
YHC was super pumped up with Q-Drenaline for his VQ. So pumped up that he initially got into the car this AM without his running shoes. So pumped up that he drew up a 2-sided weinke in 4-point font that was entirely unreadable in the early gloom. So pumped up that he was nearly made late for his own VQ while waiting for “Gonna Fly Now” from the Rocky Soundtrack to download, so that YHC could get into the proper mental/emotional state on the drive to FWD. [Read More]

The Dirty Dozen

In the gloom, 35 intrepid PAX (3 FNGs) gathered to discover what would happen in this week’s first VQ. YHC was celebrating completing 12 months of F3 goodness. The group took off doing the Smokey Shuffle up the hill to warm-ups. Warm-ups (12 count each) – SSH, Good Morning, Calf Stretch, Merkins, Mt. Climbers Thing 1 – The Dirty Dozen – LBCs at the bottom of the hill and Carolina Dry Docks at the top totaling 12 reps for each lap. [Read More]

A Bridge Too Far

I arrive at AO I normally don’t visit that often (I tend to go to FOD) but I do enjoy this site and the options it brings. 22 PAX show-up on time ready for another beat down. Welcome FNG Kyrie! Q starts by getting the guys to grab some curb and do a round of quick feet, a good way to warm up before the warm up. We head out running slowly around the corner for: [Read More]

7/20/2017 Artsy Fartsy

16 PAX including a 2.0 - Bo Jackson working on his maiden 6 pack showed up for a YHC led workout. The warm-up: Jog to sea of booty (aka Copacabana Wave) new location and circle up for some warm up. Jog to sea of booty old location and warm up some more. Jog to some other odd art sculpture near the rail road tracks (aka Excelerator) for some more warm up. [Read More]

Hitting and Running for the Cycle

It was so hot, I thought we were at Dante’s Peak….then I realized I only drove 2 mins to the AO….not 20 mins. The Insomnia extra credit boys (Large Mouth, Hermes, Callahan, Pet Sounds and PBX) came running follow my Mr. Rucker (Bartman) as we circled up to get started. Nice work men. 73 degrees, feels like 88, clear, no wind. Theme for today was baseball given the 2nd F Bulls outing on Sunday. [Read More]

Where in the Hell is Dante's Peak?

I knew there would come a time when I would make the trek over to Apex Nature Boy Park. Home of Carpex’s quiet workout. Only been to DP once and was in trouble early on for being a little loud. 78 degrees, humid as hell, 32 33 Pax rolled in to have some fun, get stronger and learn that, as in life, workouts are best if not in a straight line. [Read More]

A-team Ninja Warrriors

Holy open gates Batman! Over the course of the last few months, YHC has gotten pretty used to the gates being closed, so therefore the workouts have all been planned around that being the case for the last several Q’s at YHC’s beloved Ateam. This was the first time plans were foiled due to OPEN gates! YHC put the EC on neighbor Cliff (Blackout) who was Carpex’s newest FNG. He was the ONLY FNG this fine morning, despite some PAX members taking joy in confusing your hapless Q. [Read More]

Where to?

Pax. Aristocrat, Asystole, Bo Jackson, Dice, Disco Duck, Banjo 2 for EC, Asystole and Banjo, run to Cary Arts Center, dips and derkins, return. Gather pax and jog down Ambassador to Academy with stop on the way to warm up, SSH, imp Walker, Mtn climber, low plank hold, oyo good pm and windmills, calf and pigeon stretches. Thang: At each street intersection, pax calls exercise and next running direction, left-right-straight-return. Exercises in counts of 2, 3, 6, 9, or 18. [Read More]

Phoenix Phun in the Sun

It’s getting hot. So hot this was the last 0700 start to Phoenix this summer. No worries though, YHC planned for the second half of the workout to be in the shade. That made it easy. Right guys? 20 PAX: 3 total FNGs posted, all 2.0s ready to rumble in the big leagues, so the disclaimer was given (to their legal guardians) and we were off to the kiosk to warm up. [Read More]

Pick Up Your 6

“Who you spend time with is who you become. Proximity is power.” - Tony Robbins This quote came across my Twitter feed this weekend and I loved it. Right away it made me think of my F3 brothers. The ones I see everyday that help make me better. Not only physically but also, through fellowship and faith, a better man, husband, dad, son, coworker…you name it. I sat there proud thinking of the people I surround myself with because of the good it does in my life. [Read More]