12 Days of Christmas Already?

Got to the park with 15 mins. to go and already had a couple people there. I chatted with Yoga Mat but headed off to see how far my warm up lap was. About 0.6 miles which would work nicely. Warm up Up the hill and around the parking lot to Chanticleer’s for Plank hold, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Good Mornings and 10 Donkey Kicks. Then we jogged back to the park. [Read More]

Constructing (and Deconstructing) BLIMPS

14 HIM gathered at the well-lighted Apex Nature Park to start their weeks off right. Started with a brief jog into one parking lot (where the PAX got a little confused as Hot Spot broke off from the group for his solo run through the woods) for the warmup (SSH, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Overhead Clap, Mountain Climbers, Cotton Pickers). Mosey across the street to the larger parking lot to construct (and deconstruct) some BLIMPS (5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats) as follows. [Read More]

How quickly..

How quickly things change. Last week, Gloom temperatures were in the 70’s and humid. This morning the PAX broke out the long sleeves and sweatshirts (some of them, anyway) for temps starting with a “4.” And that’s Freedom degrees, not in some commie temperature. The Tortoises crew had made the journey north in order to partake of the 2nd/3rdF after the workout (more on this later), so go time was even more of a goat rodeo than normal at SnS. [Read More]

Autumn Arrives

YHC was excited for my first Q at Flirtin’ With Disaster and arrived early to scope things out. Some plans had to change when I realized how incredibly dark the park is. And after what seemed like two weeks of sauna like weather it finally starsted to feel like October. I may have been the only one out there who prefers the sauna like conditions. Warm-up - Mosey over to the park parking lot and take an extra lap just to get the blood flowing, followed by side straddle hops, imperial walkers, merkins and plank jacks. [Read More]

Happy Birthday to Me!

What a fantastic, cool, lovey morning. And dark. Good heavens Marla Dorrel Park is dark at 5:45 in the morning. As it is so dark, 5:45 finds Chanticleer rolling in and undressing as we roll out of the park and up into the parking lot in front of Lowes Foods. Also known as “The New Order Cross Fit’s Front Yard”. Punks! I had a birthday Sunday and I am now 51. [Read More]

Bears v. Crabs

Pre-BB YHC delayed his departure for a short business trip to make Wolverine’s Launch happen…but the BB had to take a back seat for a few days. Worth the wait, I hope. BB Thank you, Pete Russell, for Co-Qing this great, new AO with me…pumped to be working with you. Thanks to the 29 HIM who posted at Wolverine’s launch. And thanks to ALL of CarPex for the mumble chatter that kept the buzz about Wolverine alive. [Read More]

9/7/2017 Callahan, Coney, Goose, Parker, Katniss, Water Wings, (unknown), Smokey, Pet Sounds, Pickles, Disco Duck, Term Paper, Snots, Sosa, Chanticleer, Ma Bell, Dreamliner, Beaner, Earhart, Joe Smith, Angry Elf, Half, Coxswain There weren’t many TTs on TTT but there were 24 PAX that showed up to be lead by Coxswain with a quick start promptly at 5:45 over to the bank for warm-up. Warm-up: This began with 15 Good mornings signaled in true Coxswain fashion with “STROKE! [Read More]

Moderately Slippery When Wet

19 PAX showed up for the inauguration of SWW on 09/01/2017. Must have been the promise of some good ol’ Midwestern casserole that brought them in. But it was the surprise bagels and lox that really won them all over. As an added bonus SWW lived up to its name (I knew it would) with a very tolerable occasional sprinkling of rain. Here’s how the morning went: Jog to shelter parking lot (farthest lot from houses) for warm ups: -Good mornings -Side Straddle Hops -Hello Dollys -Flutter Kicks (Low Slow Flutters) -Freddie Mercurys -Homer to Marges -Std Americans – I mean Merkins [Read More]

More Burpees Than Planned

PAX: 19 (FNG Lite-Brite) Excited to hit up some BO this morning. YHC has been on the low low when it comes to Q-ing so I’m happy to get back in the game. With all of the new AOs the opportunity to lead a workout can only increase! So just as my Twitter #PB announced I arrived at 0530 for some #TTT. Stretched for quite a bit before the next cars mosey’d onto the lot. [Read More]

"It's Good To Be Alive Today"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjELo3fmS-M Early this morning, before YHC laced up his brand-new sneakers, there was a post on GroupMe from the ‘Man’Tan himself, MaBell. MaBell reminded me of my mom, who always would call/send me a message the morning of someone’s birthday/anniversary: “hey sweetie, call ___________, it’s their birthday today”. Anyhoo, MaBell declared that today, August 30, was the official 4th anniversary of CarPex. He went on to praise some of the OGs of CarPex, and remind us to swell their heads for setting a foundation for what is soon to be 14-15 AOs across Cary-Apex. [Read More]