We knocked out 3.1 miles...

Pulled into the parking lot and Hermes and High Heels were already there at 5:20am. High Heels was visiting from Knoxville and it was nice to have him. We then got to here a story about Khakis knocking a guy out in college and how it changed his life! Pretty interesting stuff but then we were late so we were off…. Warmup Run to the greenway Good Mornings 10 IC Willie Mays Hayes 10 IC Side Straddle Hop 20 IC The Thang [Read More]

Little Frisbee Toss Anyone?

Insomnia included YHC, Wonder Bread, Large Mouth, and Shut In for a nice 4 mile loop. Next Up SNS - Warm up jog where I learned we had an FNG. Whoops. Flip Flop wanted to stop things right there but we went on. Warmup Side Straddle Hop 20 IC **Late disclaimer by Flip Flop - nice work Good Mornings 10 IC Willie Mays Hayes 10 IC Imperial Walkers 15 IC Plank Jacks 10 IC Merkins 10 IC The Thang [Read More]

CARPEx Murph 2017

This year marked the second time CARPEx held its own Memorial Day Murph, and its first as an official region. Last year at this time, the CARPEx/CAPEx naming discussion was still heated. If YHC recalled, Term Paper even had a shirt made up with CAPEx on one side and CARPeX on the other. Ah, those were the days. Apparently they are lost to history, as when the Backblast was searched for, it couldn’t be located on the site for a hyperlink. [Read More]

1,096 days

The temperature was perfect. The blue sky was bright with sunshine creeping over the treetops. YHC walked slowly toward the typical gathering spot, catching the bizarre yet strangely comforting sounds of MGMT blaring from someone’s car stereo. It was deja vu. -—- Three years ago on a Saturday around 7:58AM, I found myself questioning many of my recent life decisions while trying to vomit as quietly as possible into a pond so that no one else would see or hear me while they did this thing they called “Mary”. [Read More]

N-M-S, and Politics as Usual

NMS You may think YHC is suffering from the winner’s dilemma: coming off a glorious victory and having to immediately ante back up. He’s spent all his physical, mental, and emotional energy just having been the greatest ever. He bottled lightning, there is no way to follow that. The people want more, the game is on the line, but his knees are weak, palms sweaty, and he’s wondering what in the hell he has left to give. [Read More]

Breaking down the gates of Cary

Monday morning and Kryptonite is upon us. Eight A-Team defectors ponied up for a stroll around Regency to see the estate. Let’s see how the upper crust lives: COP - SSH, GM, MC, and HB (you know the exercises) Four man IR - Run up the Hill to Regency Woods. #kryptonitesignaturehill Plank Four man IR to Richelieu - Break your team into two teams for three laps up the hill to the crazy cul-de-sac (I love writing that word - makes me laugh). [Read More]

Might need a disclaimer before the backwards Billy Run....

So this was my 3rd F3 workout in 24 hrs and I was feeling a little tired but looking forward to Qing probably my favorite workout location. There are so many options and there is even a parking deck! WARM UP: SSH, Good Morning, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jacks, and Merkins. We added some high knees, butt kicks, and Frankenstein walks on the way to the Page Walker House. DORA 123: Partner up and then 100/200/300 – Box Jumps/Australian Pullups/LBCs while the other partner takes a lap around the parking lot. [Read More]

Flood Zone - Carpex version

Some large number south of 40 PAX assembled at the Senior Center for SNS/Vesper on a beautiful dry morning, with no concerns about the park flooding. One FNG care of Moore from Churham and after the disclaimer, we are off. Brisk run through a short greenway path to the Community Center. Warm Up SSX x 20 GM x 10 IW x 15 Sir Fazios x 15 Compass Merkins x 5 at N,E,S,W,N,W,S,E [Read More]

BO's 4/20 VQ

WAKE N’ BAKE 🏻Warm ups: 15 - Good mornings 15 - low slow flutter 20 (10 each side) - Annie’s 25 - Freddy Mercury’s 🏻 Run back to big church parking lot 🏻The Thang Partner 1 AMRAPs while Partner 2 Runs around the parking lot (W.A.K.E.) W - WWII A - American hammers K - Knerkins E - E2Ks 🏻N - ‘Ndian run (groups of 4) behind the school into the parking lot. [Read More]

Hitting the ground running

First time over at the fairly newly minted Kryptonite and decided to see what all of the fuss was about. Stallions that’s what. These hombres want miles, speed and whatever you can throw at them. Varsity team need only apply….non of that Thursday night JV stuff, no sir. That being said, YHC didn’t want to bring down the mean, especially after having spent all weekend with Denali at Y Guides Spring Outing. [Read More]