna 200 Relay over the weekend, the darkness, my lack of familiarity with this AO, and trying to rest the legs keeping this more of a Limited Run style workout, led YHC to Q a little bit of a less organized beatdown. [Read More]

Diamonds Are Forever … or Until You Need a Bathroom Break By the time YHC arrived on the scene we already had a police cruiser observing from a distance in the parking lot. The Commish told him something that apparently made him believe we posed no threat, so he eventually left without hitting the siren. All license plates are no doubt now on a watchlist, so score one for the PAX who parked offsite and ran it in. [Read More]

Sandbag audible

YHC was in the middle of a BH butt-kicking recently and noticed a REAL NICE stack of sand bags, and so naturally I designed an entire workout around them… and naturally they started to split and spill the sand RIGHT AFTER WE STARTED… but I’m jumping ahead. Pax out on a crisp sub 50 degree morning in Apex. 1 FNG c/o the Greek God of the Olympiad. A purrfectly nailed disclaimer and mission statement and we’re off. [Read More]

Escargot, my car go

I came across a news story Tuesday that the 2019 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominees had been announced. I don’t remember how the news came to catch my attention but catch it it did. Start with the fact that two of my favorite bands were on the list (again) and that I hadn’t even heard of a couple others and I got intrigued. An hour or so later, not only had I created a little Spotify playlist to listen to at home, but an idea for a Q was developing as well. [Read More]

Hotspot & Sooey were none-the-wiser

It has been a loooong time since I have Q’ed A-Team, so I thought I’d dig through the Backblasts to see what we did. As I was reading I thought this was a pretty good workout. Good enough to be repeated. And unless someone had a really good memory, maybe I can get away with it seeming “original.” The only two people who were there the first time were Hotspot and Sooey, and luckily they didn’t even notice. [Read More]