Amazing Race, Cary Edition

13 PAX hit the streets of Cary for a special edition of Amazing Race. There were only winners in this contest, and everyone showed great spirit and teamwork in completing the challenges. Who knew a scavenger hunt could be so painful? For something a little different, we gathered in the church parking lot for a quick warmup before learning the rules of the game: Warmup: Good mornings, Imperial Walkers (or hillbillies, Flacco style), Side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes (one of YHC’s favorites) [Read More]

Field Trip

Field trip day at Carpex’s premier Friday AO in the 27513 zip code. Little chitty-chat among the PAX to start, “Holy shnikies it’s windy. Is that a tail wind, Coney?” A quick disclaimer to FNG Nick and we’re headed out of the park and on the road towards the Veterans’ Memorial, because YHC has a half a Mary coming up and needs some miles before a LONG run manana w/ @mabellcarpex. [Read More]

'Roid Rage

YHC has been battling some sort of crud for the past 8 weeks, and finally found relief in the form of …STEROIDS! That’s right all you spindly jabronis, can you smell what the doc is cookin’? This mofo is JACKED UP and ready to work out after a 2 1/2 week hiatus. So buckle up, we’re gonna make like a bunch of gym rats and knock out a whole week’s worth of pump in 35 minutes. [Read More]

Fifty-two pick-up

Sixteen HIM gathered in the A-Team gloom this morning to help YHC celebrate a 52nd lap around the sun. It was extra gloomy, but the temps were perfect. As anyone knows who has Q’d A-Team, it pays to have a plan A and a plan B, depending on what time CheddarBo rolls in to unlock the gate. 5:45 and no sign of him, so plan B is in effect. No FNGs, but YHC does a quick facsimile of the disclaimer anyway, and we’re off. [Read More]

Some Things Never Change

Prologue: extensive interviews took place with several OGs of Carpex to obtain information for the following epic story of Danger Zone. The history of the Danger Zone, the original Area of Operation in Carpex, runs deeeeeep. As fate, or faith, would have it…..the location for the greatest AO in the U.S.A was obvious. [There were a couple of other trials at other Cary locations: Walnut Street Park and Kids Together Park (site of current FWD), but North Cary Park ultimately was selected]. [Read More]

A #2 in the Woods is NOT a Double Down!

Nice morning. 63 degrees. Overcast. 15 for insomnia pre-run. Pet Sounds does the Duece in the woods adjacent to parking lot between EC and SNS. All of the ingredients were present. 32 dudes showed up and split into 3 groups. 14 for Boot Camp, 14 for Vespers (further split into two groups) and 4 for Rolling Stones. Gotta love Wednesdays in Bond Park. Pax List includes SNS, Vesper and the Rolling Stone Pax. [Read More]

Back Blast[oise]

I knew I wanted to do it at some point. 8 calendar days into the Q game seemed pretty early to break it out, but @F3CaryBO forced my hand. And as I started to piece together the workout options… there are too many ideas to be contained in 45 minutes, so consider this round one. I may have hidden from the Q spotlight for a year, but now my penchant for gimmicky theme is coming into view and I can hide it no longer. [Read More]

Another Rainy Day in Kryptonite City

Date : 02/19/18 , QIC Fluoride Roll up to Kryptonite for my Q with 2 mins. to spare, early for me. Surely it won’t rain 3 weeks in a row, Wrongggg!!! Granted it was a light rain and slightly cold, but rain none the less, and I hate to work out in the rain. The usual crew was there but good to see some new faces, Snots, Jigglypuff, Texas Ranger and Yogi, and Burt who is semi-regular, hard to miss him when you get out of the car, pontificating on the news of the weekend. [Read More]


After returning home from the Oak City Recovery Run Club block party on Tuesday night, I sat with the M watching the Bachelor Winter Games (because I suppose that’s more entertaining than the quadrennial actual winter games), looking at a map of Bond Park, and perusing the exicon and this fine F3 nation page. It was a 2 hour show. We are diehard Bachelor fans (cc: @AndrewPass and @AP013 on Twitter). [Read More]

Keep It Simple

You really only have two options when it’s rainy, or cold, or gawd-awful hot and humid, or you’re a little sore, or tired, or pick any of the excuses you’ve heard from sad clowns in your orbit: you can embrace the suck and press on, or you can cash it in. Embracing the suck is transformational. It builds discipline and resilience, it provides a sense of accomplishment at overcoming challenges, and it deepens bonds with any of the other crazy yahoos out there with you. [Read More]