Welcome to DanKryptoPeak

It wasn’t my intention of running a Kryptonite-style workout the day before Odyssey but from the mumble chatter, that’s what it turned out to be. I debated what I should do for today’s Q and what I didn’t want to be sore tomorrow, so I was hoping this was the right choice. According to some, I failed. PAX of 1 (YHC) for an EC run PAX of 4 for EC pull-ups. [Read More]

Beaker's Back-up

YHC was up early this morning, looking forward to a Beaker Beatdown. Unfortunately Beaker was under the weather and needed someone to pick up his Q, and since YHC was the only other person awake at 4 AM, it was all mine. Beaker’s Back-up’s Beginnings (The Warm-up) Mosey over to the parking lot next to the hill and circle up for side straddle hops, cotton pickers, hillbillies, copperhead merkins and copperhead squats. [Read More]

I Did It All for the Koozie

They say good things come to those who wait. Who are they? The PAX? The Q? 24 gathered to find out for a VQ that was a long time coming. YHC awoke at 0420 for a 0530 VQ approx 4 minutes away. Alrighty then. Arrived early to off load the pain sticks and found FNG Daniel alone in the parking lot with his car and an empty black BMW. PAX piled in the small lot, disclaimer was given, and off we went. [Read More]

Good Form

15 pax joined me this fine morning for a lesson in good form. YHC had advertised a mentoring or on the job training for our VQs to prepare for their big week next week. At 5:45:00 we were off. Run to end of parking lot and circle up. Ask pax what we forgot and they correctly identied missing disclaimer and FNG check. YHC was feeling we were off to a good start! [Read More]

Milk Run

33 Pax gathered to celebrate YHC’s 35th birthday… well actually, they gathered to watch what would happen when Frisco drank a half gallon of milk prior to the beatdown. Banjo joined Frisco in the lactose challenge. Surprisingly, they were able to keep it all down during the workout. Pickles and Parker got in some EC merkins and several pax got in an EC fellowship run with Half. Once the new start time of 0530 rolled around, we were off! [Read More]

Brought to you by the Letters D and B

I went to Q school a couple of weeks ago. Since I am out of town and will miss the start of VQ week I decided to step up early and get this thang done. In my posts leading up to this I took lots of mental notes. Most of them were forgotten before the first exercise (do you really have to say ‘Recover’?). Thanks to those who helped with time keeping as my FitBit bit it this morning. [Read More]

Merkin Monday (on a Friday)

Welcome to the 3rd installment of Flaccoversary Week 2018, and only the 2nd installment Q’d by YHC! After an unexpected business trip to Virginia preempted the 2nd installment (that was graciously Q’d by Sabre), YHC felt the need to get swolt. (And my legs aren’t working very well since the lungefest at SNS, so upper body seemed the way to go.) So my M went to Crate & Barrel to buy me something nice for my Flaccoversary, and she found Merkins on sale. [Read More]

All Out of Love for my Kettle Bell

19 including a slightly late Crimson start with a mozy around the lot. Warm up SSH x 15 Hillbillies x 15 Sir Fazio set x 15 GM x 10 Merkins x 40 Low plank hold Thang Partner up with 1 KB for 200 total each exercise while one pax runs the pickle Curl and Halo Squat and rotate torso Tri extentions Rock your Body x 150 with partner Curls IC x 15 [Read More]

A Day That Will Live In Infamy

Word Count: Two of Burt’s morning “ablutions” When Hello Kitty put out the call for someone to cover DZ I was on-the-fence about taking it. It was Theismann’s birthday Q week and there had been abysmal turnout the previous four days–maybe 2 or 3 people on average and only those because they couldn’t get a spot in a clown car to another AO. But then after agonizing over it for a while I remembered great Q’s have to make hard choices so I decided to sacrifice Theismann’s feelings for the greater good. [Read More]