Happy Trails

About a year ago, Hermes led the PAX on a now-legendary Q down a narrow dirtbike trail that runs parallel to Highway 1. Hermes took the group all the way south to the Dairy Queen on Ten Ten. I got to thinking: what happens if you headed north on that trail instead? I saw the Q slot was open for Kryptonite, so I grabbed it. I ran the route twice over the weekend. [Read More]

Backblast two-fer

Taking a page out of the high-tempo-ness of the two AOs to which this two-fer belongs and high-tempoing this mofo in one uninterrupted writing block. Clock. Starts. Now. 7:01PM start. Measured Thrice Location: TGM PAX: YHC, Parker, Snots, 1-4, Pivot, Skidmore (out of towner… sort of), Biner, Hi-Liter + Ruckers: Trike, Repeato + Pooch, Skipper Warm-up: Bring yo gloves. Bring yo water. Start your Stravas. Follow me. Leave said gloves and said water (except Hi-Liter who claims that water makes him weak) over by the buses. [Read More]

Time May Change Kryptonite, but you can't change Kryptonite

Oofta and YHC were especially amped for Kryptonite today, because we were the lucky two who get to take the SiteQ responsibilities for the next…ummm, how long is it? Denali and Wonderbread conveniently left that part out. The EC was on, because, well, who doesn’t want to run with the Beige Bros before a 3 mile minimum high tempo workout. We rolled back in to the launch lot with maybe 12 seconds to spare, the PAX gathered, no FNGs, we said the pledge and off we went…. [Read More]


This Guy! Largemouth, Denali and Wonderbread for some EC laps around the AO. Today is a perfect example of never giving up on your dreams. I’ve waited for this day for 50 years and it finally happened. You see kids…. Great group of defiant HIM this morning for an early rollout of Phase 2. We ran, circled up, and celebrated the day of my birth with 5 Good Mornings; 19 Steve Earles; and 70 (IC) SSH. [Read More]

It's called WWI. Look it up!

This Guy! (instead of YHC. What do you think Denali?) for an EC 3.5 mile run with now 53-year-old Michelob, Denali, Largemouth, Chanticleer, and Grandpa Banjo Hey, look there’s Hermes, Francois, and Hi-Liter. Let’s work out. Mosey to larger parking lot Warm-Up Good Morning, Windmill, SSH, Calf Stretch Thang One Located a nice size hill, ordered extra headwind and called out 11’s with L/R Jump Lunges at the bottom and Squats at the top. [Read More]

New COVID-19 Version High Tempo

A new time and a new history being made. This is the first week of Full Metal Jacket since schools have closed and a new work from home policy has begun for most due to COVID-19. Always looking at the silver lining, that should equate into more HIMs being able to post…and we were not disappointed. First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance Warm Up Took off on a little mosey to explore across the street. [Read More]

Shooting Bricks at SWW

It was a rainy Friday the 13th but 17 PAX showed up for the only March Madness in town. Started off with the pledge and circle up for Warm ups Good Mornings (13) SSH (13) HillBillies (13) Diamond Merkins (13) One Legged Homer to Marge (13 each leg) Runners stretch (13 count each leg) Hermes not able count past 10 in Roman numerals Thang 1 Partner Murphish Dora 50 Pull Ups 100 Merkins 150 Bobby Hurleys Takes turns running around pickle Thang 2 [Read More]

Dr. Dre makes ya feel alright

#COVID19 is now officially in full hysteria mode. I mean that in the “uncontrolled” and not “exaggerated” sense of the term since who knows if the hysteria is warranted or not. But considering that the NBA just suspended their season… and travel from Europe into the US is blocked… and America’s Dad (or whatever we are calling Tom Hanks nowadays) is not in quarantine in Australia as a result of COVID… well, the shite has gotten real. [Read More]

You're no Prodigal

Sunday afternoon, YHC was finally done with most of the chores for the day (after a great morning TRM tuneup run with Wonderbread), and checked in on Slack to see what was up. First priority was to check on the Q status for Gran Torino Friday…OH NO we need a Q! But then, a more urgent call for help was noticed. Prodigal needed someone to take his Kryptonite Q. It’s been a while since I Q’d (and especially Kryptonite), so I tossed my hat in the ring. [Read More]

Teaching Ponies Some New Tricks

Preamble Good thing Kittibonz posted the Q sheet on Slack Sunday or I might have forgotten I had the Kryptonite Q. Once reminded, I was all in pre-blasting my intention of throwing some blue collar beatdown on these one-trick ponies that gallop around the AO. Not to worry; I know these thoroughbreds gotta eat. That said, methinks they were all a’skeered they weren’t going to get their miles in - which is why the parking lot was unusually full of cars and devoid of PAX when the West Cary clown car arrived. [Read More]