Take the Pain Train

Pain Train 1 5 diamonds 10 Squats 15 HRM 20 BBSU Pain Train 2 5 jump squats 10 Wide grip merkins 15 monkey humpers 20 ww2 Pickle lunge walk merkin run = full lunge of the pickle, 50 merkins, 4 laps of running Shelter work Dips/irkins 11’s Dips/derkins 11’s Mary Rosalita Hammers Freddie mercs Announcements TCP Sawgrass this Saturday at 2 No Thanksgiving convergence Be on the lookout for possible modified start times for certain AO’s [Read More]

The People's Champion

Davis Drive park has got to be one of the darkest places in an otherwise bright and somewhat beige world of Cary. Wait, is this where the Beige Bros got their name? Nevermind, I digress. It’s dark at Wolverine. Not too dark to know where to do pull-ups before the witching hour of 0530. It’s a busy Monday, with 17 PAX making the journey this morning. No FNGs, so a very abbreviated disclaimer was given. [Read More]

An ode to ConPAINment Area

Friday’s workout at DZ was supposed to have been Q’d by Mr. Original, the one, the first, the only, Louis CK. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to come out which leaves us only a couple of weeks before The Godfather of Raleigh and Founder of CARPEx takes his leave from NC. Hopefully he’ll be back soon. In the meantime, the workout turned out to be more of an ode to the ConPAINment Area, including a throw back to a couple early BB from Cary. [Read More]

Searching for Bradford's Ordinary

Yesterday YHC did some research on Bradford’s Ordinary…the town. If you’ve been around Carpex a little while you’ve probably been asked “why is it called Bradford’s Ordinary?” so I thought maybe we could take a stroll to the historic site of BO and get our learn on… Well it doesn’t exist. In the 1700s there was an Inn owned by John Bradford called Bradford’s Ordinary and so this area was just called Bradford’s Ordinary. [Read More]

Back in the Saddle

I’ve been trying to decide when i was ready to Q again and noticed a BO opening so figure that would be a great opp to get back in the saddle again. Solid group of 19 gathered in the parking lot ready to do some work. Burt recites the abbreviated version of the F3 mission and we are off. Mozy to random parking lot near the train tracks for a brief warm with no merkins, but with a on point Nature Boy Good Morning call. [Read More]


https://youtu.be/19KstSgU-c0?t=47 High, higher than Bond Park You know I like the dark I need you to elevate me here At the corner of Norwell And North East Cary Parkway It’s our premier AO, the first, The best, the one with all the sand Don’t be starting late I don’t wanna be an object of hate Saban’s watching the time The goal is elevation Uncle, I think I’ve met you before [Read More]

This Q reeks of BO

Let’s get things out of the way from the start. This was as thrown together a Q as I’ve pulled in a while. Was there an idea going into it? Sure. Did it involve more than “we’ll probably have a DORA”? Um… It all started about 14 minutes till 5. With intentions of meeting Coxswain for EC at 5:15, I was taking my sweet time preventing a Pet Sounds. Too sweet a time. [Read More]

Add title

I couldn’t think of a title so I just kept what was already there. A few of us got after it a bit early for a little EC, and I saw a few guys getting a bit more after the workout. Here’s what happened in between. 0545, No FNGs so off we go for a quick parking lot tour before circling up for some Good Mornings, Windmills and Steve Earles. [Read More]

When Sargent Squatter Came to DZ

When I saw that Hello Kitty had to give up his Q spot at Danger Zone I jumped at the opportunity. It is a very exclusive spot and the application process is quite tough. I had been rejected twice, but if I pretended to be Hello Kitty someone would figure it out when the sun started to come up. But if I pretended to be Hello Kitty pretending to be me everyone would just think it was a great disguise. [Read More]

BO Birthday Q - Downtown Tour

Warm up at the bank: 10 side straddle hops 10 daisy pickers 10 good mornings 6 merkins 10 count right/left Calf stretch 10 mountain climbers 6 merkins Thang 1: Mosey down Academy stopping at each intersection. 10 sumo squats 10 lung squats 10 jump squats 6 monkey humpers (towards the Maserati parked on the street) 10 wide arm merkins 10 derkins 10 irkins 6 diamond merkins Thang 2: Mosey to Garage [Read More]