Triple Audible - wait, what?

When: 07/27/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Shank, GTL, Michelob, Sour Mash, Sooner, Hot Lips, Mopar, Qque,PBX, Open Out, Sky Blue, Biner,Parker, Crimson, Snouts, Matlock, Kubota, Whitewater (FNG Kubota’s younger brother), Lulu, Swag, Pickles, Petsounds How is it possible? Yes, one audible is acceptable, two questionable, but three? Who let this guy Q? YHC says blame Out Open, he is one of the site Qs. No way should YHC be held accountable for his complete lack of a solid plan. [Read More]

Extra Spicy

Pre-BB In 1785, William Cowper wrote a poem he entitled, “The Task.” In it, Cowper wrote the famous idiom, “Variety is the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor.” And so it was that SNS this morning was Extra Spicy. BB When the guy who first invited you to F3 asks for help, you help him. I gladly said “yes” when Water Wings asked for a Q sub today. [Read More]

The Brickyard

When: 07/24/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds PAX - 20 total The Brickyard. Following along with the message from last week YHC sees F3 as a way for all PAX to challenge themselves to prepare for whatever comes their way. The pavers at first did not feel heavy and were laughed at by some PAX. However just as in life what starts easy can sometimes derail and turn difficult quickly. To be Life Ready, we must push ourselves through new experiences and challenges. [Read More]

Where in the Hell is Dante's Peak?

I knew there would come a time when I would make the trek over to Apex Nature Boy Park. Home of Carpex’s quiet workout. Only been to DP once and was in trouble early on for being a little loud. 78 degrees, humid as hell, 32 33 Pax rolled in to have some fun, get stronger and learn that, as in life, workouts are best if not in a straight line. [Read More]

A-team Ninja Warrriors

Holy open gates Batman! Over the course of the last few months, YHC has gotten pretty used to the gates being closed, so therefore the workouts have all been planned around that being the case for the last several Q’s at YHC’s beloved Ateam. This was the first time plans were foiled due to OPEN gates! YHC put the EC on neighbor Cliff (Blackout) who was Carpex’s newest FNG. He was the ONLY FNG this fine morning, despite some PAX members taking joy in confusing your hapless Q. [Read More]

Phoenix Phun in the Sun

It’s getting hot. So hot this was the last 0700 start to Phoenix this summer. No worries though, YHC planned for the second half of the workout to be in the shade. That made it easy. Right guys? 20 PAX: 3 total FNGs posted, all 2.0s ready to rumble in the big leagues, so the disclaimer was given (to their legal guardians) and we were off to the kiosk to warm up. [Read More]

Give Me Liberty or Death!

With all the spirit and having experienced the 1776 beatdown personally, I felt one more inspirational workout was due to the PAX. With everyone there on a hot and muggy morning, we head out running out and back, circling around the Nan-tan for the first group of exercises and: Warm Up 10 Good Mornings 20 Imperial Walkers 20 Variable Side Straddle Hops 15 Elevated Heel Raises 15 Mountain Climbers 15 Elevated Heel Raises [Read More]

Turkish Delight

Pre-BB THANKS and a BIG SHOUT OUT to all the Q’s I’ve posted under since my first day…you all taught me well! Thanks, WaterWings for inviting me out. Grateful for the brotherhood! Thanks for the support today! BB ‘Twas Saturday morning and through-out CarPex not a creature was stirring except…Callahan, Old Maid, Hermes (gear), Pierogi (gear), Dice, Bo Jackson, Yoga Mat, Texas Ranger, Ollie (3rd Anniv.), Smokey, Crimson, Sooey, Napster, Shank, Yogi, Hi-Liter (VQ), Disco Duck, Mississippi, Biner, Bonham (FNG), Sour Mash, Large Mouth, Term Paper, Sky Blue, Free Bird, Bartman, and Red Dawn. [Read More]

The CarPEX Declaration Celebration

In honor of this Carpex’ declaration of independence this year from F3 Raleigh, we hijacked the nation’s birthday…no this was about America. And Independence. And Revolution. And Democracy. And Old Glory. And rockets red glare. And Freedom. And moon shots. And heroes. And Bald Eagles. And the Greatest Got Dang country in the world! And it all started in 1776. So 35 of Carpex’ and 2 of F3 Raleigh’s finest did this. [Read More]

HSP Circuit Fun and More

Lucky 13 PAX showed up at Hunter Street Park on a beautiful 60-degree June morning for my first Q since milestone birthday week a few months ago. We were all about to confirm that the 0.5-mile loop around this AO lends itself pretty well to a nice little running circuit with a few pain stations. 0545 approaches, none of the prolific mumblechatterers in attendance (probably at BO with Burt), quick check for FNGs (none), and a brief announcement that there will be no awkward partner exercises today… and off we go. [Read More]