This also happened today in CarPex

So, a new AO - Bounty Hunters - debuted today somewhere north of Atlanta. I heard it’s about a 4-hour drive, so I was pretty shocked to see that 32 PAX made it all the way down there for the christening. Good on ya. Meanwhile, in downtown Cary, 12 PAX milled around the normal starting spot wondering where on earth the B.O. shovelflag was. Oh, the other site Q has it. [Read More]

Old standby, deck of death welcomed 16 strong

Beautiful morning at Bond Park, at least if you like humidity. But apparently, people do. Good crowd, early crowd, anxious and waiting to roll. Callahan and Old Maid wander in from their separate EC runs. No FNGs and we are off - out of the senior center, right on the road, left on the path - hard left onto trail, left again on the path, right on the road, back in the other entrance to the senior center - a little backward run and side shuffle thrown in and we were back where we started. [Read More]

Beast Conquered

11 PAX showed up Saturday morning for a pre-Easter workout. No FNGs. Mosey down to the field for the warm-up: Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jacks. The rain started. Next, mosey around a 100 yrd x 50 yrd plot, for the thang, marking the corners and mid-field points with pine cones. Note: don’t use pine cones to mark a course - they’re hard to find. THANG Beast with a Mucho Chesto set and a Bruce Lee set after each round. [Read More]

Flip Flop Q-Skool

Yeah, I went to the F3Carpex Q-School a couple months ago, led by the honorable CK. I learned lots that day, however just like in high school and college, I got an A+ on the exam….but forgot everything after that day. Then the day comes for me to Q again, but I didn’t remember all of CK’s simple lessons that day…….kinda like taking the GRE and forgetting how to calculate simple items you learned in previous years, like a cosine or tangent. [Read More]


Slow warm up run to start, circle up for some warm up. Merkins, Cotton Pickers, Plank Jacks and Superman. The Thang: 4 Corners, Merkins, Burpees, American Hammers and Carolina Dry-docks. Then short run to Rock Pile, Partner Dory with rock, 100 Curls, presses and squats. Start run and did some more Burpees and Dying Cockroach Finished with some Mary COT FNG’s Punch Down and Chalkboard. Welcome to F3 Great support for these men from the PAX, very impressive. [Read More]

Great weather, Great crew, Great site, No Nantan, No site Q, oh what to do....

Thanks to Nature Boy for texting me yesterday asking me if I was attending A-Team. In response - I checked the Q schedule and what to my wondering eyes did appear - but my name next to the Q spot for today. I guess that seals it, I should attend. Planning can be overrated - just ask Callahan. Arrived this morning to find gates closed (nothing new here) but spring is in the air and everyone seemed to have extra pep in their step. [Read More]

Cary Brewery Tour in Golf Attire

Beautiful morning in downtown Cary this morning - Burt showed up in full golf attire to celebrate the first Thursday of the Masters (John Daly shorts, Footjoys, putter, etc.) He looked good - but later on learned that footjoys are not the best running shoes. Pleasantries exchanged, Coney gave a quiet disclaimer to our FNG, Nantan started barking about the time so we were off. YHC shot down the road like he was out of a cannon, around the corner. [Read More]

Full Court Press

30 Men took the hill this morning at SNT 11 of those men choose to Vesper. Two different groups one ran 4 and the other ran 5 today. The ones who went to shaking not stirred got some full court pressure in honor of march madness. High tempo GO workout. Warm up Run to the parking lot 15 x SSH 15 x Good morning 15 x frankensteins 15 x Merkins [Read More]