Rockin' Double Trouble

12 PAX joined in a balance, coordination & stupidity Q led by YHC. Today’s entire workout was carrying our traveling rocks in combination with exercises which were a blending of two exercises. Sounds fun, doesn’t it? It was. EVERYONE thoroughly enjoyed it!! Warm Up - Top Lot Grab 2 traveling rocks - run while punching Good morning with leg lift SSH / Smurf SSH in cadence Plank Jack / Knee ups in cadence Fazio Squat in cadence Seal clap hillbilly in cadence Lunge with arm raise in cadence Thang 1 - soccer field [Read More]

55/2 - Birthiversary - Tricep/Shoulder/Back

Geek Week continues celebrating my 55th BDay and 2 year anniversary in F3. Each day, we will work on a part of the body. Today was a good one. Shoulders, Back and Triceps. Gotta love rocks! 12 PAX including 62 year old FNG Sparky - welcome! Warm up Good morning Sir Fazio Seal claps Overhead claps Michael Phelps Plank calf stretch with alternating arm raises Thang 1 - Ladder work with traveling rocks [Read More]

May the 4th Be With You - Almost (Chewie's VQ-ish)

Roughly a week ago YHC approached Kwik Stop and was like, “Hey Dude, want to come-up with a workout and Co-Q? at Tin2Iron?” In which the response that I heard was, “heck yeah” (or something like that…). So here we are. I woke-up at 3 a.m. with some major sciatic pain which helped me remember I forgot to charge the surround sound system for today’s beat down which still died in the middle of the workout and I had to plug the speaker into my vehicle. [Read More]

Katowice meets Bialystok

Pierogi Q tour continues with a return visit to the West Side. Pulled in around 5:20, shoes still on the passenger seat, with Sky Blue sliding into his regular spot just in front of me. As I leisurely put one shoe on and then the other, I notice the Flying Circus founder is getting agitated. He’s bouncing around like I’m holding him back from something. And as I tighten my laces and put the keys in the regular hiding spot, the man is literally running away from me down the parking lot. [Read More]

Best Estimate in the Circus

March 5, 2020, it’s a perfect day for a morning workout, and for YHC’s VQ at FC. Thanks to Pivot for signing me up, it’d probably take me much longer to make up my mind even though it had been mentioned to me a couple times recently. Slight jitter to start as YHC did not have a lot of time to go through the Q plan that was made up the day before, but knew the structure’s there. [Read More]

Lexicon V-Z

A beautiful morning at the Big Tent. 11 PAX joined in to complete Lexicon A-Z.

Warm up

  • Windmill
  • Walmart Burbee
  • Wide Arm Merkin
  • Zombie Crawl (plank position - crawl with feet dragging behind)

The only Thang

  • Walls of Jericho - squat, merkin, LBC, crab cake (L/R=1), T-Bone, SSH, nipple touches (L/R=1)


  • V-Up Roll Up
  • War Hammer - Jack Webb style (1 WWII with 4 American Hammer)
  • Vacuum Cleaner (with partner, wheelbarrow length of parking lot line, 5 derkins, wheelbarrow back, repeato, then flapjack)

F.O.D. (Finally On-site, Da*#it)

Despite Bartman setting the bar pretty low for Site Qs (here), I still think I manage to limbo it more than hurdle it. Having missed the past two weeks at FOD due to illness and fartsackiness, I was on the hook for the Q today. Since, as the site Q, I was my own back-up, I kinda sorta had to show. I think there is a lesson here… Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-Up) [Read More]

Lazy Ass Hofberg

There were a few HIM who got after some EC running. YHC and Banjo tackled 5.5 and we saw the Mother of all Bells show up for some, but as I went to press I did not know how far he ran or who joined him. But if you did you know who you are and what you did. 0545 No FNG No reason for Disclaimer No time for the pledge. [Read More]

Moist mosey merkins

Don’t google that… It’s raining, quite a bit, but the 3rd core principle is outside, rain or shine, heat or cold. 10 head out for a bootcamp and 1 for a mother ruck. Warm-up: Leave the lot and head to the front of the school only to do warm-ups right next to the covered walk way. Thank you, Shutty. GM, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio, Phelps and Overhead clap The Thang: [Read More]

You Get a Rock, You Get a Rock, EVERYBODY GETS A ROCK!

YHC continued my tour of the West Carpex AOs that started my F3 career with a trip to Field of Dreams. This trip was bound to be a good one with the plethora of choices the Q has at their disposal, and I hope the PAX got exactly what they paid for with their expensive F3 membership. Warm-up: YHC noticed that the PAX were quite happy to see one another this morning, because the mumblechatter was on point to start. [Read More]