
In the interest of full disclosure I have to admit that I had totally forgotten that I signed up to Q A-Team. Originally I had this planned for my rest day of the 1-Year Anniversary Q Week, but guess I signed up at some point so who needs rest days anyway. So in coming up for a workout I thought of some of the good ones I’ve been to at A-Team over the last year and realized they were a lot of different spots so why not try to tour the whole area. [Read More]

55/2 - Birthiversary - Chest/Bicep

Today we continue with Geek Week celebrating my 55th BDay and 2 year Anniversary in F3. 17 endured chest and biceps plus a few walkers. When all was said and done, including all exercises, we did 174 merkins and 80 rock curls. Way to go men! Warm up Good morning Fazio arm circles, overhead clap, seal clap 10 CFM Merkins 5+5+2 Burpees Thang 1 - Ladder work Starting point - 10 Merkins 1st light- 10 Hand release merkins 2nd light- 10 Big rock Curls 3rd light- 10 Small rocks side curls 4th light- 10 Small rocks chest flies 5th light- 10 Inchworm merkins Thang 2 - 5s on the hill [Read More]


Last year I was out of town on my birthday, so this year I planned early and signed up for the Q slot for A-Team months ago. Little did I know how different the world would be over the past few months. I am thankful we are able to get out each morning, support each other, and move our bodies! Here is what went down today: Arrived a bit early, Crimson was complaining that I had him leave a few minutes earlier than normal but it was great to meet the PAX as the arrived. [Read More]

The Dragon's Tail (or is that tale?)

Luckily, YHC was in bed by 10:00, so plenty of rest before the Q at SNS. But, it was a long day. It was my day to home school my two girls so the M could work. After dominating the Letterland lesson, we crushed counting to 100 by fives and tens. I was mentally exhausted. YHC did rebound for science and P.E., and then, in the spirit of my kids missing being at school, cooked up some droopy square pizza for lunch. [Read More]

Return of the Deck II

YHC read Kermit’s Rush Hour BB yesterday and thought it was time to bring out a slightly different version of the deck. Funny story first though. Yesterday YHC posted to the Cary Cartel channel an optional to EC before BH to work the Hillz challenge. Plan was to meet at the bottom of the Shepherd’s Vineyard segment and run in then do another repeat on the way back. No one smashed the HC button so I wasn’t expecting anyone so I was very pleasantly surprised to see two cars in the parking lot at 0505 when I pulled up. [Read More]

What a co-inky-dink

At 0510 I parked my car at Apex Nature Park. At 0515 I set off on a little EC run. At 0542 I arrived back at my car to find 10 other HIM standing around. So at 0545, I asked them if they wanted to join me in some random exercising. They agreed. So we were off. Mosey to the top parking lot and circle up. **Warm-Up **Good Morning, Windmill, Steve Earle [Read More]

Fancy Meeting You Here

Here is the account of the off-the-books, unofficial, not-F3 Bounty Hunters workout from March 26, 2020. It was such a coincidence that YHC bumped into Schlitz and Compound W right where we would normally meet, at 0530, in the expansive domain otherwise known as Hunter Street Park. We were looking for Hanson, who may have mentioned something about running and doing Merkins. There were also some ladies there, presumably doing a NOT-FiA workout. [Read More]

Bartmanniversary V

Strange times. I’d like to think that five years ago when I ventured to A-Team for my first post, I knew I’d be back ITG today to commemorate it. I surely couldn’t have predicted anything else going on in the world this week. Just one day prior, YHC had rucked the OTB TRM thanks to Old Maid Productions. Not feeling tip-top shape today but let’s see what we can do. Good to meet some newer guys like Mama’s Boy and Shipyard. [Read More]


At the time of this Q, I still thought Social Distance was the length you went to to post and Q outside your comfort zone - to meet and greet some new PAX. My how times change… At the helm of BH today and a decent group kept swelling with late arrivals. However, most PAX were tapering or bruising, so we were left with only 7 for the ME. And my lazy, isolated, kid-watching self is simply dropping the weinke on you. [Read More]

F.O.D. (Finally On-site, Da*#it)

Despite Bartman setting the bar pretty low for Site Qs (here), I still think I manage to limbo it more than hurdle it. Having missed the past two weeks at FOD due to illness and fartsackiness, I was on the hook for the Q today. Since, as the site Q, I was my own back-up, I kinda sorta had to show. I think there is a lesson here… Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-Up) [Read More]