Q Week: Day 1 Winterfell Recon

This week marks the one year anniversary of YHCs first posting with F3, and as such I am marking it with 5 Qs in 5 Days. Given all the craziness of the world, YHC feels that it is necessary to give the PAX something to rely on, a good beatdown. This week also marks the first week of the new Monday AO in WCary, Winterfell. This site will have a 0530 launch, with plenty of EC options available to the PAX. [Read More]

Q Week: Day 2 FOD

Day 2 of my Q week was a success with the PAX of WCary, giving a good showing given the current situation. Having focused on arms and shoulders the previous day, YHC wanted to give the PAX a well-balanced workout, so today’s beatdown focused elsewhere. However, due to that focus, YHC had some struggle with cadence counting the exercises today (T-Claps to Franklin for sorting it out). Warm Up: Mosey to top of the hill lot. [Read More]

Lexicon V-Z

A beautiful morning at the Big Tent. 11 PAX joined in to complete Lexicon A-Z.

Warm up

  • Windmill
  • Walmart Burbee
  • Wide Arm Merkin
  • Zombie Crawl (plank position - crawl with feet dragging behind)

The only Thang

  • Walls of Jericho - squat, merkin, LBC, crab cake (L/R=1), T-Bone, SSH, nipple touches (L/R=1)


  • V-Up Roll Up
  • War Hammer - Jack Webb style (1 WWII with 4 American Hammer)
  • Vacuum Cleaner (with partner, wheelbarrow length of parking lot line, 5 derkins, wheelbarrow back, repeato, then flapjack)

Lazy Ass Hofberg

There were a few HIM who got after some EC running. YHC and Banjo tackled 5.5 and we saw the Mother of all Bells show up for some, but as I went to press I did not know how far he ran or who joined him. But if you did you know who you are and what you did. 0545 No FNG No reason for Disclaimer No time for the pledge. [Read More]

Lexicon P, Q, R

16 PAX for a rainy day workout. Some for a run while some had to endure Lexicon P, Q, R. Welcome FNG Daniel - now called Shrubbery. Pledge Prisoner Indian Ran to lower parking lot. Warmup 10 Peter Parker 10 Plank Jacks 10 Prisoner Squat 10 Randys 10 Red Bull Smurf Jack Thang 1 Quadraphilia - 2 light poles backwards, 5 Prisoner Squats, 1 light pole forward, 5 Red Bull Smurf Jacks, Repeato Thang 2 [Read More]


22 men decided to start their week off right at Wolverine, where we attempted to force our collective Garmin watches to register some anaerobic benefit of a workout while logging few miles for my recently-post-long-run knees. And we succeeded with a custom-built Tabata-timed work out featuring only ONE thang, repeated three times. Each exercise was 45-seconds AMRAP, with 15 seconds to transition onward. Hand-release Merkin Flutter Squat Australian Snow Angel [Read More]

You Get a Rock, You Get a Rock, EVERYBODY GETS A ROCK!

YHC continued my tour of the West Carpex AOs that started my F3 career with a trip to Field of Dreams. This trip was bound to be a good one with the plethora of choices the Q has at their disposal, and I hope the PAX got exactly what they paid for with their expensive F3 membership. Warm-up: YHC noticed that the PAX were quite happy to see one another this morning, because the mumblechatter was on point to start. [Read More]

South Of The Border

YHC started posting at Flying Circus when I first joined F3 in March of ’19, since moving the Durm’ I have not been back to post with Carpex but on a couple of occasions. My new year’s resolution is therefore to post and Q some of the Carpex AOs in WCary. Warm-up: 5 GM Cadence, 10 Windmills Cadence, 15 Side SHUFFLE Hops (Side Straddle Hops just sounds weird), 20 Mtn. Climbers [Read More]

Figure 8 and some healthy competition

Who doesn’t love to get pushed by their brothers? 16 HIM pushed and pulled each other along at GT. Warm-up: Mosey to the greenway parking lot for some cadence-counted Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Calf stretches, Merkins, and Side Straddle Hops. Thang 1: Burpee-intervals, with the winner of each interval earning the chance to rest and pick up the six. But mostly we saw Beaker’s back. Then a group run to the figure-eight flagpole. [Read More]

Ultimate Frisbee!!!!!

After seeing a post about starting up a sports AO, I was inspired to lead an ultimate Frisbee workout. Luckily I own an LED Frisbee, so we can play in the dark, add a few glow bracelets for team identification and were good to go. After gathering in the parking lot and a pretty poor recitation of the disclaimer for the FNG, we mosey to the frozen tundra of flying circus. [Read More]