Sneaky Hard in New Hampshire

16 of CarPex’s finest gathered in the gloom at Bond Park for SNS, deciding they wanted both a beat down and to be home before 7:30 AM. Warmup Jog to the Community Center parking lot for warm ups: SSH, GMs, SFAC, Hillbillies, Cotton Pickers, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, & Quick Feet Indian Run to the rock pile adjacent to the Bond Lake spillway. The Thang Split into three groups for a little F3 Cat’s Cradle. [Read More]

Oldies vs Youngies

12 PAX decided to get up 15 minutes early this morning. One of them was Burt…get a few Bond Brother brews in @burtcarpex and it’s easy to talk him in to posting to Kryptonite. Knowing this I thought it’d be fun to peg the Respects against the millennials (if they would just put their phones down.) Jog down the Koka Booth parking lots to the way back and circle up for warm up… [Read More]

The Money Move

Flip Flop, disco duck, smokey, Burt, Joe Smith, largemouth, Chanticler, Hermes, pierogi, shank, coney, Banjo Recently YHC was in Chapel Hill where Yanni led the pax through 50 prom night Merkins to the pax chagrin, as is if those glory days were not a bar set high, much like Burts high school fro bringing him in at 5'10". This is real stuff for these men of action. Hermes alone would scoff at such a weak execution and bow out that chest and announce three or four more rounds. [Read More]

Bones-Bones-Bones-Bones Bones, Bones, Bones, Bones, Bones…

…Now tell me what ya gonna do, When it ain’t nowhere to run (haha, Shut-in reminded me of this Bone Thugs-n-Harmony song and I think I’ll start my next Q with this in the background) F3 started for me in Churham at The Falcon approximately two years ago, later spending 1 year as Co Site Q at Tobacco Road. After moving from Durham to Cary 1 year ago this month, I was past due for my first Carpex Q. [Read More]

Audible City

18 of the best looking gentlemen in F3Carpex convened at the greatest Area of Operation in the nation: DangerZone! A FNG roared in a sweet looking 1962 Mustang (could have been a 1954-1968 Mustang, I have no idea, but it was a classic car nonetheless). Small talk and Smack talk ensued until 5:45 a.m., and we were off to run around The Pickle…… …..ooops, forgot to give disclaimer to FNG. In an unprecedented move, the disclaimer was provided by YHC to the mustang guy while on the run, who then said something about his niece being bad, YHC “I’m sure she’ll be OK”, FNG said something like No my sneeze is bad, YHC “probably the humidity”, then FNG yelled at me “My knees are bad”! [Read More]


14 Men showed up to celebrate my 51 st Bday. At 5:45 we did a slow jog to the bball courts to warm up. We opened with a moment of silence for Cheech and his family. Sorry Ma Bell I didn’t see that we were supposed to do that by the flag at 5:45. I also challenged the men to reach out to someone that we might owe an apology to and also to reach out to someone and say I love you. [Read More]

Swimming laps

YHC had it all planned out. Looked months in advance (well, maybe weeks) to find THE Monday that would mark my 2nd F3versary. Hotspot’s big suicide was my first introduction to an F3 workout. It didn’t kill me, but it was pretty close. Then, I realized, oh crud I have a weeklong project at work that starts THE SAME DAY that I had signed up to Q. Frantic, hurried inquiries with Hotspot and McCants to see if we could swap up the order. [Read More]

New Hampshire Sunrise

23 Pax for Shaken Not Stirred,4 Pax for Vesper, 5 Pax for Insomnia Q - Hermes, YHC Insomnia ran about 4.5 miles or so, I really don’t know exactly. I have no idea how far Vesper ran, but they did swing by New Hampshire and they were late for COT, I assume they covered at least 6.5 miles in the 46 minutes. SNS: Run down to trail to parking lot, circle up for some typical warm up: SSH, Sir Farzios, Hillbillies, Good Mornings [Read More]

Little Frisbee Toss Anyone?

Insomnia included YHC, Wonder Bread, Large Mouth, and Shut In for a nice 4 mile loop. Next Up SNS - Warm up jog where I learned we had an FNG. Whoops. Flip Flop wanted to stop things right there but we went on. Warmup Side Straddle Hop 20 IC **Late disclaimer by Flip Flop - nice work Good Mornings 10 IC Willie Mays Hayes 10 IC Imperial Walkers 15 IC Plank Jacks 10 IC Merkins 10 IC The Thang [Read More]


Monday night, the un-word “covfefe” was introduced to the world. “What does it mean?” asked the world. Spicey says he knows what it means. OK, Sean, whatever you say bruh. Well, 16 top gun flight commanders cracked the code here at Danger Zone. As 13 of us stretched and exchanged pleasantries, 0545 struck. 3 more PAX came tires a’squealin into the parking lot about that time. Sorry boys, we start on time here in CarPex. [Read More]