Partner Double Beast

It was a great morning all around for the PAX of Dante’s Peak. Weather was money. Numbers weren’t very #problematic (19 > 15), spirits were high, Open Out came in hot. No not because he’s wearing a sweatshirt in May but because he was running late. I tried my best to give this Q away to a VQ but with only a few nibbles and no bites I was excited to take the reigns. [Read More]

Vacation...Paincation, Shooter's Choice

For the PAX that thought they might squeeze in a leisurely extra workout or two before Memorial Day, there was no leisure to be found. It’s officially swimsuit season and YHC wanted the PAX in their best shape. If you’re wondering if the season has started due to warmer weather or the torrential downpours, yes. Regardless, there was enough of a break for 21 PAX, including one FNG, to receive a thorough beatdown [Read More]

I've Got Those Beer Mile Blues

22 PAX (23 if you count someone who joins up at 6:27) including 2 FNGs gathered this morning at scenic Apex Nature Park. No shovel flag, no site Qs, but those in attendance came in anticipation of seeing a little merlot spillage from YHC. Not to be. Disclaimer given and were off. Extended Warm Up (as promised) Merkins x 10 SSH x 15 Merkins x 9 LBC x 15 Merkins x 8 GM x 10 Merkins x 7 Freddie merc x 15 Merkins x6 IC IW x 15 Merkins x 5 IC Sir Fazio x 10 Merkins x 5 IC (Whoops) Mountain Climbers x 15 Merkins x 3 IC Plankjacks x 10 Merkins x 2 IC Merkins x 1 IC [Read More]

No Larry This Go Around

Shut In was afraid of what happened last time YHC led the horses at A-Team. The Pax tried some new exercises and were better for it…were they a bit creative? Sure. Edgy? Perhaps. Did you get to know your fellow man a bit better? You bet your damned ass….(hmmm, interesting choice of words). Anyhow, Shut In didn’t want any more of what could come but his worry was unwarranted. No sir, this day was not to feature Mary’s brother that lives in Key West, Larry. [Read More]

#32 at Bounty Hunters

23 men embraced the gloom this morning to join in a birthday celebration at Bounty Hunters. YHC must first apologize to the white Lexus SUV that was forced off of the road this a.m. and to the fine police force of Apex as a calculated and skillful pass was performed on the double yellow lines of our very safe downtown area. YHC then arrived on 2 wheels, responsibly parked my truck in front of a fire hydrant, and jumped out to give the 1 minute announcement. [Read More]

SNS -- The New Outdoor Gym

I arrive at SNS after not posting here for some time being a regular at Tortoises to a crowd of PAX either hanging out or running in from all directions. Seems SNS has turned into an outdoor gym environment where you can do running, beatdowns, several aerobic options. What is next, cycling and yoga classes? Anywho, 30 plus guys gathered, some ran away for Vesper, some stayed with me for the traditional beatdown. [Read More]

May the Murph Be With You

The second week of Bounty Hunters kicked off with 19 strong, including 1 FNG. As Water Wings fumbled his way through Open Out’s half made flag YHC fumbled through the disclaimer. 0545 and some change and we were off to the American flag for the warmup. Before warming up we took in a moment of silence to reflect/pray for our government, military, and freedoms to kick off National Prayer Day. This was then followed up by the Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]

Feels like Merkins

From the time YHC’s bowels awoke him at 4:56, it just felt like a merkin kind of day. You know how that is, amrite? Ma Bell’s Qing, you know there will be merkins. Goose and I arrived to a reluctant group of PAX. I mean, it’s 70 degrees out already. Let’s get out of those cars! By the time 5:45 struck, we were 15 strong. Let’s go. Into the park to the first ntersection for Warm-Up [Read More]

Ask and You Shall Receive

After wrestling the Q away from Hotspot, picking up Biner and seeing no bat-signal at PBX’s, YHC rolled into a darkened Apex Nature Park. On the way in, we passed a group of runners (the usual suspects) – Hotspot, Michelob, Pet Sounds, and Old Maid. As we gathered in the gloom, Pet Sounds mentioned that he would like something a little run-lite since we’ve logged so many miles in F3 this week. [Read More]

And then the rain cleared...

With a forecast of rain and flashfloods, PAX of 15 posted outside the closed park gate. Unfortunate for the FNG that showed a few minutes late, but couldn’t find us until halftime of our workout… Warm-Up With the rain miraculously holding off the PAX began a light jog into the park stopping at the speed bump for the 6 to complete 20 SSH, then jogged the rest of the way in to circle up for some Merkins, Mountain Climbers and Good Mornings. [Read More]