The OCTOTHREAT is real, people. Prepare yourselves!

Another glorious day in the gloom is upon us and YHC is ready for his second ever solo Q at his favorite AO, Bradford’s Ordinary (BO for short). As always, there’s been a lot of mumble chatter in CARPex and YHC has been trying to keep up. If only there was a way to organize our chatter in such a manner where one could easily find topics of conversation and @ their favorite PAX in order to provoke an immediate reply. [Read More]

My Infinity Loop is Bigger Than Yours

When Disco Duck’s call went out to the PAX due to a sparsely populated Q Sheet, YHC jumped in on a couple, including today’s Vesper. Yesterday’s FOD-a-ganza Qed by Shut-E inspired my route selection for today, only the Vesper crowd wants a little more than a quarter mile shindig I’m told. You can see the details in the images below, including the fact that Coney pushed me for a sub-8-minute mile in the last 1. [Read More]

St. Nick Delivers

Monday, February 6th the day after the Superbowl/Krispy Kreme weekend. Tough draw day to Q (blame it on MaBell). The combination of queso, wings and hops had the PAX a bit sluggish but we pressed on. Let’s see how it turned out: COP SSH; Good Mornings - You’re welcome Burt; Mountain Climbers; Merkins. Land Wars Run to the big hill and grab a partner; One partner runs up the hill and the other partner runs down the hill (Cone designates the middle); Meet back in the middle for 15 partner hand shake merkins; Run the hill twice or four segments (#mindblow). [Read More]

Vanilla Ice Cream Social

BB 18 HIM’s and one @f3_breathtaker (worn by @CK) joined YHC for a very vanilla DJQ at DZ. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the flag - Run the pickle twice alternating backwards run and both ways karaoke - Circle up for: Good Mornings, SSHs, Sir Fazio/OH Claps, Merkins, Hillbillies - Run to the shelter The Thang - While DJ Vanilla spins the hits, perform the listed exercises during each song and punctuate with the +exercise when you hear the magic word. [Read More]

What the heck is an Octothreat

As the Twitterserve would have it, YHC and some of the fellas including Captain Insano got into a deep-cut thread over the weekend and thus was born the “Octothreat.” With the pressure of the entire F3 Nation, YHC set out to embark the PAX on the first-ever Octothreat. But first, another solid showing at Insomnia. YHC was looking for the easy way out before the Q on this morn, but the peer pressure pushed YHC into the 0505 start time (sorry to Angry Elf who showed up like a HIM at 0520 for recon). [Read More]

Puttin the mpo in Up Tempo

On a delightfully warm, yet misty morning, 14 PAX rolled into the gloom hoping to check the Kryptonite box for what would be an easy Ma Bell workout (at least that’s what Hermes said). ‘Twas not to be. At 0530 - OK, 05:30:20 seconds. Come on fancy watch, catch a GPS signal already! - we rolled on. As per normal, #15 (I’ll let you guess who that was) came in on 2 wheels as we ran (at a pretty good clip, mind you) around the parking lot onto the greenway toward the lake and back around to the parking lot for [Read More]

Birthday Extravaganza and January 26 History Lesson

YHC’s birthday fell on a Friday this year so of course I was planning to Q the best AO in Carpex, on Friday, in North Cary. To my delight, Saban has the same birthday and the same plans. The Co-Q fix was in. 14 arrived, one was a FNG - 13 on time, Flip flop was late. Come on bro, as a future site-Q, you are going to have to tighten up. [Read More]

The Pax Will Not Be Silenced

16 loudmouths gathered at the gates of Apex Skate Park in hopes that their choice of Bounty Hunters (aka the AO not Q’d by Hi-Liter) would provide some welcome relief. Of course, YHC, being a man of the people, took requests. “Not too much running, no burpees, and few Merkins, if you don’t mind McCants.” Really? Well, there you have it. Warmup: High tempo lap around the outside of the soccer field, Freddy Mercury’s until the six shows up, SSH, Lil Man JJ, and, oh, wait, Burt wants to storm the circle since his Hokies won a home game? [Read More]

1/24/18 - TheMaynard and some clean feet

Well there were about 8 or 9 HC’s on the Slack channel for the pre-blasts. Turns out we had 23 run the 10.7 miles for The Maynard or as our Nantan apparently wants to call it: The May May. We also had 1 legendary servant leader: Shut-in volunteering to wash our feet, I mean serve as our course manager/swag waggon/emotional support/cooler retriever/safety official/cheerleader/mentor/and all around High Impact Man! If you are not sharpened by his Iron then you are doing it wrong. [Read More]

Agility City: High-Tempo Style

Finally got to Q the AO known as Kryptonite, which is listed on the F3Carpex site as “high tempo”. That being said, it has always been unclear to me what “high tempo” exactly means in a F3 workout. Oh, YHC has been to quite a few of “high tempo” F3 workouts, including Kryptonite and F3 Raleigh’s Whiplash. Yes, the aforementioned “high tempo” workouts are without question more physically straining, but are they really high tempo? [Read More]