Mutual Birthday Q - Can you smell what the ROCK is cookin'

Eagerly anticipating my VQ, I awoke at 4am and couldn’t go back to sleep. Birthday VQ, co-Q with Ma Bell, our illustrious Nan Tan. Rolled in to Bond Park about 15 minutes early to setup cones for the workout in the parking lot; realizing I could just of used the parking lots lines instead. Live and learn. Already waiting for mumblechatter regarding what the cones were for. Got my rocks set up and placed a record sized Weinke under said rocks. [Read More]

Switchback BLIMPS

2 fresh, clean, bright, pink head bands provided by Bert. Hey do you know who signed up to Q? Really? Hey do you want to do it? No, I got it. Does anyone know what time it is? Thanks Smokey. 2 Minute Warning, 45 Second Warning… Disclaimer was given for 2 FNGs. Jog around pickle, circle up for warmup- SSH, GM, Hill Billies, Merkins, Mtn Climbers Run to bridge, inverted sunrise to wait for the six. [Read More]

1,096 days

The temperature was perfect. The blue sky was bright with sunshine creeping over the treetops. YHC walked slowly toward the typical gathering spot, catching the bizarre yet strangely comforting sounds of MGMT blaring from someone’s car stereo. It was deja vu. -—- Three years ago on a Saturday around 7:58AM, I found myself questioning many of my recent life decisions while trying to vomit as quietly as possible into a pond so that no one else would see or hear me while they did this thing they called “Mary”. [Read More]

Getting ready for Speedo season

Fifteen PAX gathered in the ever-brightening gloom at Carpex’s oldest AO this morning. Based on his job gallivanting across Europe, YHC decided some extra core and lower body work was needed to get the PAX ready for the Speedos they will obviously be wearing at the beaches this summer in the European style. After some Burt mumble chatter about the Nan’tan’s lack of knowledge about Apalachicola oysters, the PAX set off on a customary opening jog around the pickle and a brief standard suite of warm up exercises along with 10 penalty burpees for a tardy Smoky. [Read More]

Vacation...Paincation, Shooter's Choice

For the PAX that thought they might squeeze in a leisurely extra workout or two before Memorial Day, there was no leisure to be found. It’s officially swimsuit season and YHC wanted the PAX in their best shape. If you’re wondering if the season has started due to warmer weather or the torrential downpours, yes. Regardless, there was enough of a break for 21 PAX, including one FNG, to receive a thorough beatdown [Read More]

#32 at Bounty Hunters

23 men embraced the gloom this morning to join in a birthday celebration at Bounty Hunters. YHC must first apologize to the white Lexus SUV that was forced off of the road this a.m. and to the fine police force of Apex as a calculated and skillful pass was performed on the double yellow lines of our very safe downtown area. YHC then arrived on 2 wheels, responsibly parked my truck in front of a fire hydrant, and jumped out to give the 1 minute announcement. [Read More]

SNS -- The New Outdoor Gym

I arrive at SNS after not posting here for some time being a regular at Tortoises to a crowd of PAX either hanging out or running in from all directions. Seems SNS has turned into an outdoor gym environment where you can do running, beatdowns, several aerobic options. What is next, cycling and yoga classes? Anywho, 30 plus guys gathered, some ran away for Vesper, some stayed with me for the traditional beatdown. [Read More]

"Hey Cally, did you see that rainbow?" (x 12)

Beautiful morning for a workout, eh? Six men showed up for a quick 2.25 mile EC run around parts of Cary I’ve never seen before. Back at the parking lot with plenty of time, the rest of the PAX started pouring in one after the other. All in all, a total of 25 men showed up in the gloom to push themselves and their brothers to put in some hard work. [Read More]

Agility City

A perfect Wednesday morning for a Shakin-not-Stirred workout: temps in upper 50’s and mild+ humidity. There were a lot of F3 men milling about the shovel flag by 5:40 a.m., many of which were covered in sweat after the 5:05 a.m. F3 Insomnia run. By 5:44 a.m., men had split up into Vesper running group and the classic SNS bootcamp group. There was a singular flip flop that someone tossed in the center circle of the classic SNS bootcamp group, then I stepped into the middle which added another singular Flip Flop in the center circle. [Read More]

Stick Move

GroupMe was all atwitter (pun most definitely intended) the night before with speculation about what was going to happen at Ma Bell’s 3 year F3iversary. “I’ll bet it’s Merkins” “Keep calm and Merkin on.” Shut up, you don’t know me. Fast forward to Thursday morning. 19 folks came out to find out for themselves instead of retreating to their fartsacks. Side note: I like a word that can be used as both a verb and a noun. [Read More]