Shakin' not Stirred 4/25/18 Day 3 -- The '80's

The week of Smokey continues with the music of the ‘80’s. Joining us in the gloom were artists like Kenny Logins, Def Leppard, and Bon Jovi to name a few. 36 PAX were there for Vesper and SnS. 28 actually got to listen to the music. We began with a quick run around the parking lot to warm up in front of the senior center. Warm Up SSH Imperial Walkers [Read More]


Here’s some maths knowledge for y’all - and why on Earth we would do anything as stupid (completely, utterly…?) as incorporate a Fibonacci sequence into a workout. For those of you who have been at this awhile, you may have experienced the Nautilus, a workout that starts at the center of something and spirals outward. A nautilus is a natural embodiment of the Golden Ratio, a mathematical expression that refers to the ratio of two addends to their sum and each other. [Read More]

BO 2 Yr Anniversary

BO was my first Carpex post, 4/28/16. MCants had the Q. He was so cool to me and made me feel part of the PAX immediately. 5:45rolled around and off we went, headed to school and did some warms up, 23 Merkins for Gibson. We then did so 4 corners work for Ma Bell, then we did some running work with Mary mixed in, then some dips and squats by the water fountain. [Read More]

Tabata Tango

To celebrate the 420 holiday, I decided to forget it was 420 and not incorporate it into my Q. Darnit, missed opportunity. Instead, I laid out an ambitious plan to traverse the DZ soccer fields in a modified 4-corners, tabata style. But alas, the Town of Cary department of parks and recreation had other plans when they launched the sprinkler system to aptly moisten the pitch. You can imagine my dismay when I showed up nice and early for setup, fully equipped with cones and headlamp (more on that later). [Read More]

Hidden Hills of Apex

Temps in the mid 40s. A perfect day for a strong group of 21 PAX to log a few miles and eat some hills for breakfast. Good to see Yoda make the trip from Raleigh again, and his guy Curry. This was YHC’s 2-week delayed birthday Q, after being sick with the flu on my actual birthday. Thanks to Burt for the beer lesson and for bringing me the gift of various of Anheuser Busch products (you know, because Michelob). [Read More]

Jump Set Spike Rock

As Friday morning rolled around and my soreness from the SNS Q still sang its sweet chords up and down my quads, glutes and hamstrings, I realized that today may not be a good day for excessive leg work. A few of my fellow SNS PAX quickly agreed - thanks for the nudge Liverpool and Chanticleer. Luckily I was not without any ideas having pre-blasted some volleyball action at the DZ sand court. [Read More]

A Pierogi Confession

To whit: I had not, to date, really tried to deliver a good ol’, shut yo’ mouth F3 beatdown so when the SNS Twitter handle kindly reminded YHC of the Q the next day, that’s what I vowed to try and do. If the other PAX feel even a small fraction as sore as I do this afternoon, success! Warmup SSH Sir Fazio & claps Cotton pickers Thang: Form into 3 lines and scout run to the end of the main road through Bond (sprint to the light post) Recover care of Jack Webb 1:4 Merkins:Air presses Catch Me Indian Run to main parking lot (5 DM when peeling off) Recover with Lt Dans 1:4 Squats:Lunges (each leg one) 4 corner escalator (10-20-30-40) - 10x squat - 10x LBC - 10x overhead claps - 10x burpees Bear-crawl inchworm to the end of the parking lot No time for mini-Dora so Mosey back to main parking lot for… High tempo Mary: American Hammers x10 IC Leg Raises x10 IC Heel touches x10 IC LBC x10 IC Boat/canoe x10 Flutter kick IC (each PAX did a 4 count around the COT… ~120 total) COT: Count-a-rama: 22 for SNS and another 8 for Vespers (Hermes, Term Paper, Michelob, Hot Spot +3 others I don’t recall or thought were with SNS the whole time) Announcements: F3 Dads camp: sign up! [Read More]

Deck of Danger...Zone, That Is

A PAX could be forgiven for thinking I was phoning in a second Q in as many days by bringing the US Playing Card Company Red Bicycle deck with me to Danger Zone this AM, but I planned several surprises to make this more than a mere deck of death. Its another variation on the Hamburger Helper theme of easy to run workouts. But don’t worry, all is forgiven Shut-In. Also, it’s not the first time someone has suggested I might not be able to adequately Q two workouts in a row (see “Don’t Sandbag Me Bro” to see how that went). [Read More]

Lamp Posts and Pickle Pounders

The day had come: YHC’s F3-aversary – 365 days since stumbling out into the gloom at SNS and earning a new appreciation of the nuances of Bond Park. To commemorate, YHC chose to Q at BO in downtown Cary. BO has become a favorite because of the variety of options it presents and how no two workouts seem to be the same. Making sure that today would be no different, we prepare to head out into the lamp post-lit gloom. [Read More]

Needle-scratch Moment

I’ve Q’d enough times (though not as much lately) that I’m not usually nervous beforehand. I was nervous today, anticipating the reaction of the PAX at what I had in store. Still, I had it on good authority that it was a worthy idea. Huh. Two minutes to go, FNG present, big PAX turnout, and aforementioned Good Authority nowhere to be seen. Well, let’s make the most of it. Warm-up Jog to Community Center lot. [Read More]