It's cold, but it's no Reykjavik!

YHC was truly impressed with all the CARPex crazies talking EC last night on the MC Groupme channel. Between Insomnia, EC Ruck, OTB in South Wake and Pittsboro — and a Tortoise Challenge from @f3earhart — was anyone going to Post at the Utopia that is the unofficial Wednesday CARPex convergence? As @flipflopcarpex and YHC rolled into the parking lot, the answered seemed to be “no”. Lots of dark, homogenic, exhaust-spewing vehicles but little cold breath to be seen. [Read More]

Rochambeau or Roshambo?

Hannibal, the leader of the A-Team, had his famous catch phrase, “I love it when a plan comes together.” Here’s the thing when you’re the QIC of A-Team: you have to have a Plan A and a Plan B. The Q’s fate is held with Cheddar Bo. And like Cousin Eddie, Cheddar Bo shows up when he wants. On this morning, Cheddar-Bo was akin to a DZ Site Q…….nowhere to be found. [Read More]

Legendary Mumblechatter

Q: Captain Insane-o (KD Pax from F3 Louisville; YHC) Pax (21): Term Paper (respect), Yoga Mat (respect), Theisman, Emeril, Disco Duck, Angry Elf, Riptide, Shut In, Chinese Downhill (respect), Picachu, WKRP, Hermès, Midget (for Life), Sliderule, Banana Seat, Burt (respect), Half, Calllahan, Highlighter, Cody (respect), CI Conditions: 36, nippy, clear. Gear (for F3 Louisville Zoolander): Bud Light Tank Top (smedium), gloves, shorts, skull face doorag, lady’s socks, running shoes. I woke up 5 minutes before my 0450 am alarm, and jumped in the Jeep Patriot to head down to Bradford’s Ordinary, the self-proclaimed Best AO in Raleigh-Durham. [Read More]

WWW x 3 and Largemouth 2.0's B-day

Strong showing Wednesday morning for the birth of Largemouth’s 3rd child. I guess by your 3rd C-section you can tell your wife, “Hey babe, I’m gonna go for a run with the guys and I’ll meet you at the hospital!” We’ll see if she’ll cool with that with his 4th or 5th child… Insomnia had 8 in attendance: YHC, Snots, Shut-In, Pet Sounds, Callahan, Hermes, Largemouth and Michelob (Respect) For some reason Snots thought it would be a great combo for YHC to participate in Insomnia for YHC’s first time the week YHC has 6 Q’s… [Read More]

Deck Move

33 degrees. Clear. Dark. No Wind. 14 Dudes. 6 Headlights. 52 Cards. Warm Up Jog to the Field SSH, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Burt Jacks. Good Mornings, Flutter Kicks, Hand Release Merkins….done IC, 15-20 count. Thang. Deck of Death. 52 cards. 4 Moves. Jump Squats, Burbees, Hand Release Merkins and Plank Jacks. 1, 2, 3, 4,….13 random reps for each of the 4 moves. Run 50 yards out and back between every 4 / 6 cards. [Read More]

I am thankful & I am third

In an effort to add a few more Q’s to YHC’s list before the end of the year, YHC locked in on Thanksgiving morning at Bradford’s Ordinary a few months ago, only to later find out that it would be a Carpex Convergence… and 60-minutes at that. Have not fear PAX, YHC is up to the task and set forth to drop not only a beatdown on the you, but hopefully an impactful post, thus the theme of I am third. [Read More]

Hello Flacco

With a week of travel in front of many PAX, Hello Kitty alerted the Carpex region via GroupMe that there were prime Q spots open all week. A true HIM, Flacco stepped up for his VQ with Kitty close in tow to help along the journey. And with that, it was time for a Hello Flacco butt-whipping. PAX gathered for a gloomy SNS post. Insomnias back in from their jaunt, and a small group of Vespers heading out, it’s time to get after it. [Read More]

Rock! Rock! (Till You Drop)

16 Rock Stars came out on a crisp Friday morning to get stronger. Warm-Up Hustle around the pickle to the basketball courts and circle up for side straddle hops, imperical walkers, Sir Fazio arm twirlies (both ways), standard merkins and plank jacks. The Thang Hustle across the soggy soccer field to the rock pile and choose a travelling rock. Oops, Ford dropped his rock, everybody gets 10 penalty burpees OYO. [Read More]

The Traveling Jacks

When: Nov 16th, 2017 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Khakis, Riptide, Hermes, Hello Kitty, Half, Pickles, Callahan, Lite Brite, Gopher, Ma Bell, Angry Elf, Coney, Tecumseh, YHC Earhart YHC was nostalgic as he pulled into BO after two years of posting, sweating, grunting and crying with a great group of men. I cannot believe it has been two years, but what a great experience it has been so far. 13 PAX show-up, some doing the Hello Kitty Meow Mile EC, plant the flag and head-out, according to the Nan-Tan 30 seconds late. [Read More]

Was Now - Insomnia

F3 Cary/Apex Date: Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 9:02 PM Yep! New job started today. Definitely a good move! You may or may not want to join me for EC haha, I’m starting at 5am (maybe 5:05) and getting in 4 miles, then will meet back at SnS to mingle until y’all go warm up. Should be…fun? On February 13th 2017 Callahan got a new job which would make it impossible for him to post to Shakin Not Stirred. [Read More]