The Brickyard

When: 07/24/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds PAX - 20 total The Brickyard. Following along with the message from last week YHC sees F3 as a way for all PAX to challenge themselves to prepare for whatever comes their way. The pavers at first did not feel heavy and were laughed at by some PAX. However just as in life what starts easy can sometimes derail and turn difficult quickly. To be Life Ready, we must push ourselves through new experiences and challenges. [Read More]

Where in the Hell is Dante's Peak?

I knew there would come a time when I would make the trek over to Apex Nature Boy Park. Home of Carpex’s quiet workout. Only been to DP once and was in trouble early on for being a little loud. 78 degrees, humid as hell, 32 33 Pax rolled in to have some fun, get stronger and learn that, as in life, workouts are best if not in a straight line. [Read More]

A-team Ninja Warrriors

Holy open gates Batman! Over the course of the last few months, YHC has gotten pretty used to the gates being closed, so therefore the workouts have all been planned around that being the case for the last several Q’s at YHC’s beloved Ateam. This was the first time plans were foiled due to OPEN gates! YHC put the EC on neighbor Cliff (Blackout) who was Carpex’s newest FNG. He was the ONLY FNG this fine morning, despite some PAX members taking joy in confusing your hapless Q. [Read More]

HSP Circuit Fun and More

Lucky 13 PAX showed up at Hunter Street Park on a beautiful 60-degree June morning for my first Q since milestone birthday week a few months ago. We were all about to confirm that the 0.5-mile loop around this AO lends itself pretty well to a nice little running circuit with a few pain stations. 0545 approaches, none of the prolific mumblechatterers in attendance (probably at BO with Burt), quick check for FNGs (none), and a brief announcement that there will be no awkward partner exercises today… and off we go. [Read More]

Self Driving Q

YHC and 4 members of the F3CARPExDIEM BRR Team spent the weekend battling mountains, so there were to be no squats today. While the PAX waited at the locked front gate, a local seasoned citized walked up and informed the PAX the he had just seen a video with a self driving bike. He couldn’t belive we would send our kids to school on a self driving bike. What’s next? BONG - 6:45 sharp - after a quick scan for FNG’s we were off (Whoops) [Read More]

You NEED me to tell that joke!

A large crowd gathered in the drizzly gloom. It was as if God was crying over the tragic death of our F3 Lexington brother, Cheech. At 0545, we gathered around the shovel flag and bowed our heads for a moment of silent prayer in his remembrance. Then - as I’m sure Cheech would have wanted - off we went. To the back, past Cheddar Bo shed, around the cul-de-sac, and back toward the shovel flag to the opening in the fence to the football fields. [Read More]

Swimming laps

YHC had it all planned out. Looked months in advance (well, maybe weeks) to find THE Monday that would mark my 2nd F3versary. Hotspot’s big suicide was my first introduction to an F3 workout. It didn’t kill me, but it was pretty close. Then, I realized, oh crud I have a weeklong project at work that starts THE SAME DAY that I had signed up to Q. Frantic, hurried inquiries with Hotspot and McCants to see if we could swap up the order. [Read More]

Time for Deliverance

June 12, 2017 The Twitter machine for today’s FOD workout kicked off early yesterday with a PBX call out for deliverance. Funny how karma works. YHC played along and immediately took the Q spot at #F3RushHour, dueling Banjo Qs in one day. Yes it is time for deliverance. The line has been drawn between the sedate city lifestyle and the unpredictability of the rural margin. Deadly weapons remained at home but the dueling Banjo Qs began in earnest at FOD. [Read More]

CARPEx Murph 2017

This year marked the second time CARPEx held its own Memorial Day Murph, and its first as an official region. Last year at this time, the CARPEx/CAPEx naming discussion was still heated. If YHC recalled, Term Paper even had a shirt made up with CAPEx on one side and CARPeX on the other. Ah, those were the days. Apparently they are lost to history, as when the Backblast was searched for, it couldn’t be located on the site for a hyperlink. [Read More]

I heard you like burpees.

20 PAX gathered in the unGloom this fine morning. 19 stayed for the disclaimer. 18 stayed for COT. All got better. YHC had been traveling this past week, missing the PAX after a Monday post at A-Team, then a series of DIY adventures. Time to get back to business. Lucky me, I had time to scout and ponder with PBX before the workout today. Time under a log is always good for introspection. [Read More]