Rocks, Rocks and more Rocks

Was enjoying chatting up the group when suddenly it was time to go - one burpee OYO i called and then follow me. FIrst Moore came up to me and was very concerned about where we were headed as his FNG had not yet arrived. Dont worry i assured him as we rounded the corner to the back of the parking lot as i had every intention of staying in the exact same parking lot for our warm up. [Read More]

Where's the Rain?

So we got lucky on the rain, 10 cool guys showed up and we got after it. Nice slow jog up to a parking lot, did 23 Merkins in honor of my son Gibson, 10 Windmills, 10 Plankjacks and 10 Hill Billies. Part one was some Fry Daddy ’s Speed Racers, 5 Burpess and one lap, 10 Burpees and 2 Laps, 5 Burpees and 3 laps. Part 2 was slow jog to rock pile, we did curls, rows and tricep extension with some running to a variety of light poles. [Read More]

Cadence Count Cluster warm up followed by flawless Thangs

The morning may have gotten off to a rocky start but we finished strong by doing over 2 miles and honoring our beloved Bojangles Warm up 10 Good mornings, followed by 20 or so SSH’s followed by a failed attempt to do imperial walkers in cadence Thang 1 - Moseyed down to the lower parking lot and did Bojangles with Blueberries. 3 laps around the pickle with 5 burpeee’s after lap 1, 10 burpee’s after lap 2 and 15 burpee’s after lap 3. [Read More]

Monday- Funday!

23 HIM strong in the very moist & gloomy Wolverine – so much for the bright sunshine post time change. T-Claps for 2 FNGs coming out in the rain – nice start! We started with the pledge of allegiance at the flag. Cross Davis to the west sidewalk & head up to the middle school - started the warm up in the front, but moved to the back to avoid the garbage truck… [Read More]

The Mag Mile

A beautifully clear day at Wolverine. 5:30 in the morning - 50 degrees. Moon is clear and stars are out. Had an aggressive plan for this morning, but 31 PAX showed up for a beatdown, so I had to adjust. I had planned for a Track & Field event, but ended up with only the track - well, I have my next Q tee’d up. We ran The Magnificent Mile - Nicknamed “The Mag Mile”. [Read More]

What a Cluster

Here’s an idea; pax show up and we put all of their names in a hat and draw at random to lead parts of the beatdown. Aye? Aye! 22 on hand, 1 is an FNG. Quick disclaimer and send the men to the library. Warm ups: Pickles Cluster 1: Burt is pulled and he calls random Jack Webb’s … signature move Cluster 2: Red Lobster gets pulled out of the hat and takes the pax to the fountain for 3 rounds of bear crawls and lunges while partner pax amrap exercises. [Read More]

Welcome to DanKryptoPeak

It wasn’t my intention of running a Kryptonite-style workout the day before Odyssey but from the mumble chatter, that’s what it turned out to be. I debated what I should do for today’s Q and what I didn’t want to be sore tomorrow, so I was hoping this was the right choice. According to some, I failed. PAX of 1 (YHC) for an EC run PAX of 4 for EC pull-ups. [Read More]

99 percent participation became 100 percent

So for my second Q YHC decide to Q at the place I posted for the Second time, and place that has become a favorite of mine Bradfords Ordinary As we waited for pax to arrive a few comments were made about the sweatshirt I was wearing and lack of tank top. I did wear the tanktop and shed the coat, Loom put the tank top over his F3 shirt prompting Burt to say we had 99% percent participation in TTT. [Read More]


30+ Pax found a way to get to Bond Park Senior Center today between the hours of 0430 and 0545. Some arrived that early for #TheMaynard, others a little later for #Insomnia, and picking up the 6 were those ready for a #Beatdown or a #Vesper run. For those that couldn’t make it a new(ish) F3 Lexicon word was discovered by YHC during a recent 43Feet podcast. Some guys faced certain circumstances; work, family, scheduling, issues and had to fartsack. [Read More]

Sometimes Vanilla is the Right Flavor

Ever since I attended my first themed workout, I knew that is the way I wanted to go when I started Q’ing. I believe it was a Hello Kitty Q themed on the college football playoffs, nothing fancy, but it was never the less, inspirational. However, a time comes in every man’s life where he has to embrace change and also that time was Sunday night where he hasn’t come up with a theme and needs to go to bed, hence my first vanilla Q. [Read More]