The 1%

In past wars, the war effort was a national effort. The entire country got behind both world wars and in Vietnam, the draft touched families across this land in all economic groups. For the war or against the war, the war effort was front and center at family dinner tables coast to coast. That was then. For my time in the military, the 80’s, who knew that was relative “peace time” for the American military. [Read More]

Respect week kick-off

9 PAX for Kryptonite and 1 for Rolling Stone showed up at Koka Booth to kick off Carpex Respect Week. We were greeted by Hermes, playing an old man character by sitting in his patio chair, reading today’s newspaper, and wearing his old-man hat. If you haven’t seen the hat, just look for any of his selfies on GroupMe. Ah, Mondays. You try to start the week off right, but your gastrointestinal system may still be dealing with what you did to it over the weekend. [Read More]

Opposites Attract

13 HIM (FNG Mitchell) got their week started right at Kryptonite this am. 40 degrees. Clear. No wind. Here is what we did: Warm up Circle up for SSH while we wait on Flouride Run to the large parking lot. Line up for SSH, a miscalled Good Morning, IW etc with a few sprints between light poles (~ 50 yards) included. Thangs - All in the Parking Lot Set of 22’s - Hand Release Merkins and Jump Squats. [Read More]

Bayside High School Is Awesome

I love @jeremyfoland sending out the weekly “Who’s Qing” tweet because about every 4th week or so I look and say, “Oh, I’m Qing this week.” And speaking of Hotspot, we’ll get back to him a little later. Good crowd of 21 PAX today, including 2 FNGs from out of state. The FNGs came with Grease so I knew they’d be athletes and were probably use to being in action. Gave the disclaimer and we were on our way. [Read More]

Lion's Gate

Monday morning. Kryptonite for some men but not for these 11 dudes. No gloves for the real men #carystrong and off we went. COP in the VIP parking lot - SSH, Mountain Climbers, Good Mornings, Merkins, Imperial Walker. Main Event - 3s by 5 Practice the 3s by 5 - 5 Starjumps, 5 Burpees, and 5 Hand release Merkins in the parking lot and then run to the corner of Ederlee Drive and Regency Parkway. [Read More]

FIA, Pain Tubes, and Donkey Kicks

This was my second Q at BO and I had regrets from my first. Namely, Sputnik taking a fall and breaking his wrist. To my surprise Sputnik was there this morning. Wonder if he know I had the Q. Anyway, I completed the disclaimer for 3 FNGs and told everyone to not get hurt and we were off! Warmup Jog to the downtown circle Side Straddle Hop 15 IC Good Mornings 10 IC Imperial Walkers 15 IC FiA weekly challenge. [Read More]

How quickly..

How quickly things change. Last week, Gloom temperatures were in the 70’s and humid. This morning the PAX broke out the long sleeves and sweatshirts (some of them, anyway) for temps starting with a “4.” And that’s Freedom degrees, not in some commie temperature. The Tortoises crew had made the journey north in order to partake of the 2nd/3rdF after the workout (more on this later), so go time was even more of a goat rodeo than normal at SnS. [Read More]

"It Didn't Look That Big When We Started"

hill·ock ˈhilək noun a small hill or mound. synonyms:mound, small hill, prominence, elevation, rise, knoll, hummock, hump, dune;bank, ridge, knob;formaleminence"the lovely green hillocks in the distance" First, credit to Denali for the #twss quote (possibly paraphrased) that became the backblast title. We wrapped up our workout on the featured hillock near the Salem Pond Park parking lot, but there was oh so much more this PAX of 12 did on the first sub-50 degree morning in several months. Warm-Up [Read More]

Accidental 4.4

12 PAX this morning for YHCs first Kryptonite Q. Excited for my drive chance to take the wheel of this one, we nearly ran the tires off. No FNGs, 5:30- Let’s go. Warm-up: Jog to the lakeside tent for 20 SSH, 10 GMs, 20 PJs, 10 IWs, 20 Mtn Climbers, 20 Merkins. The Thang: Split into teams of 4. Indian run to the other side of the lake, shorter - lit way. [Read More]

Travelin' Wilburys

Alright, listen up. Imabout tired of this early August weather IN OCTOBER. Be Fall already! Yes, I feel better now. Anyway, a great crowd of men assembled at the Mellinial Memorial Skate Park in the unseasonably warm and humid morning to get better. My guess is they did. Extra Credit: First person to tie a recent event to the title of this post wins a free cup of cheap coffee. [Read More]